31 Arethusa
Arethusa was once a fairy maiden huntress.She carriedbow and arrows for Artemis in her hunting. —
She was sodevoted to her work that she cared for neither admirationnor love. —
One sunny summer day,she felt hot and found a coolstream quite attractive. —
She jumped into the delightful streamand happily started swimming. —
Presently she heard a bubbling in the stream and was surprised to find it was the thunderingvoice of the rivergod Alpheus. —
The maiden made for the shore and,fully naked,started running away. —
Taking a human form,the river-god followed closely in pursuit . —
Onward they spedover hill and valley,across dark heights and over broad plains,until the waters of the western sea lay stretched out right before them . —
Helplessly the exhausted Arethusa cried to her patronessfor help. —
Artemis instantly cast a cloud over her body,but the pigheaded Alpheus was not to be tricked. —
Then a cold sweatbroke from the maiden’s arms and legs. —
The drops of water fellfrom all over her body.She had been turned into a spring! —
Alpheus recognized her new form and presently took his formershape to join with Arethusa and enjoy her company. —
Artemisthen broke the ground and Arethusa sank down and flowed all the way through the under world from Southern Greece to Sicily . —
She rose up again at Syracuse,only to find that therivergod had endured the darkness of the lower world andturned up as a stream as well. —
Mixing his waves with hers,hegained her love in the end.