
When D’Artagnan was out of the Louvre, and consulted his friends upon the use he had best make of his share of the forty pistoles, Athos advised him to order a good repast at the Pomme-de-Pin, Porthos to engage a lackey, and Aramis to provide himself with a suitable mistress.

The repast was carried into effect that very day, and the lackey waited at table. —
餐点当天就准备好了,男仆在桌前等候。 —

The repast had been ordered by Athos, and the lackey furnished by Porthos. —
这顿饭是阿索斯点的,男仆是波托斯提供的。 —

He was a Picard, whom the glorious Musketeer had picked up on the Bridge Tournelle, making rings and plashing in the water.

Porthos pretended that this occupation was proof of a reflective and contemplative organization, and he had brought him this gentleman, for whom he believed himself to be engaged, had won Planchet–that was the name of the Picard. —
波托斯假装这种职业证明了他思考和沉思的本质,于是他把这位绅士,自认为正在为他工作的人,赢得了普朗谢–这是那位皮卡迪人的名字。 —

He felt a slight disappointment, however, when he saw that this place was already taken by a compeer named Mousqueton, and when Porthos signified to him that the state of his household, though great, would not support two servants, and that he must enter into the service of D’Artagnan. —
但当他看到这个位置已经被一个名叫穆斯奎托的同伴占据时,他感到了一丝失望,波托斯告诉他,尽管他的家庭地位很高,但只能养活一个仆人,所以他必须进入达达尼昂的服务。 —

Nevertheless, when he waited at the dinner given my his master, and saw him take out a handful of gold to pay for it, he believed his fortune made, and returned thanks to heaven for having thrown him into the service of such a Croesus. —
然而,在主人宴客时等候之际,看到他拿出一把金子付账,他认为自己幸运至极,为能为这样的富翁服务而感谢上天。 —

He preserved this opinion even after the feast, with the remnants of which he repaired his own long abstinence; —
他甚至在宴会结束后依然坚持这个看法,用宴席剩余的食物填饱了自己已久的饥饿。 —

but when in the evening he made his master’s bed, the chimeras of Planchet faded away. —
但当他在晚上铺好主人的床时,普朗谢的幻想渐渐消失了。 —

The bed was the only one in the apartment, which consisted of an antechamber and a bedroom. —
床是房间里唯一的一张,房间有一个前厅和一间卧室。 —

Planchet slept in the antechamber upon a coverlet taken from the bed of D’Artagnan, and which D’Artagnan from that time made shift to do without.

Athos, on his part, had a valet whom he had trained in his service in a thoroughly peculiar fashion, and who was named Grimaud. —
阿多斯也有一个仆人,他是按照特殊方式训练,名叫格里莫。 —

He was very taciturn, this worthy signor. —
这位仆人非常寡言。 —

Be it understood we are speaking of Athos. During the five or six years that he had lived in the strictest intimacy with his companions, Porthos and Aramis, they could remember having often seen him smile, but had never heard him laugh. —
他是阿多斯的仆人。在与他的同伴波托斯和阿拉米斯密切相处的五六年间,他们记得经常见他微笑,但从未听到他笑过。 —

His words were brief and expressive, conveying all that was meant, and no more; —
他说话简洁而有表现力,表达所需之事而不多余; —

no embellishments, no embroidery, no arabesques. —
没有修饰,没有装饰,没有花纹装饰。 —

His conversation a matter of fact, without a single romance.

Although Athos was scarcely thirty years old, and was of great personal beauty and intelligence of mind, no one knew whether he had ever had a mistress. —
尽管阿多斯还不到三十岁,相貌端庄美丽,智慧超群,但无人知晓他是否有过情人。 —

He never spoke of women. He certainly did not prevent others from speaking of them before him, although it was easy to perceive that this kind of conversation, in which he only mingled by bitter words and misanthropic remarks, was very disagreeable to him. —
他从不谈论女人。他并没有阻止别人在他面前谈论她们,尽管很容易看出这种谈话方式,他只能用尖刻的话和憎恶人类的备注混在其中,对他非常不愉快。 —

His reserve, his roughness, and his silence made almost an old man of him. —
他的保守、粗糙和沉默让他显得颇有老人风范。 —

He had, then, in order not to disturb his habits, accustomed Grimaud to obey him upon a simple gesture or upon a simple movement of his lips. —
因此,为了不打扰他的习惯,他习惯让格里莫在他简单的手势或微动嘴唇时就服从他。 —

He never spoke to him, except under the most extraordinary occasions.

