In a very few minutes the count reached No. 7 in the Rue Meslay. —
仅过几分钟,人流在梅斯莱街上达到了第7号。 —

The house was of white stone, and in a small court before it were two small beds full of beautiful flowers. —
这座房子是白色的石头建成的,在它前面的一个小庭院里有两个装满美丽花卉的小床。 —

In the concierge that opened the gate the count recognized Cocles; —
开门的看门人使计克莱斯,伯爵认出了他。 —

but as he had but one eye, and that eye had become somewhat dim in the course of nine years, Cocles did not recognize the count.

The carriages that drove up to the door were compelled to turn, to avoid a fountain that played in a basin of rockwork, —an ornament that had excited the jealousy of the whole quarter, and had gained for the place the appellation of The Little Versailles. —
开到门口的马车必须转弯,以避开一个在岩石装饰的盆地中喷水的喷泉——这个装饰令整个街区都嫉妒,因此这个地方被称为”小凡尔赛”。 —

It is needless to add that there were gold and silver fish in the basin. —
无需多言,这个盆地里有金鱼和银鱼。 —

The house, with kitchens and cellars below, had above the ground floor, two stories and attics. —
这座房子地下有厨房和地窖,地面以上有两层和阁楼。 —

The whole of the property, consisting of an immense workshop, two pavilions at the bottom of the garden, and the garden itself, had been purchased by Emmanuel, who had seen at a glance that he could make of it a profitable speculation. —
整个产业由埃曼纽尔购买,其中包括一个巨大的车间、花园底部的两个亭子和花园本身。他一眼就看出了可以将其变成一个有利可图的投资。 —

He had reserved the house and half the garden, and building a wall between the garden and the workshops, had let them upon lease with the pavilions at the bottom of the garden. —
他保留了房子和一半的花园,然后在花园和车间之间建了一堵墙,并将它们与底部的亭子一起租出去。 —

So that for a trifling sum he was as well lodged, and as perfectly shut out from observation, as the inhabitants of the finest mansion in the Faubourg St. Germain.

The breakfast-room was finished in oak; the salon in mahogany, and the furnishings were of blue velvet; —
早餐室用橡木装饰,客厅装饰着桃花心木,并且家具都是蓝色天鹅绒的。 —

the bedroom was in citronwood and green damask. —
卧室是用柚木和绿色缎子装饰的。 —

There was a study for Emmanuel, who never studied, and a music-room for Julie, who never played. —
这里有一间供埃曼纽尔使用的书房,尽管他从不读书,还有一间供朱莉使用的音乐室,尽管她从不弹奏。 —

The whole of the second story was set apart for Maximilian; —
整个二楼都为马克西米利安保留。 —

it was precisely similar to his sister’s apartments, except that for the breakfast-parlor he had a billiard-room, where he received his friends. —
正是和他姐姐的公寓非常相似,只是早餐厅变成了一个台球房,他在那里接待朋友。 —

He was superintending the grooming of his horse, and smoking his cigar at the entrance of the garden, when the count’s carriage stopped at the gate.

Cocles opened the gate, and Baptistin, springing from the box, inquired whether Monsieur and Madame Herbault and Monsieur Maximilian Morrel would see his excellency the Count of Monte Cristo.

“The Count of Monte Cristo?” cried Morrel, throwing away his cigar and hastening to the carriage; —
“蒙托克里斯托伯爵?”莫雷尔大声喊道,扔掉雪茄,迫不及待地赶到汽车边; —

“I should think we would see him. —
“我们当然会见他。 —

Ah, a thousand thanks, count, for not having forgotten your promise.”

And the young officer shook the count’s hand so warmly, that Monte Cristo could not be mistaken as to the sincerity of his joy, and he saw that he had been expected with impatience, and was received with pleasure.

