The great city of Bagdad-on-the-Subway is caliph-ridden. —
巴格达地铁上的伟大城市是一片理财人的天堂。 —

Its palaces, bazaars, khans, and byways are thronged with Al Rashids in divers disguises, seeking diversion and victims for their unbridled generosity. —
宫殿、市场、旅馆和小巷里挤满了穿着各式各样服饰的阿勒·拉希德,他们寻找消遣和受益者,以满足他们无所顾忌的慷慨之心。 —

You can scarcely find a poor beggar whom they are willing to let enjoy his spoils unsuccored, nor a wrecked unfortunate upon whom they will not reshower the means of fresh misfortune. —
你几乎找不到一个他们愿意让其享受收益的可怜乞丐,亦或是不把受难者重新置于新的不幸中的倒霉人。 —

You will hardly find anywhere a hungry one who has not had the opportunity to tighten his belt in gift libraries, nor a poor pundit who has not blushed at the holiday basket of celery-crowned turkey forced resoundingly through his door by the eleemosynary press.

So then, fearfully through the Harun-haunted streets creep the one-eyed calenders, the Little Hunchback and the Barber’s Sixth Brother, hoping to escape the ministrations of the roving horde of caliphoid sultans.

Entertainment for many Arabian nights might be had from the histories of those who have escaped the largesse of the army of Commanders of the Faithful. —
在许多阿拉伯之夜的娱乐中,可以从那些逃离“信徒统帅”的军队的人们的历史中获得乐趣。直到黎明, —

Until dawn you might sit on the enchanted rug and listen to such stories as are told of the powerful genie Roc-Ef-El-Er who sent the Forty Thieves to soak up the oil plant of Ali Baba; —
你可以坐在魔法地毯上,倾听被讲述的故事,比如大力神Roc-Ef-El-Er,它派出了四十个盗贼来吸取阿里巴巴的油植物; —

of the good Caliph Kar-Neg-Ghe, who gave away palaces; —
好哈里发Kar-Neg-Ghe,他送出宫殿; —

of the Seven Voyages of Sailbad, the Sinner, who frequented wooden excursion steamers among the islands; —
罪人Sailbad的七次航行,他在岛屿之间经常乘坐木制游艇; —

of the Fisherman and the Bottle; —
渔夫和瓶子的故事; —

of the Barmecides’ Boarding house; —
Barmecides旅馆的故事; —

of Aladdin’s rise to wealth by means of his Wonderful Gasmeter.

But now, there being ten sultans to one Sheherazade, she is held too valuable to be in fear of the bowstring. —
但现在,每十位苏丹中只有一位舍赫拉扎德,她被认为太有价值,不必担心被绳索绞死。 —

In consequence the art of narrative languishes. And, as the lesser caliphs are hunting the happy poor and the resigned unfortunate from cover to cover in order to heap upon them strange mercies and mysterious benefits, too often comes the report from Arabian headquarters that the captive refused “to talk.”

This reticence, then, in the actors who perform the sad comedies of their philanthropy-scourged world, must, in a degree, account for the shortcomings of this painfully gleaned tale, which shall be called: —
此后,在演绎他们的慈善困扰的世界悲剧的演员中的这种沉默必然在某种程度上解释了这个费力地搜集到的故事的不足之处,这个故事将被称为: —


Old Jacob Spraggins mixed for himself some Scotch and lithia water at his $1, 200 oak sideboard. —
老杰克布·斯普拉金斯在他价值1200美元的橡木餐边柜上为自己调配了一些苏格兰威士忌和苏打水。 —

Inspiration must have resulted from its imbibition, for immediately afterward he struck the quartered oak soundly with his fist and shouted to the empty dining room:

“By the coke ovens of hell, it must be that ten thousand dollars! —
“就他妈的和那些焦炭炉一样,那一定是那一万美元! —

If I can get that squared, it’ll do the trick.”

Thus, by the commonest artifice of the trade, having gained your interest, the action of the story will now be suspended, leaving you grumpily to consider a sort of dull biography beginning fifteen years before.

When old Jacob was young Jacob he was a breaker boy in a Pennsylvania coal mine. —
当年轻时的雅各布还是个宾夕法尼亚州煤矿的拆分工。 —

I don’t know what a breaker boy is; —
我不知道拆分工是什么; —

but his occupation seems to be standing by a coal dump with a wan look and a dinner-pail to have his picture taken for magazine articles. —
但他的职业似乎是站在一个煤渣堆旁边,一脸苍白,提着午餐盒等着为杂志文章照相。 —

Anyhow, Jacob was one. But, instead of dying of overwork at nine, and leaving his helpless parents and brothers at the mercy of the union strikers’ reserve fund, he hitched up his galluses, put a dollar or two in a side proposition now and then, and at forty-five was worth $20,000,000.

There now! it’s over. Hardly had time to yawn, did you? —
好了,就到这里吧。你几乎没来得及打个哈欠,对吗? —

I’ve seen biographies that - but let us dissemble.

I want you to consider Jacob Spraggins, Esq., after he had arrived at the seventh stage of his career. —
我要你考虑一下雅各布·斯普拉金斯律师,在他职业生涯的第七个阶段到来后的情况。 —

The stages meant are, first, humble origin; —
所指的阶段是,首先是谦卑的出身; —

second, deserved promotion; third, stockholder; fourth, capitalist; fifth, trust magnate; —
第二是应得的晋升;第三,股东;第四,资本家;第五,信托大亨;第六, —

sixth, rich malefactor; —
富有的恶棍; —

seventh, caliph; eighth, x. —
第七,哈里发;第八, —

The eighth stage shall be left to the higher mathematics.

