
In the meantime, the forty pistoles of King Louis XIII, like all other things of this world, after having had a beginning had an end, and after this end our four companions began to be somewhat embarrassed. —
同时,象所有世间事物一样,国王路易十三的四十马尔克逐渐结束了,接着我们的四位同伴开始有些为难了。 —

At first, Athos supported the association for a time with his own means.

Porthos succeeded him; and thanks to one of those disappearances to which he was accustomed, he was able to provide for the wants of all for a fortnight. —
接着轮到波尔多斯了;幸亏他惯常的消失之一,他得以提供大家的需要达两个星期之久。 —

At last it became Aramis’s turn, who performed it with a good grace and who succeeded–as he said, by selling some theological books–in procuring a few pistoles.

Then, as they had been accustomed to do, they had recourse to M. de Treville, who made some advances on their pay; —
然后,他们–日常惯例一样–求助于德特雷维尔先生,他提前发给了他们一些钱; —

but these advances could not go far with three Musketeers who were already much in arrears and a Guardsman who as yet had no pay at all.

At length when they found they were likely to be really in want, they got together, as a last effort, eight or ten pistoles, with which Porthos went to the gaming table. —
最后当他们意识到自己可能真的会陷入贫困时,他们以最后的努力凑齐了八到十个马尔克,波尔多斯拿着这些钱去赌桌上了。 —

Unfortunately he was in a bad vein; he lost all, together with twenty-five pistoles for which he had given his word.

Then the inconvenience became distress. The hungry friends, followed by their lackeys, were seen haunting the quays and Guard rooms, picking up among their friends abroad all the dinners they could meet with; —
于是不方便逐渐演变为痛苦。这些饥饿的朋友,跟着他们的仆人,被人看见在码头和卫队室里徘徊,从外面的朋友那里弄来他们能找到的所有晚餐; —

for according to the advice of Aramis, it was prudent to sow repasts right and left in prosperity, in order to reap a few in time of need.

Athos was invited four times, and each time took his friends and their lackeys with him. —
阿多斯有四次受邀,每次都带着他的朋友和仆人。 —

Porthos had six occasions, and contrived in the same manner that his friends should partake of them; Aramis had eight of them. —
波尔多斯有六次机会,以同样的方式安排让他的朋友们分享;亚拉米斯有八次。 —

He was a man, as must have been already perceived, who made but little noise, and yet was much sought after.

As to D’Artagnan, who as yet knew nobody in the capital, he only found one chocolate breakfast at the house of a priest of his own province, and one dinner at the house of a cornet of the Guards. —
至于达达尼昂,在首都还不认识任何人的情况下,他只在自己省份的一个神父家享受了一次巧克力早餐,以及在卫队员中尉家吃了一顿晚餐。 —

He took his army to the priest’s, where they devoured as much provision as would have lasted him for two months, and to the cornet’s, who performed wonders; —
他带着他的军队去了牧师家,他们在那里吃掉了足够供应他两个月的食物,还去了号手家,那位号手表现得非常出色; —

but as Planchet said, “People do not eat at once for all time, even when they eat a good deal.”

D’Artagnan thus felt himself humiliated in having only procured one meal and a half for his companions–as the breakfast at the priest’s could only be counted as half a repast–in return for the feasts which Athos, Porthos, and Aramis had procured him. —
达达尼感到自己受辱了,因为他只为伙伴们弄来了一顿半饭–因为牧师家的早餐只能算半餐–作为阿索斯、波托斯和阿拉米斯为他准备的盛宴的回报。 —

He fancied himself a burden to the society, forgetting in his perfectly juvenile good faith that he had fed this society for a month; —
他觉得自己成了这个团体的累赘,忘记了他已经给这个团体提供了一个月的食物; —

and he set his mind actively to work. He reflected that this coalition of four young, brave, enterprising, and active men ought to have some other object than swaggering walks, fencing lessons, and practical jokes, more or less witty.

In fact, four men such as they were–four men devoted to one another, from their purses to their lives; —
实际上,像他们这样的四个人–彼此忠诚,从钱包到生命都可以依靠; —

four men always supporting one another, never yielding, executing singly or together the resolutions formed in common; —
四个人始终相互支持,从不退缩,单独或共同执行共同形成的决议; —

four arms threatening the four cardinal points, or turning toward a single point–must inevitably, either subterraneously, in open day, by mining, in the trench, by cunning, or by force, open themselves a way toward the object they wished to attain, however well it might be defended, or however distant it may seem. —
四只威胁着四个方向的武器,或者转向一个单一点–无论是通过地下,白天,通过挖掘,抵抗,通过狡猾,还是通过力量,他们都必然会朝着他们希望实现的目标开辟道路,无论它有多么艰难防御,或多么遥远。 —

The only thing that astonished D’Artagnan was that his friends had never thought of this.