“Come, come,” said Maximilian, “I will serve as your guide; —
“来吧,来吧,”马克西米连说,“我将作为你的向导; —

such a man as you are ought not to be introduced by a servant. —
如你这样的男子不应该由仆人引见。 —

My sister is in the garden plucking the dead roses; —
我的妹妹正在花园里拔掉枯萎的玫瑰; —

my brother is reading his two papers, la Presse and les Débats, within six steps of her; —
我的哥哥正在离她不到六步的地方阅读《拉普雷斯报》和《辩论报》; —

for wherever you see Madame Herbault, you have only to look within a circle of four yards and you will find M. Emmanuel, and ‘reciprocally,’ as they say at the Polytechnic School.”

At the sound of their steps a young woman of twenty to five-and-twenty, dressed in a silk morning gown, and busily engaged in plucking the dead leaves off a noisette rose-tree, raised her head. —
听到他们的脚步声,一个年约二十至二十五岁的年轻女子,身穿丝质早晨款式的礼服,正忙着拨去一株月季花树上的枯叶,抬起头来。 —

This was Julie, who had become, as the clerk of the house of Thomson & French had predicted, Madame Emmanuel Herbault. —
这就是茱莉,正如汤姆森和法国公司的办事员预言的那样,已经成为埃马纽埃尔埃尔博夫人。 —

She uttered a cry of surprise at the sight of a stranger, and Maximilian began to laugh.

“Don’t disturb yourself, Julie,” said he. —
“别打扰自己,茱莉,”他说。 —

“The count has only been two or three days in Paris, but he already knows what a fashionable woman of the Marais is, and if he does not, you will show him.”

“Ah, monsieur,” returned Julie, “it is treason in my brother to bring you thus, but he never has any regard for his poor sister. —
“啊,先生,”朱莉回答道,“我弟弟这样带您来,真是对我这个可怜的妹妹来说是背叛。” —

Penelon, Penelon!”

An old man, who was digging busily at one of the beds, stuck his spade in the earth, and approached, cap in hand, striving to conceal a quid of tobacco he had just thrust into his cheek. —
一个老人正在一个花坛里忙着挖土,他插着铁锹,走近了,一边戴着帽子,一边努力掩饰自己刚刚塞进口中的一大块烟草。 —

A few locks of gray mingled with his hair, which was still thick and matted, while his bronzed features and determined glance well suited an old sailor who had braved the heat of the equator and the storms of the tropics.

“I think you hailed me, Mademoiselle Julie?” said he.

Penelon had still preserved the habit of calling his master’s daughter “Mademoiselle Julie, ” and had never been able to change the name to Madame Herbault.

“Penelon,” replied Julie, “go and inform M. Emmanuel of this gentleman’s visit, and Maximilian will conduct him to the salon.”

Then, turning to Monte Cristo,—“I hope you will permit me to leave you for a few minutes, ” continued she; —
然後,轉向蒙地克里斯托說,“我希望你允許我離開你幾分鐘,”她繼續說; —

and without awaiting any reply, disappeared behind a clump of trees, and escaped to the house by a lateral alley.

“I am sorry to see,” observed Monte Cristo to Morrel, “that I cause no small disturbance in your house.”

“Look there,” said Maximilian, laughing; —
“看那裡,”馬克西米連笑著說; —

“there is her husband changing his jacket for a coat. —
“那是她丈夫換上外套。 —

I assure you, you are well known in the Rue Meslay.”

“Your family appears to be a very happy one,” said the count, as if speaking to himself.

“Oh, yes, I assure you, count, they want nothing that can render them happy; —
“噢,是的,我向你保證,伯爵,他們想要的一切都擁有; —

they are young and cheerful, they are tenderly attached to each other, and with twenty-five thousand francs a year they fancy themselves as rich as Rothschild.”

“Five-and-twenty thousand francs is not a large sum, however,” replied Monte Cristo, with a tone so sweet and gentle, that it went to Maximilian’s heart like the voice of a father; —
“然而,二十五千法郎并不是一大笔款项,”蒙德克里斯托温柔而甜美地回答道,这样的语气犹如一个父亲的声音一样触动了马克西米利安的内心; —

“but they will not be content with that. —
“但他们不会对此满意。 —

Your brother-in-law is a barrister? a doctor?”