At fifty-five Jacob retired from active business. —
当雅各布55岁时退休了。 —

The income of a czar was still rolling in on him from coal, iron, real estate, oil, railroads, manufactories, and corporations, but none of it touched Jacob’s hands in a raw state. —
他从煤炭、铁矿石、房地产、石油、铁路、制造业和公司中依然获得着沙皇的收入,但其中没有一分钱触及到雅各布的手中。 —

It was a sterilized increment, carefully cleaned and dusted and fumigated until it arrived at its ultimate stage of untainted, spotless checks in the white fingers of his private secretary. —
它是经过灭菌处理的增加部分,经过仔细清洁、除尘和熏蒸,直到它变成了一张张无污点、无瑕疵的支票,出现在他的私人秘书的白色手指上。 —

Jacob built a three-million-dollar palace on a corner lot fronting on Nabob Avenue, city of New Bagdad, and began to feel the mantle of the late H. A. Rashid descending upon him. —
雅各布在新巴格达市纳布大道的一个角落上建了一座价值三百万美元的宫殿,并开始感受到已故的H. A.拉希德的影响降临在他身上。 —

Eventually Jacob slipped the mantle under his collar, tied it in a neat four-in-hand, and became a licensed harrier of our Mesopotamian proletariat.

When a man’s income becomes so large that the butcher actually sends him the kind of steak he orders, he begins to think about his soul’s salvation. —
当一个人的收入变得如此之高,以至于屠夫实际上给他送上他点的那种牛排时,他开始思考自己灵魂的救赎。 —

Now, the various stages or classes of rich men must not be forgotten. —
现在,不要忘记富人的各个阶层或类别。 —

The capitalist can tell you to a dollar the amount of his wealth. —
资本家可以告诉你他的财富的确切数额。 —

The trust magnate “estimates” it. —
信托大亨”估计”那个数。 —

The rich malefactor hands you a cigar and denies that he has bought the P. D. & Q. The caliph merely smiles and talks about Hammerstein and the musical lasses. —
富有的罪犯递给你一支雪茄,否认自己购买了P. D. & Q. (译注:可能指某种价值不菲的物品或服务)。哈里发只是微笑着谈论汉默斯坦和音乐女郎们。 —

There is a record of tremendous altercation at breakfast in a “Where-to-Dine-Well” tavern between a magnate and his wife, the rift within the loot being that the wife calculated their fortune at a figure $3, 000,000 higher than did her future divorce. —
有一则记录在一家”好去处”旅馆的早餐时发生剧烈争吵的事件,参与争吵的是一位大亨和他的妻子,原因是妻子计算出的他们的财产比未来的离婚的数目高了300万美元。 —

Oh, well, I, myself, heard a similar quarrel between a man and his wife because he found fifty cents less in his pockets than he thought he had. —
噢,我自己听到过一对夫妇因为他们发现口袋里比他们想象的少了五十美分而发生了类似的争吵。 —

After all, we are all human - Count Tolstoi, R. Fitzsimmons, Peter Pan, and the rest of us.

Don’t lose heart because the story seems to be degenerating into a sort of moral essay for intellectual readers.

There will be dialogue and stage business pretty soon.

When Jacob first began to compare the eyes of needles with the camels in the Zoo he decided upon organized charity. —
当雅各布开始将针眼与动物园里的骆驼相比较时,他决定进行有组织的慈善事业。 —

He had his secretary send a check for one million to the Universal Benevolent Association of the Globe. You may have looked down through a grating in front of a decayed warehouse for a nickel that you had dropped through. —
他让秘书给全球普惠协会寄了一百万美元的支票。你可能曾经在一个破旧仓库前的格栅下面找掉了一枚五分钱。 —

But that is neither here nor there. —
但这既不是这里也不是那里的问题。 —

The Association acknowledged receipt of his favor of the 24th ult. —
协会已经收到了他于上月24日附上款项的来信。 —

with enclosure as stated. —

Separated by a double line, but still mighty close to the matter under the caption of “Oddities of the Day’s News” in an evening paper, Jacob Spraggins read that one “Jasper Spargyous” had “donated $100, 000 to the U. B. A. of G.” A camel may have a stomach for each day in the week; —
在晚报的“每日奇闻”栏目下方,用双线分开,但与“Jasper Spargyous将10万美元捐赠给U. B. A. of G.”这个问题仍然密切相关。一只骆驼可能有一周七天的胃; —

but I dare not venture to accord him whiskers, for fear of the Great Displeasure at Washington; —
但是我不敢给他蓄胡须,因为我怕在华盛顿引起大不满; —

but if he have whiskers, surely not one of them will seem to have been inserted in the eye of a needle by that effort of that rich man to enter the K. of H. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids; —
但如果他有胡须,那么它们肯定不是富有的那个人费力将它们插入了针眼。保留有权拒绝任何和所有出价; —

signed, S. Peter, secretary and gatekeeper.
签署者,S. Peter,秘书和门卫。

Next, Jacob selected the best endowed college he could scare up and presented it with a $200, 000 laboratory. —
接下来,Jacob选择了他能找到的最富有的学院并向他们捐赠了20万美元的实验室。 —

The college did not maintain a scientific course, but it accepted the money and built an elaborate lavatory instead, which was no diversion of funds so far as Jacob ever discovered.