Sometimes, Grimaud, who feared his master as he did fire, while entertaining a strong attachment to his person and a great veneration for his talents, believed he perfectly understood what he wanted, flew to execute the order received, and did precisely the contrary. —
有时,Grimaud害怕他的主人就像害怕火一样,同时对他的人格有强烈的依恋和对他的才能有崇敬,认为自己完全理解主人想要的东西,飞快地执行收到的命令,却偏偏相反。 —

Athos then shrugged his shoulders, and, without putting himself in a passion, thrashed Grimaud. —
阿多斯耸耸肩,没有发火,就责打了Grimaud。 —

On these days he spoke a little.

Porthos, as we have seen, had a character exactly opposite to that of Athos. He not only talked much, but he talked loudly, little caring, we must render him that justice, whether anybody listened to him or not. —
正如我们所见,波尔图斯的性格完全与阿多斯相反。他不仅话多,而且声音洪亮,基本不在乎是否有人听他说。 —

He talked for the pleasure of talking and for the pleasure of hearing himself talk. —
他说话是为了说话的乐趣,也是为了听到自己说话的乐趣。 —

He spoke upon all subjects except the sciences, alleging in this respect the inveterate hatred he had borne to scholars from his childhood. —
除了科学领域,他几乎谈论所有话题,理由是他从小就对学者怀有根深蒂固的仇恨。 —

He had not so noble an air as Athos, and the commencement of their intimacy often rendered him unjust toward that gentleman, whom he endeavored to eclipse by his splendid dress. —
他的风度没有阿多斯那样高贵,他们的友谊开端时,他经常对那位绅士不公正,想要通过其辉煌的服饰来超越他。 —

But with his simple Musketeer’s uniform and nothing but the manner in which he threw back his head and advanced his foot, Athos instantly took the place which was his due and consigned the ostentatious Porthos to the second rank. —
但是,只要睿智的火枪手制服加上他抬头和大步前进的方式,阿多斯立刻占据了属于他应得的位置,并把炫耀的波尔图斯排到第二位。 —

Porthos consoled himself by filling the antechamber of M. de Treville and the guardroom of the Louvre with the accounts of his love scrapes, after having passed from professional ladies to military ladies, from the lawyer’s dame to the baroness, there was question of nothing less with Porthos than a foreign princess, who was enormously fond of him.

An old proverb says, “Like master, like man.” —
一句古谚说,“有其主必有其仆。” —

Let us pass, then, from the valet of Athos to the valet of Porthos, from Grimaud to Mousqueton.

Mousqueton was a Norman, whose pacific name of Boniface his master had changed into the infinitely more sonorous name of Mousqueton. —
Mousqueton是一位诺曼底人,他主人将他平和的Boniface改成了更加响亮的名字Mousqueton。 —

He had entered the service of Porthos upon condition that he should only be clothed and lodged, though in a handsome manner; —
他进入波尔图斯的服务,条件是只提供衣食,尽管以一种豪华的方式; —

but he claimed two hours a day to himself, consecrated to an employment which would provide for his other wants. —
但他要求每天有两个小时属于他自己,用于一项能够满足他其他需求的工作。 —

Porthos agreed to the bargain; the thing suited him wonderfully well. —
把索斯同意了这个交易;这件事对他来说非常合适。 —

He had doublets cut out of his old clothes and cast-off cloaks for Mousqueton, and thanks to a very intelligent tailor, who made his clothes look as good as new by turning them, and whose wife was suspected of wishing to make Porthos descend from his aristocratic habits, Mousqueton made a very good figure when attending on his master.

As for Aramis, of whom we believe we have sufficiently explained the character–a character which, like that of his lackey was called Bazin. Thanks to the hopes which his master entertained of someday entering into orders, he was always clothed in black, as became the servant of a churchman. —
至于亚拉米斯,我们认为我们已经足够解释了他的性格——一个像他的仆人巴申一样的性格。由于他的主人有望有一天能够进入教士的阶层,他总是穿着黑色,这样更适合一个牧师的仆人。 —

He was a Berrichon, thirty-five or forty years old, mild, peaceable, sleek, employing the leisure his master left him in the perusal of pious works, providing rigorously for two a dinner of few dishes, but excellent. —
他是个贝里肯人,三十五或四十岁,温和,和平,衣冠楚楚,他主人让他休息时,他就会查阅一些虔诚的作品,为两人提供几道美味的菜肴。 —

For the rest, he was dumb, blind, and deaf, and of unimpeachable fidelity.