“He was a merchant, monsieur, and had succeeded to the business of my poor father. —
“他曾是一位商人,先生,接手了我可怜的父亲的生意。 —

M. Morrel, at his death, left 500,000 francs, which were divided between my sister and myself, for we were his only children. —
莫雷尔先生去世时留下了五十万法郎,那笔遗产被平分给了我和我妹妹,因为我们是他唯一的孩子。 —

Her husband, who, when he married her, had no other patrimony than his noble probity, his first-rate ability, and his spotless reputation, wished to possess as much as his wife. —
她的丈夫在婚后希望拥有与妻子一样多的财产,婚前除了高尚的诚信、出色的才能和无可挑剔的名声,他没有其他资产。 —

He labored and toiled until he had amassed 250,000 francs; —
他辛勤努力地工作,直到积攒了二十五万法郎; —

six years sufficed to achieve this object. —
六年时间足以实现这个目标。 —

Oh, I assure you, sir, it was a touching spectacle to see these young creatures, destined by their talents for higher stations, toiling together, and through their unwillingness to change any of the customs of their paternal house, taking six years to accomplish what less scrupulous people would have effected in two or three. —
哦,先生,我向您保证,看到这些年轻人凭借自己的才能注定要达到更高的地位,共同努力,并由于不愿改变他们族长家的任何习俗,而花费六年时间完成了别人两三年就能完成的事情,这真是一幅感人的景象。 —

Marseilles resounded with their well-earned praises. —
马赛市响起了他们当之无愧的赞美声。 —

At last, one day, Emmanuel came to his wife, who had just finished making up the accounts.

“‘Julie,’ said he to her, ‘Cocles has just given me the last rouleau of a hundred francs; —
“朱莉,”他对她说,“Cocles刚刚给了我最后一卷100法郎; —

that completes the 250,000 francs we had fixed as the limits of our gains. —
这样就完成了我们规定的25万法郎的利润上限。 —

Can you content yourself with the small fortune which we shall possess for the future? —
你满足于我们将来的小财富吗? —

Listen to me. Our house transacts business to the amount of a million a year, from which we derive an income of 40,000 francs. —
请听我说。我们的公司每年办理一百万法郎的业务,从中我们获得4万法郎的收入。 —

We can dispose of the business, if we please, in an hour, for I have received a letter from M. Delaunay, in which he offers to purchase the good-will of the house, to unite with his own, for 300,000 francs. —
如果我们愿意的话,我们可以在一个小时内处理掉生意,因为我收到了德洛内先生的一封信,他提议以30万法郎购买该公司的好意,并与他自己的公司合并。 —

Advise me what I had better do.’

“‘Emmanuel,’ returned my sister, ‘the house of Morrel can only be carried on by a Morrel. —
“埃曼纽尔,”我妹妹回答道,“莫雷尔家族的企业只能由莫雷尔家族的人来经营。 —

Is it not worth 300,000 francs to save our father’s name from the chances of evil fortune and failure?’

“‘I thought so,’ replied Emmanuel; ‘but I wished to have your advice.’

“‘This is my counsel:—Our accounts are made up and our bills paid; —
“这是我的建议:我们的账目已经做完,我们的账单已经支付了; —

all we have to do is to stop the issue of any more, and close our office.’

“This was done instantly. It was three o’clock; —
这是立即完成的。当时已经三点钟; —

at a quarter past, a merchant presented himself to insure two ships; —
过了一刻钟,一位商人前来保险两艘船; —

it was a clear profit of 15,000 francs.

“‘Monsieur,’ said Emmanuel, ‘have the goodness to address yourself to M. Delaunay. —
“先生,”埃曼纽尔说,“请找德洛内先生。 —

We have quitted business.’

“‘How long?’ inquired the astonished merchant.

“‘A quarter of an hour,’ was the reply.

“And this is the reason, monsieur,” continued Maximilian, “of my sister and brother-in-law having only 25, 000 francs a year.”