The faculty met and invited Jacob to come over and take his A B C degree. —
教职员工开会并邀请雅各布过来参加A B C学位的授予典礼。 —

Before sending the invitation they smiled, cut out the C, added the proper punctuation marks, and all was well.

While walking on the campus before being capped and gowned, Jacob saw two professors strolling nearby. —
雅各布在戴上学位帽和长袍之前在校园上漫步时,看到两位教授在附近散步。 —

Their voices, long adapted to indoor acoustics, undesignedly reached his ear.

“There goes the latest chevalier d’industrie,” said one of them, “to buy a sleeping powder from us. —
“那个最新的职业骗子走了”,其中一位说,”去我们这里买睡眠药, —

He gets his degree to-morrow.”

“In foro conscientai,” said the other. —
“《心之论坛》上”,另一位说。” —

“Let’s ‘eave ‘arf a brick at ‘im.”

Jacob ignored the Latin, but the brick pleasantry was not too hard for him. —
雅各布无视了拉丁语,但砖头的笑话对他来说并不困难。 —

There was no mandragora in the honorary draught of learning that he had bought. —
他所购买的学术荣誉并没有魔鬼之药。 —

That was before the passage of the Pure Food and Drugs Act.

Jacob wearied of philanthropy on a large scale.

“If I could see folks made happier,” he said to himself - “If I could see ‘em myself and hear ‘em express their gratitude for what I done for ‘em it would make me feel better. —
“如果我能看到人们更快乐的样子,” 他自言自语道 - “如果我能亲眼见到他们并听到他们对我所做的表示感激,那将让我感觉更好。 —

This donatin’ funds to institutions and societies is about as satisfactory as dropping money into a broken slot machine.”

So Jacob followed his nose, which led him through unswept streets to the homes of the poorest.

“The very thing!” said Jacob. “I will charter two river steamboats, pack them full of these unfortunate children and - say ten thousand dolls and drums and a thousand freezers of ice cream, and give them a delightful outing up the Sound. The sea breezes on that trip ought to blow the taint off some of this money that keeps coming in faster than I can work it off my mind.”
“太好了!”雅各布说,”我将租下两艘河轮,将这些可怜的孩子塞满船舱- 大概有一万个玩偶和鼓,还有一千个冰淇淋冷冻器,给他们一个愉快的旅行,沿着海峡前行。那次旅行中的海风应该能吹掉一些这些钱的恶臭,这些钱比我消化掉的速度还要快。”

Jacob must have leaked some of his benevolent intentions, for an immense person with a bald face and a mouth that looked as if it ought to have a “Drop Letters Here” sign over it hooked a finger around him and set him in a space between a barber’s pole and a stack of ash cans. —
雅各必定泄露了他一些善意的意图,因为一个身材高大的人,脸上一片光秃秃,嘴巴看起来好像应该挂个“投递信件于此”的牌子,用手指钩住了他,把他放在一个理发店柱子和一堆垃圾桶之间的一个空间里。 —

Words came out of the post-office slit - smooth, husky words with gloves on ‘em, but sounding as if they might turn to bare knuckles any moment.

“Say, Sport, do you know where you are at? Well, dis is Mike O’Grady’s district you’re buttin’ into - see? —
“喂,小子,你知道你在哪儿吗?嗯,这里是迈克·奥格雷迪的地盘,你插进来了-明白吗? —

Mike’s got de stomach-ache privilege for every kid in dis neighborhood - see? —
迈克有权力治理这个地区的每个孩子的肚子痛——明白吗? —

And if dere’s any picnics or red balloons to be dealt out here, Mike’s money pays for ‘em - see? Don’t you butt in, or something’ll be handed to you. —
并且如果这里有任何野餐或者红色气球,都是迈克的钱支付的-懂吗?别插手,否则你会被拿东西砸到。 —

Youse d - - settlers and reformers with your social ologies and your millionaire detectives have got dis district in a hell of a fix, anyhow. —
你们这些混账定居者和改革者,带着你们的社会学和百万富翁侦探把这个地区搞得一团糟。 —

With your college students and professors rough-housing de soda-water stands and dem rubber-neck coaches fillin’ de streets, de folks down here are ‘fraid to go out of de houses. —
大学生和教授们在汽水摊和橡胶脖客车厢上搞得乱七八糟,人们都害怕出门。 —

Now, you leave ‘em to Mike. Dey belongs to him, and he knows how to handle ‘em. —
现在你就让迈克去处理吧。他们是他的人,他知道如何处理他们。 —

Keep on your own side of de town. —
你自己待在镇子的另一边。 —

Are you some wiser now, uncle, or do you want to scrap wit’ Mike O’Grady for de Santa Claus belt in dis district?”

Clearly, that spot in the moral vineyard was preempted. —
显然,道德之园中的那个位置已经被占领。 —

So Caliph Spraggins menaced no more the people in the bazaars of the East Side. To keep down his growing surplus he doubled his donations to organized charity, presented the Y. M. C. A. of his native town with a $10, 000 collection of butterflies, and sent a check to the famine sufferers in China big enough to buy new emerald eyes and diamond-filled teeth for all their gods. —
因此,卡利普·斯普拉金斯不再威胁东区市集上的人们。为了控制他逐渐增长的盈余,他将对组织的慈善机构的捐款翻倍,向他家乡的YMCA捐赠了一批价值10, 000美元的蝴蝶,并向中国的饥荒受灾者捐赠了一张足以为他们所有的神祗购买嵌有新翡翠眼睛和钻石镶嵌牙齿的支票。 —