And now that we are acquainted, superficially at least, with the masters and the valets, let us pass on to the dwellings occupied by each of them.

Athos dwelt in the Rue Ferou, within two steps of the Luxembourg. —
阿多斯住在费鲁街,距离卢森堡宫只有两步之遥。 —

His apartment consisted of two small chambers, very nicely fitted up, in a furnished house, the hostess of which, still young and still really handsome, cast tender glances uselessly at him. —
他的公寓由两个小房间组成,非常精致,位于一栋家具齐全的房子内,这家房东仍然年轻,仍然非常漂亮,她对他百般柔情却毫无用处。 —

Some fragments of past splendor appeared here and there upon the walls of this modest lodging; —
在这个简朴的住所的墙壁上散发着过去的辉煌的一些残片; —

a sword, for example, richly embossed, which belonged by its make to the times of Francis I, the hilt of which alone, encrusted with precious stones, might be worth two hundred pistoles, and which, nevertheless, in his moments of greatest distress Athos had never pledged or offered for sale. —
比如一把富丽堂皇的镶嵌宝石的剑,其制作风格属于弗朗索瓦一世的时代,仅把手柄上镶嵌的宝石可能值两百皮斯托尔,然而,即便是在阿多斯处于最困顿的时刻,他也从未把这把剑抵押或出售过。 —

It had long been an object of ambition for Porthos. —
这把剑长久以来一直是波尔多斯的梦想。 —

Porthos would have given ten years of his life to possess this sword.

One day, when he had an appointment with a duchess, he endeavored even to borrow it of Athos. Athos, without saying anything, emptied his pockets, got together all his jewels, purses, aiguillettes, and gold chains, and offered them all to Porthos; —
一天,当他和一位女公爵约会时,他甚至试图向阿多斯借这把剑。阿多斯没有说什么,倒掏出口袋里所有的珠宝、钱包、挂坠和金链,全部拿给了波尔多斯; —

but as to the sword, he said it was sealed to its place and should never quit it until its master should himself quit his lodgings. —
但是至于剑,他说剑已经封存在那儿,直到主人离开住所,它也不会远离它所在之处。 —

In addition to the sword, there was a portrait representing a nobleman of the time of Henry III, dressed with the greatest elegance, and who wore the Order of the Holy Ghost; —
除了剑,还有一幅描绘亨利三世时代的贵族穿着最高雅的画像,他身上佩戴着圣灵勋章; —

and this portrait had certain resemblances of lines with Athos, certain family likenesses which indicated that this great noble, a knight of the Order of the King, was his ancestor.

Besides these, a casket of magnificent goldwork, with the same arms as the sword and the portrait, formed a middle ornament to the mantelpiece, and assorted badly with the rest of the furniture. —
除此之外,一个精美的金制匣子,与剑和肖像上的纹章相同,作为壁炉中间的装饰,与其他家具格格不入。 —

Athos always carried the key of this coffer about him; —
阿多斯总是随身携带着这个匣子的钥匙; —

but he one day opened it before Porthos, and Porthos was convinced that this coffer contained nothing but letters and papers–love letters and family papers, no doubt.

Porthos lived in an apartment, large in size and of very sumptuous appearance, in the Rue du Vieux-Colombier. —
波尔多斯住在巴黎老鸽子街的一间宽敞而豪华的公寓里。 —

Every time he passed with a friend before his windows, at one of which Mousqueton was sure to be placed in full livery, Porthos raised his head and his hand, and said, “That is my abode!” —
每次他和朋友经过他的窗户之一,其中总有穆斯克东身穿全副礼仪,波尔多斯就会抬起头,举起手,说:“那就是我的住所!” —

But he was never to be found at home; he never invited anybody to go up with him, and no one could form an idea of what his sumptuous apartment contained in the shape of real riches.

As to Aramis, he dwelt in a little lodging composed of a boudoir, an eating room, and a bedroom, which room, situated, as the others were, on the ground floor, looked out upon a little fresh green garden, shady and impenetrable to the eyes of his neighbors.

With regard to D’Artagnan, we know how he was lodged, and we have already made acquaintance with his lackey, Master Planchet.

D’Artagnan, who was by nature very curious–as people generally are who possess the genius of intrigue–did all he could to make out who Athos, Porthos, and Aramis really were (for under these pseudonyms each of these young men concealed his family name)– Athos in particular, who, a league away, savored of nobility. —
达达尼昂天生十分好奇──通常具有阴谋头脑的人都是如此──他竭尽全力想要搞清楚阿多斯、波尔多斯和阿拉米斯究竟是谁(因为这三名年轻人都隐藏了自己的家族姓氏),尤其是阿多斯,这位隔一里远就让人感受到贵族气息的人。 —

He addressed himself then to Porthos to gain information respecting Athos and Aramis, and to Aramis in order to learn something of Porthos.