Maximilian had scarcely finished his story, during which the count’s heart had swelled within him, when Emmanuel entered wearing a hat and coat. —
马克西米连还没有说完他的故事,这时,康泰斯的心已经开始激动起来,艾曼纽尔穿着帽子和外套走了进来。 —

He saluted the count with the air of a man who is aware of the rank of his guest; —
他礼貌地向康泰斯行了一个礼,态度显得他对客人的身份非常清楚; —

then, after having led Monte Cristo around the little garden, he returned to the house.

A large vase of Japan porcelain, filled with flowers that loaded the air with their perfume, stood in the salon. —
在客厅里放着一个装满鲜花的大日本瓷花瓶,花香弥漫着整个空气。 —

Julie, suitably dressed, and her hair arranged (she had accomplished this feat in less than ten minutes), received the count on his entrance. —
朱莉穿着得体,头发整理好了(她在不到十分钟的时间里就完成了这个壮举),康泰斯走进来时她接待了他。 —

The songs of the birds were heard in an aviary hard by, and the branches of laburnums and rose acacias formed an exquisite framework to the blue velvet curtains. —
附近的鸟笼里传来鸟儿的歌声,金链树和玫瑰刺木树的枝条形成了蓝色天鹅绒帷幕的美丽框架。 —

Everything in this charming retreat, from the warble of the birds to the smile of the mistress, breathed tranquillity and repose.

The count had felt the influence of this happiness from the moment he entered the house, and he remained silent and pensive, forgetting that he was expected to renew the conversation, which had ceased after the first salutations had been exchanged. —
当那位伯爵进入这栋房子时,就感受到了这份幸福的影响,他沉默而若有所思,忘记了他应该继续交谈,此前这个话题在双方相互问候之后就停止了。 —

The silence became almost painful when, by a violent effort, tearing himself from his pleasing reverie:

“Madame,” said he at length, “I pray you to excuse my emotion, which must astonish you who are only accustomed to the happiness I meet here; —
“夫人,”他终于说道,“请原谅我的激动,它一定让您感到惊讶,毕竟您只习惯于这里的幸福; —

but contentment is so new a sight to me, that I could never be weary of looking at yourself and your husband.”

“We are very happy, monsieur,” replied Julie; —
“我们很幸福,先生,”朱丽回答道; —

“but we have also known unhappiness, and few have ever undergone more bitter sufferings than ourselves.”

The count’s features displayed an expression of the most intense curiosity.

“Oh, all this is a family history, as Château-Renaud told you the other day, ” observed Maximilian. —
“哦,这都是一个家族史,正如沙托雷诺德前几天告诉你的那样。”马克西米连观察道。 —

“This humble picture would have but little interest for you, accustomed as you are to behold the pleasures and the misfortunes of the wealthy and industrious; —
“对于你来说,这幅平凡的画作可能没什么兴趣,因为你已经习惯了看到富有和勤奋人们的快乐和不幸; —

but such as we are, we have experienced bitter sorrows.”

“And God has poured balm into your wounds, as he does into those of all who are in affliction? —
“上帝会给你的伤口敷以膏药,就像他敷给所有受苦之人一样?”蒙特克里斯托疑惑地问道。 —

” said Monte Cristo inquiringly.

“Yes, count,” returned Julie, “we may indeed say he has, for he has done for us what he grants only to his chosen; —
他派遣了他的天使来到我们身边。” —

he sent us one of his angels.”

The count’s cheeks became scarlet, and he coughed, in order to have an excuse for putting his handkerchief to his mouth.

“Those born to wealth, and who have the means of gratifying every wish,” said Emmanuel, “know not what is the real happiness of life, just as those who have been tossed on the stormy waters of the ocean on a few frail planks can alone realize the blessings of fair weather.”

Monte Cristo rose, and without making any answer (for the tremulousness of his voice would have betrayed his emotion) walked up and down the apartment with a slow step.

“Our magnificence makes you smile, count,” said Maximilian, who had followed him with his eyes.