But none of these charitable acts seemed to bring peace to the caliph’s heart. —
然而,这些慈善行为似乎并没有给这位哈里发的心带来平静。 —

He tried to get a personal note into his benefactions by tipping bellboys and waiters $10 and $20 bills. —
他试图通过给钟楼男孩和服务员10美元和20美元的小费,在他的善行中加入个人的纪念。 —

He got well snickered at and derided for that by the minions who accept with respect gratuities commensurate to the service performed. —
他因此受到了接受与所提供服务相称的恩赐的仆人们的嘲笑和嘲弄。 —

He sought out an ambitious and talented but poor young woman, and bought for her the star part in a new comedy. —
他寻找一位雄心勃勃而又有才华的贫穷年轻女子,并为她购买了一部新喜剧的主演。 —

He might have gotten rid of $50, 000 more of his cumbersome money in this philanthropy if he had not neglected to write letters to her. —
如果他没有忘记给她写信的话,他本来可以花掉多几万美元来进行这项慈善事业。 —

But she lost the suit for lack of evidence, while his capital still kept piling up, and his optikos needleorum camelibus - or rich man’s disease - was unrelieved.

In Caliph Spraggins’s $3,000, 000 home lived his sister Henrietta, who used to cook for the coal miners in a twenty-five-cent eating house in Coketown, Pa., and who now would have offered John Mitchell only two fingers of her hand to shake. —
在哈立夫·斯普拉金斯的300万美元的家里,住着他的姐姐亨利埃塔,在宾夕法尼亚州的科克城曾为煤矿工人做饭,现在她只会伸出两个手指给约翰·米切尔握手。 —

And his daughter Celia, nineteen, back from boarding-school and from being polished off by private instructors in the restaurant languages and those ‘etudes and things.

Celia is the heroine. Lest the artist’s delineation of her charms on this very page humbug your fancy, take from me her authorized description. —
西莉亚是女主角。如果画家在这一页上对她的魅力描述让你心生疑惑,那么请接受我对她的授权描述。 —

She was a nice-looking, awkward, loud, rather bashful, brown-haired girl, with a sallow complexion, bright eyes, and a perpetual smile. —
她是一个长得不错但笨拙、大声、有些害羞的棕发女孩,肤色稍黯,明亮的眼睛总是带着永远的微笑。 —

She had a wholesome, Spraggins-inherited love for plain food, loose clothing, and the society of the lower classes. —
她继承了斯普拉金斯家族对素食、宽松服装和下层社会的喜爱。 —

She had too much health and youth to feel the burden of wealth. —
她年轻健康,对财富没有负担感。 —

She had a wide mouth that kept the peppermint-pepsin tablets rattling like hail from the slot-machine wherever she went, and she could whistle hornpipes. —
她有着宽大的嘴巴,无论走到哪里都会有薄荷胃片像冰雹一样哗啦哗啦地响,而且她会吹口琴舞曲。 —

Keep this picture in mind; and let the artist do his worst.

Celia looked out of her window one day and gave her heart to the grocer’s young man. —
西莉亚有一天透过窗户望出去,将她的心留给了杂货店里的年轻人。 —

The receiver thereof was at that moment engaged in conceding immortality to his horse and calling down upon him the ultimate fate of the wicked; —
此时的收件人正在让他的马获得永生,并祈求将邪恶的最终命运降临于它身上; —

so he did not notice the transfer. —
所以他没有注意到这次转移。 —

A horse should stand still when you are lifting a crate of strictly new-laid eggs out of the wagon.

Young lady reader, you would have liked that grocer’s young man yourself. —
年轻的女读者,你一定会喜欢那个杂货店的年轻小伙子。 —

But you wouldn’t have given him your heart, because you are saving it for a riding-master, or a shoe-manufacturer with a torpid liver, or something quiet but rich in gray tweeds at Palm Beach. Oh, I know about it. —
但你不会把你的心给他,因为你将它留给了一个骑术教练,或者一位肝功能迟钝但穿着灰色粗花呢的帕姆海滩富豪。哦,我知道这些事情。 —

So I am glad the grocer’s young man was for Celia, and not for you.

The grocer’s young man was slim and straight and as confident and easy in his movements as the man in the back of the magazines who wears the new frictionless roller suspenders. —
那个杂货店的年轻小伙子身材苗条笔直,动作自信,轻松自如,仿佛杂志背后的那个人,穿着新式无摩擦的滚轮吊带。 —

He wore a gray bicycle cap on the back of his head, and his hair was straw-colored and curly, and his sunburned face looked like one that smiled a good deal when he was not preaching the doctrine of everlasting punishment to delivery-wagon horses. —
他戴着一顶灰色的自行车帽,头发像稻草一样的卷曲,晒得发红的脸在不讲到永恒的惩罚教义时,看起来总是笑得很多。 —

He slung imported A1 fancy groceries about as though they were only the stuff he delivered at boarding-houses; —
他像把进口的A1高级食品扔来扔去,好像它们只是他在寄宿舍里送的东西一样; —

and when he picked up his whip, your mind instantly recalled Mr. Tacktt and his air with the buttonless foils.

Tradesmen delivered their goods at a side gate at the rear of the house. —
商人们把他们的货物送到房子后面的一个侧门。 —

The grocer’s wagon came about ten in the morning. —
杂货车一般在上午十点钟左右到来。 —

For three days Celia watched the driver when he came, finding something new each time to admire in the lofty and almost contemptuous way he had of tossing around the choicest gifts of Pomona, Ceres, and the canning factories. —
Celia在这个司机来的时候观察了三天,每次都能找到一些新的东西来赞美他傲慢而几乎轻蔑地抛投着Pomona、Ceres和罐头工厂最好的产品。 —

Then she consulted Annette.