Unfortunately Porthos knew nothing of the life of his silent companion but what revealed itself. —
不幸的是,波尔多斯对他那位沉默伙伴生活的一切几乎一无所知,只能凭其所显露出的内容推测。 —

It was said Athos had met with great crosses in love, and that a frightful treachery had forever poisoned the life of this gallant man. —
据说阿多斯在爱情上遇到了巨大的挫折,一场可怕的背叛永远毒害了这位英勇的男子的生活。 —

What could this treachery be? All the world was ignorant of it.

As to Porthos, except his real name (as was the case with those of his two comrades), his life was very easily known. —
至于波尔多斯,除了他的真名(像他的两个伙伴一样),他的生活是非常容易知道的。 —

Vain and indiscreet, it was as easy to see through him as through a crystal. —
虚荣而轻率,看透他就像透过水晶一样容易。 —

The only thing to mislead the investigator would have been belief in all the good things he said of himself.

With respect to Aramis, though having the air of having nothing secret about him, he was a young fellow made up of mysteries, answering little to questions put to him about others, and having learned from him the report which prevailed concerning the success of the Musketeer with a princess, wished to gain a little insight into the amorous adventures of his interlocutor. —
至于阿拉米斯,尽管看起来毫不神秘,他是一个由谜团构成的年轻人,对他人的问题回答不多,从他那里得知了有关骑士与公主成功的传言,希望对对话者的情感冒险有所了解。 —

“And you, my dear companion,” said he, “you speak of the baronesses, countesses, and princesses of others?”

“PARDIEU! I spoke of them because Porthos talked of them himself, because he had paraded all these fine things before me. —
“天啊!我之所以提起它们,是因为波尔多自己谈论过,因为他在我面前炫耀这些美好事物。 —

But be assured, my dear Monsieur D’Artagnan, that if I had obtained them from any other source, or if they had been confided to me, there exists no confessor more discreet than myself.”

“Oh, I don’t doubt that,” replied D’Artagnan; —
“哦,我不怀疑这一点,”达达尼昂回答道; —

“but it seems to me that you are tolerably familiar with coats of arms–a certain embroidered handkerchief, for instance, to which I owe the honor of your acquaintance?”

This time Aramis was not angry, but assumed the most modest air and replied in a friendly tone, “My dear friend, do not forget that I wish to belong to the Church, and that I avoid all mundane opportunities. —
这次阿拉米斯并不生气,而是装出最谦逊的样子,友好地回答说:”我亲爱的朋友,请不要忘记我希望属于教会,避开一切世俗的机会。 —

The handkerchief you saw had not been given to me, but it had been forgotten and left at my house by one of my friends. —
你看到的手帕不是给我的,而是被我的一个朋友忘在我家里的。 —

I was obliged to pick it up in order not to compromise him and the lady he loves. —
我不得不把它捡起来,以免牵连他和他爱的女士。 —

As for myself, I neither have, nor desire to have, a mistress, following in that respect the very judicious example of Athos, who has none any more than I have.”

“But what the devil! You are not a priest, you are a Musketeer!”

“A Musketeer for a time, my friend, as the cardinal says, a Musketeer against my will, but a churchman at heart, believe me. —
“我的朋友,一时作为骑士,正如枢机主教所说,违心地成为骑士,但信我,内心是一名宗教人士。 —

Athos and Porthos dragged me into this to occupy me. —
雅索和波尔多拉着我来做这事以打发时间。” —

I had, at the moment of being ordained, a little difficulty with–But that would not interest you, and I am taking up your valuable time.”

“Not at all; it interests me very much,” cried D’Artagnan; —
“一点也不,这让我很感兴趣,”达达尼昂喊道; —

“and at this moment I have absolutely nothing to do.”

“Yes, but I have my breviary to repeat,” answered Aramis; —
“是的,但我必须背诵我的诵经经书,”阿拉米斯回答; —

“then some verses to compose, which Madame d’Aiguillon begged of me. —
“然后要写一些诗歌,是达吉永夫人请我写的。 —

Then I must go to the Rue St. Honore in order to purchase some rouge for Madame de Chevreuse. —
然后我必须去圣奥诺雷街给达什度夫人买一些胭脂。 —

So you see, my dear friend, that if you are not in a hurry, I am very much in a hurry.”