“No, no,” returned Monte Cristo, pale as death, pressing one hand on his heart to still its throbbings, while with the other he pointed to a crystal cover, beneath which a silken purse lay on a black velvet cushion. —
蒙特克里斯托苍白如死,一手按在心脏上以抑制它的悸动,另一只手指着一个水晶盖子,盖子下面铺着黑色天鹅绒的靠垫上放着一个丝绸钱袋。 —

“I was wondering what could be the significance of this purse, with the paper at one end and the large diamond at the other.”

“Count,” replied Maximilian, with an air of gravity, “those are our most precious family treasures.”

“The stone seems very brilliant,” answered the count.

“Oh, my brother does not allude to its value, although it has been estimated at 100,000 francs; —
“哦,我哥哥指的不是它的价值,尽管估计价值为10万法郎; —

he means, that the articles contained in this purse are the relics of the angel I spoke of just now.”

“This I do not comprehend; and yet I may not ask for an explanation, madame, ” replied Monte Cristo bowing. —
“这我不理解,但我不能向您请教,夫人,”蒙蒂克里斯托鞠躬道。 —

“Pardon me, I had no intention of committing an indiscretion.”

“Indiscretion,—oh, you make us happy by giving us an excuse for expatiating on this subject. —
“不慎之失——哦,谢谢您给我们一个关于这个话题大展宏图的借口。 —

If we wanted to conceal the noble action this purse commemorates, we should not expose it thus to view. —
如果我们想要隐瞒这个手提包所纪念的高尚行为,我们就不应该将其暴露在大家面前。 —

Oh, would we could relate it everywhere, and to everyone, so that the emotion of our unknown benefactor might reveal his presence.”

“Ah, really,” said Monte Cristo in a half-stifled voice.

“Monsieur,” returned Maximilian, raising the glass cover, and respectfully kissing the silken purse, “this has touched the hand of a man who saved my father from suicide, us from ruin, and our name from shame and disgrace,—a man by whose matchless benevolence we poor children, doomed to want and wretchedness, can at present hear everyone envying our happy lot. —
“先生,”麦克西米连拿起玻璃盖,恭敬地亲吻丝绸钱包,“这个袋子曾经触摸过一个救了我父亲免于自杀,使我们免于破产,保护了我们的名誉不受耻辱的人的手,一个因着他无与伦比的善举,我们这些命定要受穷和痛苦的可怜孩子们才能现在享受到每个人羡慕的幸福。” —

This letter” (as he spoke, Maximilian drew a letter from the purse and gave it to the count)—“this letter was written by him the day that my father had taken a desperate resolution, and this diamond was given by the generous unknown to my sister as her dowry.”

Monte Cristo opened the letter, and read it with an indescribable feeling of delight. —
蒙特·克里斯托打开信,带着难以形容的喜悦感读了起来。 —

It was the letter written (as our readers know) to Julie, and signed “Sinbad the Sailor.”

“Unknown you say, is the man who rendered you this service—unknown to you?”

“Yes; we have never had the happiness of pressing his hand,” continued Maximilian. —
“是的;我们从来没有幸运地握过他的手,”马克西米利安继续说。 —

“We have supplicated Heaven in vain to grant us this favor, but the whole affair has had a mysterious meaning that we cannot comprehend—we have been guided by an invisible hand, —a hand as powerful as that of an enchanter.”

“Oh,” cried Julie, “I have not lost all hope of some day kissing that hand, as I now kiss the purse which he has touched. —
“哦,”朱丽喊道,“我并没有失去希望有一天能亲吻那只手,就像我现在亲吻他碰过的钱袋一样。” —

Four years ago, Penelon was at Trieste—Penelon, count, is the old sailor you saw in the garden, and who, from quartermaster, has become gardener—Penelon, when he was at Trieste, saw on the quay an Englishman, who was on the point of embarking on board a yacht, and he recognized him as the person who called on my father the fifth of June, 1829, and who wrote me this letter on the fifth of September. —
四年前,彭洛是在的,彭洛是您在花园里见过的那个老水手,曾经是船长的他现在做园丁。四年前,彭洛在的时候,在码头看到了一位英国人,他正准备登上一艘游艇,彭洛认出他就是那个1829年6月5日拜访我父亲并在9月5日给我写信的那个人。 —

He felt convinced of his identity, but he did not venture to address him.”