To be explicit, Annette McCorkle, the second housemaid who deserves a paragraph herself. —
明确地说,Annette McCorkle,这位值得一提的第二个女仆。 —

Annette Fletcherized large numbers of romantic novels which she obtained at a free public library branch (donated by one of the biggest caliphs in the business). —
安妮特在一个免费公共图书馆分馆(由业界最大的卡力夫之一捐赠)处拿到许多浪漫小说,她对它们进行了改编。 —

She was Celia’s sidekicker and chum, though Aunt Henrietta didn’t know it, you may hazard a bean or two.

“Oh, canary-bird seed!” exclaimed Annette. —
“哦,鹦鹉种子!”安妮特惊叹道。 —

“Ain’t it a corkin’ situation? You a heiress, and fallin’ in love with him on sight! —
“情况真是太棒了!你是一个继承人,一见钟情! —

He’s a sweet boy, too, and above his business. —
他是个好孩子,也超脱于生意之上。 —

But he ain’t susceptible like the common run of grocer’s assistants. —
但他不像普通杂货店助手那样易受感动。 —

He never pays no attention to me.”

“He will to me,” said Celia.

“Riches -” began Annette, unsheathing the not unjustifiable feminine sting.
“财富 -” 安妮特开始挥舞那不太公正的女性利刺。

“Oh, you’re not so beautiful,” said Celia, with her wide, disarming smile. —
“哦,你不是那么漂亮,” 西莉亚笑眯眯地说。“我也不漂亮; —

“Neither am I; —

but he sha’n’t know that there’s any money mixed up with my looks, such as they are. That’s fair. —
但我不想让他知道我的外貌和我那些如此寥寥的财富发生关系。这是公平的。 —

Now, I want you to lend me one of your caps and an apron, Annette.”

“Oh, marshmallows!” cried Annette. “I see. Ain’t it lovely? —
“哦,棉花糖!”安妮特叫道。“我明白了。真可爱!就像《左撇子拉琳》一样;或者说, —

It’s just like ‘Lurline, the Left-Handed; —
一个找纽扣洞制作者的不幸故事。我敢打赌他一定是个伯爵。” —

or, A Buttonhole Maker’s Wrongs.’ I’ll bet he’ll turn out to be a count.”

There was a long hallway (or “passageway,” as they call it in the land of the Colonels) with one side latticed, running along the rear of the house. —
房子后面有一条长长的走廊(在上校们的国度里,他们称之为“通道”),其中一边是格子的。 —

The grocer’s young man went through this to deliver his goods. —
杂货店的小伙子每次送货都要穿过这里。 —

One morning he passed a girl in there with shining eyes, sallow complexion, and wide, smiling mouth, wearing a maid’s cap and apron. —
一天早上,他经过时看到一个穿着女仆帽子和围裙,眼睛闪亮,面色苍白,嘴巴宽大而微笑的女孩。 —

But as he was cumbered with a basket of Early Drumhead lettuce and Trophy tomatoes and three bunches of asparagus and six bottles of the most expensive Queen olives, he saw no more than that she was one of the maids.

But on his way out he came up behind her, and she was whistling “Fisher’s Hornpipe” so loudly and clearly that all the piccolos in the world should have disjointed themselves and crept into their cases for shame.

The grocer’s young man stopped and pushed back his cap until it hung on his collar button behind.

“That’s out o’ sight, Kid,” said he.
“真是太棒了,孩子,” 他说道。

“My name is Celia, if you please,” said the whistler, dazzling him with a three-inch smile.
“如果你愿意,请称呼我为西莉娅,” 那个吹口哨的女孩说着,露出一个三英寸的微笑,让他眼花缭乱。

That’s all right. I’m Thomas McLeod. What part of the house do you work in?”

“I’m the - the second parlor maid.”

“Do you know the ‘Falling Waters’?”

“No,” said Celia, “we don’t know anybody. —
西莉娅说:”不,”我们不认识任何人。 —

We got rich too quick - that is, Mr. Spraggins did.”
我们变得太富有了 - 那是因为斯普拉金斯先生。”

“I’ll make you acquainted,” said Thomas McLeod. “It’s a strathspey - the first cousin to a hornpipe.”
托马斯·麦克劳德说:”我会介绍你们见面。这是一个苏格兰高地舞曲 - 是一支接近威斯特海索尔舞曲的表亲。”

If Celia’s whistling put the piccolos out of commission, Thomas McLeod’s surely made the biggest flutes hunt their holes. —
如果西莉娅的口哨声让短笛都无法发声了,那么托马斯的口哨声肯定能让最大的长笛都躲进洞里。 —

He could actually whistle bass.

When he stopped Celia was ready to jump into his delivery wagon and ride with him clear to the end of the pier and on to the ferry-boat of the Charon line.

“I’ll be around to-morrow at 10:15,” said Thomas, “with some spinach and a case of carbonic.”

“I’ll practice that what-you-may-call-it,” said Celia. “I can whistle a fine second.”

The processes of courtship are personal, and do not belong to general literature. —
求婚的过程是私人的,不属于通俗文学。 —

They should be chronicled in detail only in advertisements of iron tonics and in the secret by-laws of the Woman’s Auxiliary of the Ancient Order of the Rat Trap. But genteel writing may contain a description of certain stages of its progress without intruding upon the province of the X-ray or of park policemen.

