L’alba vinceva l’ora, mattutina.

Che fuggia ‘nnanzi, si che di lontano

Conobbi il tremolar della marina….

              Purgatorio, i.


The Kraffts came originally from Antwerp. —
克拉夫茨家族最初来自安特卫普。 —

Old Jean Michel had left the country as a result of a boyish freak, a violent quarrel, such as he had often had, for he was devilish pugnacious, and it had had an unfortunate ending. —
老让•米歇尔因为一个年少轻狂的举动,一场激烈的争吵,像往常一样,他爱打架,结果却不幸地结束了乡村生活。 —

He settled down, almost fifty years ago, in the little town of the principality, with its red-pointed roofs and shady gardens, lying on the slope of a gentle hill, mirrored in the pale green eyes of Vater Rhein. An excellent musician, he had readily gained appreciation in a country of musicians. —
将近五十年前,他在这个小公国的小镇上定居下来,这里的屋顶尖顶红,花园阴凉,坐落在一座温和山坡上,倒映在莱茵河淡绿色的眼中。作为一个优秀的音乐家,在这个音乐家的国度很容易受到欣赏。 —

He had taken root there by marrying, forty years ago, Clara Sartorius, daughter of the Prince’s Kapellmeister, whose duties he took over. —
四十年前,他通过与王子的乐队指挥的女儿克拉拉•萨托里乌斯结婚,正式扎下根。 —

Clara was a placid German with two passions—cooking and music. —
克拉拉是一个温和的德国人,她有两个激情——烹饪和音乐。 —

She had for her husband a veneration only equaled by that which she had for her father, Jean Michel no less admired his wife. —
对于她的丈夫,她崇拜有如她对待父亲的尊敬,对克拉拉的丈夫让•米歇尔同样钦佩。 —

They had lived together in perfect amity for fifteen years, and they had four children. —
他们共同生活了十五年和睦无间,他们有四个孩子。 —

Then Clara died; and Jean Michel bemoaned her loss, and then, five months later, married Ottilia Schü —
然后克拉拉去世了;让•米歇尔悲痛欲绝,五个月后,又娶了一个二十岁、红润、强壮和笑容满面的女孩奥特莉亚•施蒂茨。 —

tz, a girl of twenty, with red cheeks, robust and smiling. —
结婚八年后,奥特莉亚也去世了,但在那段时间里,她给了他七个孩子——总共十一个孩子,其中只有一个幸存。 —

After eight years of marriage she also died, but in that time she gave him seven children—eleven children in all, of whom only one had survived. —
虽然他非常爱他们,但所有这些丧失并没有动摇他的乐观情绪。 —

Although he loved them much, all these bereavements had not shaken his good-humor. —
最大的打击是三年前奥特莉亚的去世,那时他已经年老,重新开始生活,重新建立家园变得更加困难。 —

The greatest blow had been the death of Ottilia, three years ago, which had come to him at an age when it is difficult to start life again and to make a new home. —
但在短暂的混乱后,老让•米歇尔重新找回了自己,看似无法被任何不幸打乱的平衡。 —

But after a moment’s confusion old Jean Michel regained his equilibrium, which no misfortune seemed able to disturb.

He was an affectionate man, but health was the strongest thing in him. —
他是一个充满爱心的人,但健康是他最坚强的根基。 —

He had a physical repugnance from sadness, and a need of gaiety, great gaiety, Flemish fashion—an enormous and childish laugh. —
他对悲伤有一种身体上的厌恶,需要快乐,极度的快乐,佛兰芒式的——一种巨大而孩子气的笑声。 —

Whatever might be his grief, he did not drink one drop the less, nor miss one bite at table, and his band never had one day off. —
无论他多么悲伤,他都不会少喝一滴酒,也不会错过一口餐桌上的食物,他的乐队从来没有一天休息。 —

Under his direction the Court orchestra won a small celebrity in the Rhine country, where Jean Michel had become legendary by reason of his athletic stature and his outbursts of anger. —
在他的指导下,宫廷乐队在莱茵河一带赢得了一些声誉,那里,让尚•米歇尔成为传奇人物的原因是他高大的身材和发怒的爆发。 —

