All day Buck brooded by the pool or roamed restlessly about thecamp. —
整天,巴克或在池塘边默默发呆,或在营地周围不停地漫步。 —

Death, as a cessation of movement, as a passing out and awayfrom the lives of the living, he knew, and he knew John Thornton wasdead. —
死亡,作为一种运动的停止,一种从活着的人生中消失的过程,他知道,他知道约翰·桑顿已经死了。 —

It left a great void in him, somewhat akin to hunger, but a voidwhich ached and ached, and which food could not fill, At times, when hepaused to contemplate the carcasses of the Yeehats, he forgot the pain ofit; —
这在他身上留下了一种巨大的空虚感,有点类似于饥饿,但一种无法填满的空虚感,有时,当他停下来凝视着伊哈特人的尸体时,他会忘记那种疼痛; —

and at such times he was aware of a great pride in himself,–a pridegreater than any he had yet experienced. —
在这种时候,他意识到自己身上有一种非常自豪的感觉,–一种比以往任何时候都更强烈的自豪感。 —

He had killed man, thenoblest game of all, and he had killed in the face of the law of club andfang. He sniffed the bodies curiously. —
他杀了人,所有猎物中最高贵的,他是在面对棍棒和獠牙法则的情况下杀死的。他好奇地嗅着尸体。 —

They had died so easily. Itwas harder to kill a husky dog than them. —
他们死得如此轻易。杀死一只哈士奇狗比他们更难。 —

They were no match at all,were it not for their arrows and spears and clubs. —
他们根本不是对手,要不是他们手里拿着箭、矛和棍棒。 —

Thenceforward hewould be unafraid of them except when they bore in their hands theirarrows, spears, and clubs.

Night came on, and a full moon rose high over the trees into the sky,lighting the land till it lay bathed in ghostly day. —
夜幕降临,一轮圆月从树梢升入天空,照亮了整个土地,使其沐浴在幽灵般的阳光下。 —

And with the coming ofthe night, brooding and mourning by the pool, Buck became alive to astirring of the new life in the forest other than that which the Yeehats hadmade, He stood up, listening and scenting. —
随着夜幕降临,巴克在池塘边默默悲恸时,意识到森林中存在着一种新生命的活动,而不仅仅是伊哈特人留下的那种。他站起来,聆听着,嗅着。 —

From far away drifted afaint, sharp yelp, followed by a chorus of similar sharp yelps. —
从遥远处传来了一个微弱而尖锐的犬吠声,接着是一阵类似的尖锐犬吠声合唱。 —

As themoments passed the yelps grew closer and louder. —
随着时光的流逝,犬吠声变得越来越接近、越来越响亮。 —

Again Buck knewthem as things heard in that other world which persisted in his memory.

He walked to the centre of the open space and listened. —
他走到开阔空地中央,倾听着。 —

It was the call,the many- noted call, sounding more luringly and compellingly than everbefore. —
那就是呼唤声,那个多音调的呼唤声,比以往任何时候都更具诱惑力和感染力。 —

And as never before, he was ready to obey. John Thorntonwas dead. —
他愿意服从,空前准备就绪。约翰·桑顿已经死了。 —

The last tie was broken. Man and the claims of man no longer bound him.

Hunting their living meat, as the Yeehats were hunting it, on theflanks of the migrating moose, the wolf pack had at last crossed overfrom the land of streams and timber and invaded Buck’s valley. —
狩猎着他们的生肉,就像野猎人正在做的那样,在迁徙驼鹿的侧翼上,狼群终于从流水和树木的土地过来,侵入了巴克的山谷。 —

Intothe clearing where the moonlight streamed, they poured in a silveryflood; —
他们汹涌涌地涌入月光倾泻的空地; —

and in the centre of the clearing stood Buck, motionless as astatue, waiting their coming. —
而在空地的中央,巴克站在那里,像一尊雕像般一动不动,等待它们的到来。 —

They were awed, so still and large hestood, and a moment’s pause fell, till the boldest one leaped straight forhim. —
他们被吓到,他站得那么高大和静止,一个瞬间的停顿落下来,直到最勇敢的一只直接向他扑来。 —

Like a flash Buck struck, breaking the neck. —
巴克像闪电般打击,折断了狼的脖子。 —

Then he stood,without movement, as before, the stricken wolf rolling in agony behindhim. —
然后他依然站着,没有动弹,被击倒的狼在他身后痛苦地打滚。 —

Three others tried it in sharp succession; —
另外三只接二连三地尝试; —

and one after the otherthey drew back, streaming blood from slashed throats or shoulders.

This was sufficient to fling the whole pack forward, pell-mell,crowded together, blocked and confused by its eagerness to pull downthe prey. —
这足以使整个狼群拼命地向前冲,挤在一起,被自己拉扯猎物的热情所阻碍,混乱不堪。 —

Buck’s marvellous quickness and agility stood him in goodstead. —
巴克惊人的敏捷和灵活性派上了用场。 —

Pivoting on his hind legs, and snapping and gashing, he waseverywhere at once, presenting a front which was apparently unbrokenso swiftly did he whirl and guard from side to side. —
在后腿上旋转,咬和抓,他仿佛同时出现在各处,以飞快的速度迅速地旋转并从一边到另一边保护这个不可破的阵线。 —

But to preventthem from getting behind him, he was forced back, down past the pooland into the creek bed, till he brought up against a high gravel bank.