A day came when Thomas McLeod and Celia lingered at the end of the latticed “passage.”

“Sixteen a week isn’t much,” said Thomas, letting his cap rest on his shoulder blades.

Celia looked through the lattice-work and whistled a dead march. —
西莉娅透过格子看着,吹奏着悲切的进行曲。 —

Shopping with Aunt Henrietta the day before, she had paid that much for a dozen handkerchiefs.

“Maybe I’ll get a raise next month,” said Thomas. —
“也许下个月我会加薪,”托马斯说。 —

“I’ll be around to-morrow at the same time with a bag of flour and the laundry soap.”

“All right,” said Celia. “Annette’s married cousin pays only $20 a month for a flat in the Bronx.”

Never for a moment did she count on the Spraggins money. —
她从未指望过斯普拉金斯家的钱。 —

She knew Aunt Henrietta’s invincible pride of caste and pa’s mightiness as a Colossus of cash, and she understood that if she chose Thomas she and her grocer’s young man might go whistle for a living.

Another day came, Thomas violating the dignity of Nabob Avenue with “The Devil’s Dream,” whistled keenly between his teeth.

“Raised to eighteen a week yesterday,” he said. —
“昨天薪水涨到每周18美元,”他说。 —

“Been pricing flats around Morningside. —
“在莫宁赛德附近看了一些公寓价格。 —

You want to start untying those apron strings and unpinning that cap, old girl.”

“Oh, Tommy!” said Celia, with her broadest smile. —
“哦,汤米!”西莉亚笑容最灿烂。 —

“Won’t that be enough? —
“那不够吗? —

I got Betty to show me how to make a cottage pudding. —
我让贝蒂教我做一份乡村布丁。 —

I guess we could call it a flat pudding if we wanted to.”

“And tell no lie,” said Thomas.

“And I can sweep and polish and dust - of course, a parlor maid learns that. —
“而且我会扫地、擦亮和打扫灰尘-当然了,女仆都要学会这些。 —

And we cold whistle duets of evenings.”

“The old man said he’d raise me to twenty at Christmas if Bryan couldn’t think of any harder name to call a Republican than a ‘postponer,’ ” said the grocer’s young man.

“I can sew,” said Celia; “and I know that you must make the gas company’s man show his badge when he comes to look at the meter; —
“我会缝纫,”Celia说道,“我知道当煤气公司的工作人员来查看煤气表时,你必须让他出示工作证; —

and I know how to put up quince jam and window curtains.”

“Bully! you’re all right, Cele. Yes, I believe we can pull it off on eighteen.”

As he was jumping into the wagon the second parlor maid braved discovery by running swiftly to the gate.

“And, oh, Tommy, I forgot,” she called, softly. —
“哦,汤米,我忘了一件事,”她轻声喊道, —

“I believe I could make your neckties.”

“Forget it,” said Thomas decisively.

“And another thing,” she continued. —
“还有一件事,”她继续说道, —

“Sliced cucumbers at night will drive away cockroaches.”

“And sleep, too, you bet,” said Mr. McLeod. “Yes, I believe if I have a delivery to make on the West Side this afternoon I’ll look in at a furniture store I know over there.”

It was just as the wagon dashed away that old Jacob Spraggins struck the sideboard with his fist and made the mysterious remark about ten thousand dollars that you perhaps remember. —
就在车子猛地驶离时,老雅各布·斯普拉金斯用拳头敲了一下边柜,并说了你也许还记得的那句神秘的关于一万美元的话。 —

Which justifies the reflection that some stories, as well as life, and puppies thrown into wells, move around in circles. —
这也证明了这样的思考,有些故事,就像生活以及被扔进井里的小狗,会在圈子里打转。 —

Painfully but briefly we must shed light on Jacob’s words.

The foundation of his fortune was made when he was twenty. —
他的财富基础是在他二十岁时建立的。 —

A poor coal-digger (ever hear of a rich one? —
一个穷煤矿工(你听说过有富有的煤矿工吗? —

) had saved a dollar or two and bought a small tract of land on a hillside on which he tried to raise corn. —
他存下了一两美元,买了一块小山坡上的土地,试图种植玉米。一颗玉米都没结出来。 —

Not a nubbin. —

Jacob, whose nose was a divining-rod, told him there was a vein of coal beneath. —
雅各布,他的鼻子就像一个探测棒,告诉他地下有一条煤矿脉。 —

he bought the land from the miner for $125 and sold it a month afterward for $10,000. —
他以125美元的价格从矿工那里买下了土地,一个月后以1万美元的价格卖掉了。 —

Luckily the miner had enough left of his sale money to drink himself into a black coat opening in the back, as soon as he heard the news.

And so, for forty years afterward, we find Jacob illuminated with the sudden thought that if he could make restitution of this sum of money to the heirs or assigns of the unlucky miner, respite and Nepenthe might be his.

And now must come swift action, for we have here some four thousand words and not a tear shed and never a pistol, joke, safe, nor bottle cracked.

Old Jacob hired a dozen private detectives to find the heirs, if any existed, of the old miner, Hugh McLeod.

Get the point? Of course I know as well as you do that Thomas is going to be the heir. —
明白了吗?当然我像你一样知道托马斯将成为继承人。 —

I might have concealed the name; —
我本来可以隐瞒姓名; —

but why always hold back you mystery till the end? I say, let it come near the middle so people can stop reading there if they want to.