He was thinking by himself, and even seriously racking his brain to find a direction for this single force four times multiplied, with which he did not doubt, as with the lever for which Archimedes sought, they should succeed in moving the world, when someone tapped gently at his door. —
他正自己思考,认真地苦思冥想,想给这个四倍加强的单一力量找到一个方向,他毫不怀疑,就像阿基米德所寻求的杠杆一样,他们应该成功地推动世界,当有人轻轻敲响他的房门时。 —

D’Artagnan awakened Planchet and ordered him to open it.

From this phrase, “D’Artagnan awakened Planchet,” the reader must not suppose it was night, or that day was hardly come. —
从这句话“达达尼唤醒普朗谢”中,读者不要以为是夜晚,或者天刚蒙蒙亮。 —

No, it had just struck four. Planchet, two hours before, had asked his master for some dinner, and he had answered him with the proverb, “He who sleeps, dines.” —
不,时间刚刚到了四点。两小时前,普朗谢向他主人要吃午饭,主人以谚语回答他,“睡觉的人也能吃饭。” —

And Planchet dined by sleeping.

A man was introduced of simple mien, who had the appearance of a tradesman. —
一个容貌朴实的男子被引进,他看起来像个商人。 —

Planchet, by way of dessert, would have liked to hear the conversation; —
普朗谢希望听一听对话作为甜点; —

but the citizen declared to D’Artagnan that what he had to say being important and confidential, he desired to be left alone with him.

D’Artagnan dismissed Planchet, and requested his visitor to be seated. —
达达尼昂打发普朗谢走了,请求来访者坐下; —

There was a moment of silence, during which the two men looked at each other, as if to make a preliminary acquaintance, after which D’Artagnan bowed, as a sign that he listened.

“I have heard Monsieur d’Artagnan spoken of as a very brave young man,” said the citizen; —
“我听说达达尼昂先生是个非常勇敢的年轻人,”市民说道; —

“and this reputation which he justly enjoys had decided me to confide a secret to him.”

“Speak, monsieur, speak,” said D’Artagnan, who instinctively scented something advantageous.

The citizen made a fresh pause and continued, “I have a wife who is seamstress to the queen, monsieur, and who is not deficient in either virtue or beauty. —
市民停顿了一下,继续说道,“我有一个妻子,是皇后的裁缝,既美丽又善良; —

I was induced to marry her about three years ago, although she had but very little dowry, because Monsieur Laporte, the queen’s cloak bearer, is her godfather, and befriends her.”

“Well, monsieur?” asked D’Artagnan.

“Well!” resumed the citizen, “well, monsieur, my wife was abducted yesterday morning, as she was coming out of her workroom.”

“And by whom was your wife abducted?”

“I know nothing surely, monsieur, but I suspect someone.”

“And who is the person whom you suspect?”

“A man who has persued her a long time.”

“The devil!”

“But allow me to tell you, monsieur,” continued the citizen, “that I am convinced that there is less love than politics in all this.”

“Less love than politics,” replied D’Artagnan, with a reflective air; “and what do you suspect?”

“I do not know whether I ought to tell you what I suspect.”

“Monsieur, I beg you to observe that I ask you absolutely nothing. It is you who have come to me. —
“先生,请您注意我完全没有询问。是你来找我的。 —

It is you who have told me that you had a secret to confide in me. —
“是你告诉我你有一个秘密要告诉我的。 —

Act, then, as you think proper; there is still time to withdraw.”

“No, monsieur, no; you appear to be an honest young man, and I will have confidence in you. —
“不,先生,不;您看起来是一个诚实的年轻人,我会对您表示信任。” —

I believe, then, that it is not on account of any intrigues of her own that my wife has been arrested, but because of those of a lady much greater than herself.”

“Ah, ah! Can it be on account of the amours of Madame de Bois-Tracy?” —
“啊,啊!难道是因为德博特拉西夫人的风流事?” —

said D’Artagnan, wishing to have the air, in the eyes of the citizen, of being posted as to court affairs.”

“Higher, monsieur, higher.”

“Of Madame d’Aiguillon?”

“Still higher.”

“Of Madame de Chevreuse?”

“Of the–” D’Artagnan checked himself.
“是因为–” 达尔塔尼安停了下来。

“Yes, monsieur,” replied the terrified citizen, in a tone so low that he was scarcely audible.

“And with whom?”

“With whom can it be, if not the Duke of–”

“The Duke of–”

“Yes, monsieur,” replied the citizen, giving a still fainter intonation to his voice.

“But how do you know all this?”

“How do I know it?”

“Yes, how do you know it? No half-confidence, or–you understand!”

“I know it from my wife, monsieur–from my wife herself.”