Aramis held out his hand in a cordial manner to his young companion, and took leave of him.

Notwithstanding all the pains he took, D’Artagnan was unable to learn any more concerning his three new-made friends. —
尽管达达尼昂竭尽所能,仍然无法多了解他这三位新交的朋友。 —

He formed, therefore, the resolution of believing for the present all that was said of their past, hoping for more certain and extended revelations in the future. —
所以他决定暂时相信他们的过去,希望将来获得更确切和更广泛的启示。 —

In the meanwhile, he looked upon Athos as an Achilles, Porthos as an Ajax, and Aramis as a Joseph.

As to the rest, the life of the four young friends was joyous enough. —
至于其他的,这四个年轻朋友的生活还是很快乐的。 —

Athos played, and that as a rule unfortunately. —
阿索斯常常赌博,而且通常不幸运。 —

Nevertheless, he never borrowed a sou of his companions, although his purse was ever at their service; —
然而,他从来没有向同伴借过一文钱,尽管他的钱包总是向他们开放; —

and when he had played upon honor, he always awakened his creditor by six o’clock the next morning to pay the debt of the preceding evening.

Porthos had his fits. On the days when he won he was insolent and ostentatious; —
波尔多斯经常发疯。每次他赢了,他都傲慢而张扬; —

if he lost, he disappeared completely for several days, after which he reappeared with a pale face and thinner person, but with money in his purse.

As to Aramis, he never played. He was the worst Musketeer and the most unconvivial companion imaginable. —
至于阿拉米斯,他从不参加游戏。他是最糟糕的火枪手,也是最不善交际的伴侣。 —

He had always something or other to do. Sometimes in the midst of dinner, when everyone, under the attraction of wine and in the warmth of conversation, believed they had two or three hours longer to enjoy themselves at table, Aramis looked at his watch, arose with a bland smile, and took leave of the company, to go, as he said, to consult a casuist with whom he had an appointment. —
他总是有事可做。有时在用餐的时候,当大家被酒精吸引,在热烈谈话中以为还有两三个小时可以享受餐桌时,阿拉米斯会看看手表,微笑着告别,说要去会见一个他已经约好的解惑学者。 —

At other times he would return home to write a treatise, and requested his friends not to disturb him.

At this Athos would smile, with his charming, melancholy smile, which so became his noble countenance, and Porthos would drink, swearing that Aramis would never be anything but a village CURE.

Planchet, D’Artagnan’s valet, supported his good fortune nobly. —
达达尼昂的应人皆备,大力支持他的好运。 —

He received thirty sous per day, and for a month he returned to his lodgings gay as a chaffinch, and affable toward his master. —
他每天拿三十个苏到,一个月来,他回到住所时像只快乐的雀鸟,对主人也很友善。 —

When the wind of adversity began to blow upon the housekeeping of the Rue des Fossoyeurs–that is to say, when the forty pistoles of King Louis XIII were consumed or nearly so–he commenced complaints which Athos thought nauseous, Porthos indecent, and Aramis ridiculous. —
当《府街》的经济情况开始逆转——也就是说,国王路易十三的四十枚金币用完或接近用完的时候,他开始抱怨,此时阿多斯觉得恶心,波尔多斯觉得下流,阿拉米斯则觉得可笑。 —

Athos counseled D’Artagnan to dismiss the fellow; —
阿多斯建议达达尼昂解雇这个家伙; —

Porthos was of opinion that he should give him a good thrashing first; —
波尔多斯认为应该先给他一顿好揍; —

and Aramis contended that a master should never attend to anything but the civilities paid to him.

“This is all very easy for you to say,” replied D’Artagnan, “for you, Athos, who live like a dumb man with Grimaud, who forbid him to speak, and consequently never exchange ill words with him; —
“你们说得真容易”,达达尼昂回答,“对你来说,阿多斯,你和格里莫德像哑巴一样生活,禁止他说话,因此从不与他争吵; —

for you, Porthos, who carry matters in such a magnificent style, and are a god to your valet, Mousqueton; —
对你来说,波尔多斯,你对待事情的方式如此恢弘,你是你的仆人木斯凯杜的上帝; —

and for you, Aramis, who, always abstracted by your theological studies, inspire your servant, Bazin, a mild, religious man, with a profound respect; —
对你来说,阿拉米斯,你总是被神学研究弄得心不在焉,你使仆人巴赞这个温和、虔诚的人对你充满尊敬; —

but for me, who am without any settled means and without resources–for me, who am neither a Musketeer nor even a Guardsman, what I am to do to inspire either the affection, the terror, or the respect in Planchet?”