After the detectives had trailed false clues about three thousand dollars - I mean miles - they cornered Thomas at the grocery and got his confession that Hugh McLeod had been his grandfather, and that there were no other heirs. —
在侦探们追踪虚假线索大约三千美元 - 我是说,三千英里 - 之后,他们在杂货店包围了托马斯,并得到了他承认休·麦克劳德是他的祖父,也没有其他继承人。 —

They arranged a meeting for him and old Jacob one morning in one of their offices.

Jacob liked the young man very much. —
雅各布非常喜欢这个年轻人。 —

He liked the way he looked straight at him when he talked, and the way he threw his bicycle cap over the top of a rose-colored vase on the centre-table.

There was a slight flaw in Jacob’s system of restitution. —
雅各布的赔偿制度有一个小缺陷。 —

He did not consider that the act, to be perfect, should include confession. —
他没有考虑到为了完美,行为应该包括忏悔。 —

So he represented himself to be the agent of the purchaser of the land who had sent him to refund the sale price for the ease of his conscience.

“Well, sir,” said Thomas, “this sounds to me like an illustrated post-card from South Boston with ‘We’re having a good time here’ written on it. —
“嗯,先生,”托马斯说,“这对我来说听起来像是从南波士顿发来的一张带有‘我们这里过得很愉快’字样的明信片。” —

I don’t know the game. Is this ten thousand dollars money, or do I have to save so many coupons to get it?”

Old Jacob counted out to him twenty five-hundred-dollar bills.

That was better, he thought, than a check. —
这比支票好,他想。 —

Thomas put them thoughtfully into his pocket.

“Grandfather’s best thanks,” he said, “to the party who sends it.”

Jacob talked on, asking him about his work, how he spent his leisure time, and what his ambitions were. —
雅各布继续交谈,询问他的工作情况,他如何度过空闲时间以及他的抱负是什么。 —

The more he saw and heard of Thomas, the better he liked him. —
他越看越喜欢托马斯。 —

He had not met many young men in Bagdad so frank and wholesome.

“I would like to have you visit my house,” he said. —
“我希望你能来我家作客,”他说。 —

“I might help you in investing or laying out your money. —
“我可能可以帮助你投资或安排你的钱财。 —

I am a very wealthy man. —
我是个非常有财富的人。 —

I have a daughter about grown, and I would like for you to know her. —
我有一个差不多长大了的女儿,我希望你认识她。 —

There are not many young men I would care to have call on her.”

“I’m obliged,” said Thomas. “I’m not much at making calls. —
“谢谢你,”托马斯说。“我不太擅长拜访。 —

It’s generally the side entrance for mine. —
通常我会用侧门。 —

And, besides, I’m engaged to a girl that has the Delaware peach crop killed in the blossom. —
而且,我和一个女孩订婚了,她是我送货时遇到的一个佩奇女孩。她将不再在那里工作了。 —

She’s a parlor maid in a house where I deliver goods. —
顺便说一下,别忘了转达您朋友祖父的最诚挚的问候。 —

She won’t be working there much longer, though. Say, don’t forget to give your friend my grandfather’s best regards. —
请书记下来。 —

You’ll excuse me now; my wagon’s outside with a lot of green stuff that’s got to be delivered. —
你们先请原谅我,我的马车在外面等着有很多绿色的货物要送。 —

See you again, sir.”

At eleven Thomas delivered some bunches of parsley and lettuce at the Spraggins mansion. —
十一点的时候,托马斯在斯普拉金斯庄园送了一些香菜和莴苣。 —

Thomas was only twenty-two; —
托马斯只有22岁; —

so, as he came back, he took out the handful of five-hundred-dollar bills and waved them carelessly. —
因此,当他回来时,他拿出了一把五百美元的钞票,随意地挥了挥。 —

Annette took a pair of eyes as big as creamed onion to the cook.

“I told you he was a count,” she said, after relating. “He never would carry on with me.”

“But you say he showed money,” said the cook.

“Hundreds of thousands,” said Annette. —
“几百万呢,”安妮特说。 —

“Carried around loose in his pockets. —
“他口袋里随意装满了。 —

And he never would look at me.”

“It was paid to me to-day,” Thomas was explaining to Celia outside. —
“这是从今天起付给我的,”托马斯正在跟西莉亚解释。 —

“It came from my grandfather’s estate. —
“这是来自我祖父的遗产。 —

Say, Cele, what’s the use of waiting now? —
说实话,西莉亚,现在还等着有什么意义呢? —

I’m going to quit the job to-night. —
我打算今晚辞职。 —

Why can’t we get married next week?”

“Tommy,” said Celia. “I’m no parlor maid. —
“汤米,”西莉亚说。“我可不是一个客厅女佣。 —

I’ve been fooling you. I’m Miss Spraggins - Celia Spraggins. —
我是斯普拉金斯小姐 - 西莉亚斯普拉金斯。 —

The newspapers say I’ll be worth forty million dollars some day.”

Thomas pulled his cap down straight on his head for the first time since we have known him.

“I suppose then,” said he, “I suppose then you’ll not be marrying me next week. —
“那我猜,“他说,“那么你下周就不会嫁给我了。 —

But you can whistle.”

“No,” said Celia, “I’ll not be marrying you next week. —
“不,”西莉亚说,“我下周不会嫁给你的。 —

My father would never let me marry a grocer’s clerk. —
我父亲从不会让我嫁给一个杂货店的职员。” —

But I’ll marry you to-night, Tommy, if you say so.”