“Who learns it from whom?”

“From Monsieur Laporte. Did I not tell you that she was the goddaughter of Monsieur Laporte, the confidential man of the queen? —
“是从拉波特先生那里。我不是告诉过你她是拉波特先生的教女吗,那位女王的机密人?” —

Well, Monsieur Laporte placed her near her Majesty in order that our poor queen might at least have someone in whom she could place confidence, abandoned as she is by the king, watched as she is by the cardinal, betrayed as she is by everybody.”

“Ah, ah! It begins to develop itself,” said D’Artagnan.

“Now, my wife came home four days ago, monsieur. —
“现在,我的妻子四天前回家了,先生。 —

One of her conditions was that she should come and see me twice a week; —
她的其中一个条件是每周要来看我两次; —

for, as I had the honor to tell you, my wife loves me dearly–my wife, then, came and confided to me that the queen at that very moment entertained great fears.”


“Yes. The cardinal, as it appears, pursues he and persecutes her more than ever. —
“是的。看起来,红衣主教如今比以往更迫害和迫害她。 —

He cannot pardon her the history of the Saraband. —
他无法原谅她的萨拉班德事件记载。 —

You know the history of the Saraband?”

“PARDIEU! Know it!” replied D’Artagnan, who knew nothing about it, but who wished to appear to know everything that was going on.

“So that now it is no longer hatred, but vengeance.”


“And the queen believes–”

“Well, what does the queen believe?”

“She believes that someone has written to the Duke of Buckingham in her name.”

“In the queen’s name?”

“Yes, to make him come to Paris; and when once come to Paris, to draw him into some snare.”

“The devil! But your wife, monsieur, what has she to do with all this?”

“Her devotion to the queen is known; and they wish either to remove her from her mistress, or to intimidate her, in order to obtain her Majesty’s secrets, or to seduce her and make use of her as a spy.”

“That is likely,” said D’Artagnan; “but the man who has abducted her–do you know him?”

“I have told you that I believe I know him.”

“His name?”

“I do not know that; what I do know is that he is a creature of the cardinal, his evil genius.”

“But you have seen him?”

“Yes, my wife pointed him out to me one day.”

‘Has he anything remarkable about him by which one may recognize him?”

“Oh, certainly; he is a noble of very lofty carriage, black hair, swarthy complexion, piercing eye, white teeth, and has a scar on his temple.”

“A scar on his temple!” cried D’Artagnan; —
“太阳穴上的疤痕!”达达尼安喊道; —

“and with that, white teeth, a piercing eye, dark complexion, black hair, and haughty carriage–why, that’s my man of Meung.”

“He is your man, do you say?”

“Yes, yes; but that has nothing to do with it. No, I am wrong. —
“是的,是的;但这与事实无关。不,我错了。 —

On the contrary, that simplifies the matter greatly. —
相反,这大大简化了问题。” —

If your man is mine, with one blow I shall obtain two revenges, that’s all; —
如果你的男人是我的,我一击就可以达到两个复仇,仅此而已; —

but where to find this man?”

“I know not.”

“Have you no information as to his abiding place?”

“None. One day, as I was conveying my wife back to the Louvre, he was coming out as she was going in, and she showed him to me.”

“The devil! The devil!” murmured D’Artagnan; “all this is vague enough. —
“可恶!可恶!”达达尼昂喃喃自语道,“这一切都太模糊了。” —

From whom have you learned of the abduction of your wife?”

“From Monsieur Laporte.”

“Did he give you any details?”

“He knew none himself.”

“And you have learned nothing from any other quarter?”

“Yes, I have received–”


“I fear I am committing a great imprudence.”

“You always come back to that; but I must make you see this time that it is too late to retreat.”

“I do not retreat, MORDIEU!” cried the citizen, swearing in order to rouse his courage. —
““我不退缩,该死!”市民大喊道,发誓要激发自己的勇气。 —

“Besides, by the faith of Bonacieux–”

“You call yourself Bonacieux?” interrupted D’Artagnan.

“Yes, that is my name.”

“You said, then, by the word of Bonacieux. —
“那么你说,以波纳谢的话。” —

Pardon me for interrupting you, but it appears to me that that name is familiar to me.”

“Possibly, monsieur. I am your landlord.”

“Ah, ah!” said D’Artagnan, half rising and bowing; “you are my landlord?”