“An Englishman,” said Monte Cristo, who grew uneasy at the attention with which Julie looked at him. —
“一个英国人?”蒙德克里斯托听到朱丽注意到他的目光,感到有些不安。 —

“An Englishman you say?”

“Yes,” replied Maximilian, “an Englishman, who represented himself as the confidential clerk of the house of Thomson & French, at Rome. It was this that made me start when you said the other day, at M. de Morcerf’s, that Messrs. —
“是的,”马克西米连回答,“是一个自称是罗马的汤姆森和弗伦奇(Thomson & French)银行家的机要秘书。正是这一点让我震惊,因为你前几天在默塞夫先生那里说过汤姆森和弗伦奇是你的银行家。这件事发生在我告诉你的1829年。 —

Thomson & French were your bankers. That happened, as I told you, in 1829. —
求求你告诉我,你认识这个英国人吗?” —

For God’s sake, tell me, did you know this Englishman?”

“But you tell me, also, that the house of Thomson & French have constantly denied having rendered you this service?”


“Then is it not probable that this Englishman may be someone who, grateful for a kindness your father had shown him, and which he himself had forgotten, has taken this method of requiting the obligation?”

“Everything is possible in this affair, even a miracle.”

“What was his name?” asked Monte Cristo.

“He gave no other name,” answered Julie, looking earnestly at the count, “than that at the end of his letter—‘Sinbad the Sailor.’”

“Which is evidently not his real name, but a fictitious one.”

Then, noticing that Julie was struck with the sound of his voice:

“Tell me,” continued he, “was he not about my height, perhaps a little taller, with his chin imprisoned, as it were, in a high cravat; —
“告诉我,”他继续说,“他不是我的身高吗,也许稍微高一点,下巴似乎被高领结囚禁住; —

his coat closely buttoned up, and constantly taking out his pencil?”

“Oh, do you then know him?” cried Julie, whose eyes sparkled with joy.

“No,” returned Monte Cristo “I only guessed. —
“不,”蒙特克里斯托回答道,“我只是猜测。 —

I knew a Lord Wilmore, who was constantly doing actions of this kind.”

“Without revealing himself?”

“He was an eccentric being, and did not believe in the existence of gratitude.”

“Oh, Heaven,” exclaimed Julie, clasping her hands, “in what did he believe, then?”

“He did not credit it at the period which I knew him,” said Monte Cristo, touched to the heart by the accents of Julie’s voice; —
“在我认识他的时候,他并不相信。”蒙特克里斯托被朱莉的声音所感动,“但是,也许他后来有了感激之情存在的证明。” —

“but, perhaps, since then he has had proofs that gratitude does exist.”

“And do you know this gentleman, monsieur?” inquired Emmanuel.

“Oh, if you do know him,” cried Julie, “can you tell us where he is—where we can find him? —
“哦,如果你认识他的话,”朱莉喊道,“你能告诉我们他在哪里吗——我们能找到他吗? —

Maximilian—Emmanuel—if we do but discover him, he must believe in the gratitude of the heart!”

Monte Cristo felt tears start into his eyes, and he again walked hastily up and down the room.

“In the name of Heaven,” said Maximilian, “if you know anything of him, tell us what it is.”

“Alas,” cried Monte Cristo, striving to repress his emotion, “if Lord Wilmore was your unknown benefactor, I fear you will never see him again. —
“唉,”蒙德·克里斯托努力压抑着自己的情感,“如果威尔莫尔勋爵是你们的神秘恩人,我恐怕你们再也见不到他了。 —

I parted from him two years ago at Palermo, and he was then on the point of setting out for the most remote regions; —
我两年前在巴勒莫与他分别,那时他正要出发去最遥远的地方; —

so that I fear he will never return.”