Old Jacob Spraggins came home at 9:30 P. M., in his motor car. The make of it you will have to surmise sorrowfully; —
九点半,雅各布·斯普拉金斯老爷子开着他的汽车回到家。遗憾的是,车子的品牌我只能凭空猜想; —

I am giving you unsubsidized fiction; —
我给你的是无补贴的小说; —

had it been a street car I could have told you its voltage and the number of wheels it had. —
如果那是一辆公交车,我就可以告诉你它的电压和轮胎数了。 —

Jacob called for his daughter; —
雅各布喊着女儿的名字; —

he had bought a ruby necklace for her, and wanted to hear her say what a kind, thoughtful, dear old dad he was.

There was a brief search in the house for her, and then came Annette, glowing with the pure flame of truth and loyalty well mixed with envy and histrionics.

“Oh, sir,” said she, wondering if she should kneel, “Miss Celia’s just this minute running away out of the side gate with a young man to be married. —
“哦,先生,”她说,不知道是否应该跪下,“赛莉亚小姐刚才从侧门逃走,和一个年轻人一起去结婚了。 —

I couldn’t stop her, sir. They went in a cab.”

“What young man?” roared old Jacob.

“A millionaire, if you please, sir - a rich nobleman in disguise. —
“一个百万富翁,先生,一个伪装成贵族的富人。 —

He carries his money with him, and the red peppers and the onions was only to blind us, sir. —
他身上带着钱,而那些红辣椒和洋葱只是为了迷惑我们,先生。 —

He never did seem to take to me.”

Jacob rushed out in time to catch his car. —
雅各布冲出去,赶上了他的汽车。 —

The chauffeur had been delayed by trying to light a cigarette in the wind.

“Here, Gaston, or Mike, or whatever you call yourself, scoot around the corner quicker than blazes and see if you can see a cab. —
“喂,加斯东,或者迈克,或者你叫什么,钱快跑到拐角那边看看能不能看见一辆出租车。如果看到了, —

If you do, run it down.”

There was a cab in sight a block away. Gaston, or Mike, with his eyes half shut and his mind on his cigarette, picked up the trail, neatly crowded the cab to the curb and pocketed it.

“What t’ell you doin’?” yelled the cabman.

“Pa!” shrieked Celia.

“Grandfather’s remorseful friend’s agent!” said Thomas. “Wonder what’s on his conscience now.”

“A thousand thunders,” said Gaston, or Mike. “I have no other match.”

“Young man,” said old Jacob, severely, “how about that parlor maid you were engaged to?”

A couple of years afterward old Jacob went into the office of his private secretary.

“The Amalgamated Missionary Society solicits a contribution of $30, 000 toward the conversion of the Koreans,” said the secretary.
“合并传教协会请求你向韩国的布道活动捐助30, 000美元,”秘书说道。

“Pass ‘em up,” said Jacob.

“The University of Plumville writes that its yearly endowment fund of $50, 000 that you bestowed upon it is past due.”

“Tell ‘em it’s been cut out.”

“The Scientific Society of Clam Cove, Long Island, asks for $10,000 to buy alcohol to preserve specimens.”

“Waste basket.”

“The Society for Providing Healthful Recreation for Working Girls wants $20, 000 from you to lay out a golf course.”

“Tell ‘em to see an undertaker.”

“Cut ‘em all out,” went on Jacob. “I’ve quit being a good thing. —
“统统削减掉,”雅各布说。“不再做好事了。 —

I need every dollar I can scrape or save. —
我需要尽可能挤出或节省每一美元。 —

I want you to write to the directors of every company that I’m interested in and recommend a 10 per cent. —
我希望你给我感兴趣的每家公司的董事写信,建议减薪10%。 —

cut in salaries. —

And say - I noticed half a cake of soap lying in a corner of the hall as I came in. —
还说-我进门时注意到门厅角落里有一半块肥皂。 —

I want you to speak to the scrubwoman about waste. —
我希望你和清洁女工谈谈节约。 —

I’ve got no money to throw away. —
我没钱乱花。 —

And say - we’ve got vinegar pretty well in hand, haven’t we?’

“The Globe Spice & Seasons Company,” said secretary, “controls the market at present.”

“Raise vinegar two cents a gallon. Notify all our branches.”

Suddenly Jacob Spraggin’s plump red face relaxed into a pulpy grin. —
雅各布·斯普拉金的胖红脸突然放松,露出一丝糊状的笑容。 —

He walked over to the secretary’s desk and showed a small red mark on his thick forefinger.

“Bit it,” he said, “darned if he didn’t, and he ain’t had the tooth three weeks - Jaky McLeod, my Celia’s kid. —
“他咬了我,就是他,而他的牙齿还没长出三周-杰基·麦克劳德,我塞莉亚的孩子。 —

He’ll be worth a hundred millions by the time he’s twenty-one if I can pile it up for him.”

As he was leaving, old Jacob turned at the door, and said:

“Better make that vinegar raise three cents instead of two. —
《哈伦·哈里斯·拉希德真实史》记载,哈里斯·拉希德哈里发在统治后期对慈善活动感到厌倦, —

I’ll be back in an hour and sign the letters.”

The true history of the Caliph Harun Al Rashid relates that toward the end of his reign he wearied of philanthropy, and caused to be beheaded all his former favorites and companions of his “Arabian Nights” rambles. —
幸福地生活在启蒙时代,哈里发所能向我们颁发的唯一死亡判决就是一个商人的帐单。 —

Happy are we in these days of enlightenment, when the only death warrant the caliphs can serve on us is in the form of a tradesman’s bill.