“Yes, monsieur, yes. And as it is three months since you have been here, and though, distracted as you must be in your important occupations, you have forgotten to pay me my rent–as, I say, I have not tormented you a single instant, I thought you would appreciate my delicacy.”
“是的,先生,是的。虽然你已经三个月没有来这里了,虽然你在重要事务中分心,忘记了付我房租 - 我没有一刻骚扰过你,我想你会欣赏我的优雅。”

“How can it be otherwise, my dear Bonacieux?” replied D’Artagnan; —
“那怎么可能呢,我亲爱的邦纳苏?”达达尼安回答道; —

“trust me, I am fully grateful for such unparalleled conduct, and if, as I told you, I can be of any service to you–”
“相信我,我对这种无与伦比的行为感激不尽,而且,正如我告诉你的那样,如果我能为你效劳 -”

“I believe you, monsieur, I believe you; and as I was about to say, by the word of Bonacieux, I have confidence in you.”

“Finish, then, what you were about to say.”

The citizen took a paper from his pocket, and presented it to D’Artagnan.

“A letter?” said the young man.

“Which I received this morning.”

D’Artagnan opened it, and as the day was beginning to decline, he approached the window to read it. —
达达尼安打开它,因为天色已经开始黄昏,他走近窗户去读。 —

The citizen followed him.

”‘Do not seek your wife,’” read D’Artagnan; —
“‘不要寻找你的妻子’,”达达尼安读道; —

”‘she will be restored to you when there is no longer occasion for her. —
“‘当没有必要时她将被归还给你。 —

If you make a single step to find her you are lost.’

“That’s pretty positive,” continued D’Artagnan; “but after all, it is but a menace.”

“Yes; but that menace terrifies me. I am not a fighting man at all, monsieur, and I am afraid of the Bastille.”

“Hum!” said D’Artagnan. “I have no greater regard for the Bastille than you. If it were nothing but a sword thrust, why then–”

“I have counted upon you on this occasion, monsieur.”


“Seeing you constantly surrounded by Musketeers of a very superb appearance, and knowing that these Musketeers belong to Monsieur de Treville, and were consequently enemies of the cardinal, I thought that you and your friends, while rendering justice to your poor queen, would be pleased to play his Eminence an ill turn.”

“Without doubt.”

“And then I have thought that considering three months’ lodging, about which I have said nothing–”

“Yes, yes; you have already given me that reason, and I find it excellent.”

“Reckoning still further, that as long as you do me the honor to remain in my house I shall never speak to you about rent–”

“Very kind!”

“And adding to this, if there be need of it, meaning to offer you fifty pistoles, if, against all probability, you should be short at the present moment.”

“Admirable! You are rich then, my dear Monsieur Bonacieux?”

“I am comfortably off, monsieur, that’s all; —
“我还算过得去,先生,仅此而已; —

I have scraped together some such thing as an income of two or three thousand crown in the haberdashery business, but more particularly in venturing some funds in the last voyage of the celebrated navigator Jean Moquet; —
我在服饰行业赚了两三千金币之类的收入,但更多地是在为着名航海家让·莫凯的最后一次航程冒险投资; —

so that you understand, monsieur–But” cried the citizen.

“What!” demanded D’Artagnan.

“Whom do I see yonder?”


“In the street, facing your window, in the embrasure of that door–a man wrapped in a cloak.”

“It is he!” cried D’Artagnan and the citizen at the same time, each having recognized his man.

“Ah, this time,” cried D’Artagnan, springing to his sword, “this time he will not escape me!”

Drawing his sword from its scabbard, he rushed out of the apartment. —
他从剑鞘里抽出剑,冲出了公寓。 —

On the staircase he met Athos and Porthos, who were coming to see him. —
在楼梯上,他遇到了阿索斯和波尔图斯,他们正要来看他。 —

They separated, and D’Artagnan rushed between them like a dart.

“Pah! Where are you going?” cried the two Musketeers in a breath.

“The man of Meung!” replied D’Artagnan, and disappeared.

D’Artagnan had more than once related to his friends his adventure with the stranger, as well as the apparition of the beautiful foreigner, to whom this man had confided some important missive.

The opinion of Athos was that D’Artagnan had lost his letter in the skirmish. —
阿索斯认为达达尼昂在战斗中丢失了信件。 —

A gentleman, in his opinion–and according to D’Artagnan’s portrait of him, the stranger must be a gentleman– would be incapable of the baseness of stealing a letter.

Porthos saw nothing in all this but a love meeting, given by a lady to a cavalier, or by a cavalier to a lady, which had been disturbed by the presence of D’Artagnan and his yellow horse.

Aramis said that as these sorts of affairs were mysterious, it was better not to fathom them.

They understood, then, from the few words which escaped from D’Artagnan, what affair was in hand, and as they thought that overtaking his man, or losing sight of him, D’Artagnan would return to his rooms, they kept on their way.

When they entered D’Artagan’s chamber, it was empty; —
当他们进入达达尼昂的房间时,房间是空的; —

the landlord, dreading the consequences of the encounter which was doubtless about to take place between the young man and the stranger, had, consistent with the character he had given himself, judged it prudent to decamp.