“Oh, monsieur, this is cruel of you,” said Julie, much affected; —
“哦,先生,你真是太残忍了,”朱莉说,受到了很大的感动; —

and the young lady’s eyes swam with tears.

“Madame,” replied Monte Cristo gravely, and gazing earnestly on the two liquid pearls that trickled down Julie’s cheeks, “had Lord Wilmore seen what I now see, he would become attached to life, for the tears you shed would reconcile him to mankind; —
“夫人,”蒙特克里斯托郑重地回答,并认真地注视着朱莉脸颊上滑落的两滴晶莹剔透的泪珠,“如果威尔莫尔勋爵看到我现在看到的,他会对生活产生依恋,因为你流下的泪水会使他与人类和解; —

” and he held out his hand to Julie, who gave him hers, carried away by the look and accent of the count.

“But,” continued she, “Lord Wilmore had a family or friends, he must have known someone, can we not——”

“Oh, it is useless to inquire,” returned the count; —
“哦,询问是无用的,”伯爵回答道。 —

“perhaps, after all, he was not the man you seek for. He was my friend: —
“也许,归根结底,他不是你寻找的人。他是我的朋友: —

he had no secrets from me, and if this had been so he would have confided in me.”

“And he told you nothing?”

“Not a word.”

“Nothing that would lead you to suppose?”


“And yet you spoke of him at once.”

“Ah, in such a case one supposes——”

“Sister, sister,” said Maximilian, coming to the count’s aid, “monsieur is quite right. —
“妹妹,妹妹,”马克西米利安过来帮助伯爵,“先生说得对。” —

Recollect what our excellent father so often told us, ‘It was no Englishman that thus saved us.’”

Monte Cristo started. “What did your father tell you, M. Morrel?” said he eagerly.

“My father thought that this action had been miraculously performed—he believed that a benefactor had arisen from the grave to save us. —
“我父亲认为这个行动是奇迹般地发生的——他相信有一个恩人从坟墓中出现来拯救我们。 —

Oh, it was a touching superstition, monsieur, and although I did not myself believe it, I would not for the world have destroyed my father’s faith. —
哦,这是一种感人的迷信,先生,尽管我自己不相信,但我绝对不会毁掉我父亲的信念。 —

How often did he muse over it and pronounce the name of a dear friend—a friend lost to him forever; —
他多么常常思考并念叨着一个亲爱的朋友的名字——一个永远失去的朋友; —

and on his death-bed, when the near approach of eternity seemed to have illumined his mind with supernatural light, this thought, which had until then been but a doubt, became a conviction, and his last words were, ‘Maximilian, it was Edmond Dantès!’”
在他临终的时候,当永恒的临近似乎用超自然的光照亮了他的心灵时,这个一直以来只是怀疑的想法变成了一种确信,他的最后一句话是:“Maximilian,那个人是Edmond Dantès!”

At these words the count’s paleness, which had for some time been increasing, became alarming; —
听到这些话,伯爵的苍白,这些话已经越来越多时,变得令人担忧; —

he could not speak; he looked at his watch like a man who has forgotten the hour, said a few hurried words to Madame Herbault, and pressing the hands of Emmanuel and Maximilian, —“Madame,” said he, “I trust you will allow me to visit you occasionally; —
他无法开口;他看了看手表,像是忘了时间一样,对Herbault夫人说了几句匆忙的话,握了握Emmanuel和Maximilian的手,“夫人,”他说,“希望您能允许我偶尔来拜访您; —

I value your friendship, and feel grateful to you for your welcome, for this is the first time for many years that I have thus yielded to my feelings; —
我珍视您的友谊,并感谢您的欢迎,因为这是多年来我第一次如此顺从我的感觉; —

” and he hastily quitted the apartment.

“This Count of Monte Cristo is a strange man,” said Emmanuel.

“Yes,” answered Maximilian, “but I feel sure he has an excellent heart, and that he likes us.”

“His voice went to my heart,” observed Julie; —
“他的声音触动了我的心,”Julie说。 —

“and two or three times I fancied that I had heard it before.”