  He worked along to a right angle in the bank which the men had made inthe course of mining, and in this angle he came to bay, protected onthree sides and with nothing to do but face the front.

And so well did he face it, that at the end of half an hour the wolvesdrew back discomfited. —
他面对着它站得如此笔直,以至于半个小时后,狼群们灰溜溜地后退了。 —

The tongues of all were out and lolling, thewhite fangs showing cruelly white in the moonlight. —
它们伸出舌头,狰狞的白色尖牙在月光下闪闪发光。 —

Some were lyingdown with heads raised and ears pricked forward; —
有些趴着头抬起,耳朵竖立向前; —

others stood on theirfeet, watching him; —
有些站着,注视着他; —

and still others were lapping water from the pool.

One wolf, long and lean and gray, advanced cautiously, in a friendlymanner, and Buck recognized the wild brother with whom he had run fora night and a day. —
一只身材修长、灰色的老狼小心翼翼地走了过来,表现得友好,巴克认出了他,曾与他一同奔跑了一整天一整夜。 —

He was whining softly, and, as Buck whined, theytouched noses.

Then an old wolf, gaunt and battle-scarred, came forward. —
一只老狼,骨瘦如柴,浑身战斗的伤痕,走了上来。 —

Buckwrithed his lips into the preliminary of a snarl, but sniffed noses withhim, Whereupon the old wolf sat down, pointed nose at the moon, andbroke out the long wolf howl. —
巴克龇牙咧嘴,但闻了闻它的鼻子,之后老狼坐下,鼻子指向月亮,发出长长的狼嚎。 —

The others sat down and howled. Andnow the call came to Buck in unmistakable accents. —
其他狼也坐下并开始嚎叫。于是,呼唤清晰地传达给了巴克。 —

He, too, sat downand howled. This over, he came out of his angle and the pack crowdedaround him, sniffing in half- friendly, half-savage manner. —
它也坐下并开始嚎叫。然后走出角落,狼群围拢过来,半友好半凶猛地凑近闻。 —

The leaderslifted the yelp of the pack and sprang away into the woods. —
领头的狼群叫着声音,跳进树林。 —

The wolvesswung in behind, yelping in chorus. —
狼群跟随在后,一起高声叫喊。 —

And Buck ran with them, side byside with the wild brother, yelping as he ran.

  • * *And here may well end the story of Buck. The years were not manywhen the Yeehats noted a change in the breed of timber wolves; —
    * * *至此,巴克的故事就该结束了。不多时,雅哈特人注意到了硕大的森林狼种群中的变化; —

forsome were seen with splashes of brown on head and muzzle, and with arift of white centring down the chest. —
有些狗的头部和口鼻上有褐色的斑块,胸口中央有一道白色的痕迹。 —

But more remarkable than this,the Yeehats tell of a Ghost Dog that runs at the head of the pack. —
然而更引人注目的是,耶哈特人讲述了一只幽灵狗领头带领着狼群奔跑的故事。 —

Theyare afraid of this Ghost Dog, for it has cunning greater than they, stealingfrom their camps in fierce winters, robbing their traps, slaying their dogs,and defying their bravest hunters.

Nay, the tale grows worse. Hunters there are who fail to return tothe camp, and hunters there have been whom their tribesmen found withthroats slashed cruelly open and with wolf prints about them in the snowgreater than the prints of any wolf. —
不止如此,还有一些猎人再也没有回到营地,还有一些猎人被他们的部落成员发现,喉咙惨遭割开,周围的雪地上却留下比狼更大的狼脚印。 —

Each fall, when the Yeehats followthe movement of the moose, there is a certain valley which they neverenter. —
每年秋季,当耶哈特人跟随驼鹿的行动时,有一个特定的山谷是他们绝不会进入的。 —

And women there are who become sad when the word goes overthe fire of how the Evil Spirit came to select that valley for an abiding- place.

In the summers there is one visitor, however, to that valley, of whichthe Yeehats do not know. —
然而,那个山谷每年夏天都会有一位访客,耶哈特人却不知情。 —

It is a great, gloriously coated wolf, like, andyet unlike, all other wolves. —
那是一只伟大、壮丽的狼,像狼,却又不像其他任何一只狼。 —

He crosses alone from the smiling timberland and comes down into an open space among the trees. —
它单独穿过满是树木的田园风光,来到树木间的开阔空间。 —

Here ayellow stream flows from rotted moose- hide sacks and sinks into theground, with long grasses growing through it and vegetable mouldoverrunning it and hiding its yellow from the sun; —
在这里,从腐烂的驼鹿皮囊里流出的黄色溪流向地面,长草在其上生长,植物腐殖质覆盖在上面,将其黄色掩藏起来不被阳光晒到。 —

and here he muses fora time, howling once, long and mournfully, ere he departs.

  But he is not always alone. When the long winter nights come onand the wolves follow their meat into the lower valleys, he may be seenrunning at the head of the pack through the pale moonlight orglimmering borealis, leaping gigantic above his fellows, his great throata-bellow as he sings a song of the younger world, which is the song of the pack.The End