“This is serious,” answered the three friends; “it is a family affair. —
“这是件严肃的事情,”三位朋友回答道,“这是家庭事务。 —

It is with valets as with wives, they must be placed at once upon the footing in which you wish them to remain. Reflect upon it.”

D’Artagnan did reflect, and resolved to thrash Planchet provisionally; —
达达尼安思考了一下,并决定暂时教训一下普朗谢; —

which he did with the conscientiousness that D’Artagnan carried into everything. —
他兢兢业业地打了他一顿,如同他在做的每件事情一样。 —

After having well beaten him, he forbade him to leave his service without his permission. —
在殴打完他之后,他禁止他未经允许离开自己的服务。 —

“For,” added he, “the future cannot fail to mend; I inevitably look for better times. —
“因为,”他补充说道,“未来肯定会好转;我肯定会迎来更美好的时光。 —

Your fortune is therefore made if you remain with me, and I am too good a master to allow you to miss such a chance by granting you the dismissal you require.”

This manner of acting roused much respect for D’Artagnan’s policy among the Musketeers. —
达达尼安的这种行事方式在麒麟兵中激起了很多对他政策的尊敬。 —

Planchet was equally seized with admiration, and said no more about going away.

The life of the four young men had become fraternal. —
这四位年轻人的生活变得像兄弟一样。 —

D’Artagnan, who had no settled habits of his own, as he came from his province into the midst of his world quite new to him, fell easily into the habits of his friends.

They rose about eight o’clock in the winter, about six in summer, and went to take the countersign and see how things went on at M. de Treville’s. —
冬天他们大约八点起床,夏天六点,然后去获取口令,并看看特雷维尔先生的事情进展如何。 —

D’Artagnan, although he was not a Musketeer, performed the duty of one with remarkable punctuality. —
尽管他不是一名骑士,但达达尼安表现出色地执行了骑士的职责。 —

He went on guard because he always kept company with whoever of his friends was on duty. —
他站岗是因为他总是陪着值班的朋友。 —

He was well known at the Hotel of the Musketeers, where everyone considered him a good comrade. —
他在“火枪手旅馆”出了名,每个人都认为他是个好战友。 —

M. de Treville, who had appreciated him at the first glance and who bore him a real affection, never ceased recommending him to the king.

On their side, the three Musketeers were much attached to their young comrade. —
三个火枪手也非常喜欢他们年轻的战友。 —

The friendship which united these four men, and the want they felt of seeing another three or four times a day, whether for dueling, business, or pleasure, caused them to be continually running after one another like shadows; —
这四个人之间的友谊以及他们渴望每天再见面三四次,不论是为了决斗、做生意,还是享乐,导致他们总是像影子一样不断地追逐着对方; —

and the Inseparables were constantly to be met with seeking one another, from the Luxembourg to the Place St. Sulpice, or from the Rue du Vieux-Colombier to the Luxembourg.

In the meanwhile the promises of M. de Treville went on prosperously. —
同时,特雷维尔先生的承诺也得以成功实现。 —

One fine morning the king commanded M. de Chevalier Dessessart to admit D’Artagnan as a cadet in his company of Guards. —
有一天早晨,国王命令德塞萨尔骑士准许达达尼昂入侍在他的护卫队中担任新兵。 —

D’Artagnan, with a sigh, donned his uniform, which he would have exchanged for that of a Musketeer at the expense of ten years of his existence. —
达达尼昂叹了口气,穿上了制服,他宁肯用自己十年的生命去换取成为火枪手的制服。 —

But M. de Treville promised this favor after a novitiate of two years–a novitiate which might besides be abridged if an opportunity should present itself for D’Artagnan to render the king any signal service, or to distinguish himself by some brilliant action. —
但特雷维尔先生承诺在经过两年见习后给予这一优待——如果达达尼昂有机会为国王做出显著的服务,或者通过一次出色的行动使自己脱颖而出,见习期还可能缩短。 —

Upon this promise D’Artagnan withdrew, and the next day he began service.

Then it became the turn of Athos, Porthos, and Aramis to mount guard with D’Artagnan when he was on duty. —
然后轮到阿多斯、波尔多斯和阿拉米斯在达达尼昂值班时和他一起站岗。 —

The company of M. le Chevalier Dessessart thus received four instead of one when it admitted D’Artagnan.