He could not master them, in spite of all his efforts, for the violent man was at bottom timid and afraid of compromising himself. —
尽管他竭尽努力,但他控制不住,暴躁的人本质上是胆怯的,害怕牵连自己。 —

He loved decorum and feared opinion. But his blood ran away with him. —
他喜欢端庄,害怕舆论。但是血液冲昏了他的头脑。 —

He used to see red, and he used to be the victim of sudden fits of crazy impatience, not only at rehearsals, but at the concerts, where once in the Prince’s presence he had hurled his bâ —
他会发火,也会突然发疯般的焦躁,不仅在排练时,还在音乐会上,在那里,有一次在王子面前,他扔下他的乐器, —

ton and had stamped about like a man possessed, as he apostrophized one of the musicians in a furious and stuttering voice. —
蹦蹦跳跳像被附了魔一样,用愤怒而结巴的声音对着一个音乐家叱责。 —

The Prince was amused, but the artists in question were rancorous against him. —
王子感到很好笑,但被指责的艺术家们对他怀恨在心。 —

In vain did Jean Michel, ashamed of his outburst, try to pass it by immediately in exaggerated obsequiousness. —
让•米歇尔 对自己的发作感到羞愧,试图立刻以夸张的殷勤来报以回应,但无济于事。 —

On the next occasion he would break out again, and as this extreme irritability increased with age, in the end it made his position very difficult. —
在下一次发作时,他会再次暴跳如雷,随着这种极端易怒随着年龄增长而增加,最终让他的处境变得非常艰难。 —

He felt it himself, and one day, when his outbursts had all but caused the whole orchestra to strike, he sent in his resignation. —
他自己感觉到了,一天,当他的发作几乎导致整个管弦乐队罢工时,他递交了辞呈。 —

He hoped that in consideration of his services they would make difficulties about accepting it, and would ask him to stay. —
他希望考虑到自己的服务,他们会对接受辞呈发生困难,并请求他留下来。 —

There was nothing of the kind, and as he was too proud to go back on his offer, he left, brokenhearted, and crying out upon the ingratitude of mankind.

Since that time he had not known how to fill his days. —
自那时起,他不知道该怎样度过他的日子。 —

He was more than seventy, but he was still vigorous, and he went on working and going up and down the town from morning to night, giving lessons, and entering into discussions, pronouncing perorations, and entering into everything. —
他已经超过七十岁了,但他仍然精力充沛,从早到晚穿梭于城镇之间,授课,参加讨论,发表演讲,万事参与其中。 —

He was ingenious, and found all sorts of ways of keeping himself occupied. —
他很有创造力,想出了各种方法让自己保持忙碌。 —

He began to repair musical instruments; he invented, experimented, and sometimes discovered improvements. —
他开始修理音乐乐器;他发明,试验,有时还发现了改进方法。 —

He composed also, and set store by his compositions. —
他还作曲,并对自己的作品很看重。 —

He had once written a Missa Solennis, of which he used often to talk, and it was the glory of his family. —
他曾经写过一部《Solemn Mass》,他经常提起,这是他家族的荣耀。 —

It had cost him so much trouble that he had all but brought about a congestion of the mind in the writing of it. —
写作这部作品让他花费了很多心血,几乎使自己的思维堵塞。 —

He tried to persuade himself that it was a work of genius, but he knew perfectly well with what emptiness of thought it had been written, and he dared not look again at the manuscript, because every time he did so he recognized in the phrases that he had thought to be his own, rags taken from other authors, painfully pieced together haphazard. —
他试图使自己相信这是一部天才之作,但他非常清楚在写作过程中的思维空虚,他不敢再看手稿,因为每次看到,他都会意识到自己认为是自己的短语,实际上都是从其他作者那里抄袭来的,痛苦地随意拼凑在一起。 —

It was a great sorrow to him. He had ideas sometimes which he thought admirable. —
这使他非常悲伤。有时他会有自认为极好的想法。 —

He would run tremblingly to his table. Could he keep his inspiration this time? —
他就会颤抖着跑到桌前。这一次他能留住灵感吗? —

But hardly had he taken pen in hand than he found himself alone in silence, and all his efforts to call to life again the vanished voices ended only in bringing to his ears familiar melodies of Mendelssohn or Brahms.

“There are,” says George Sand, “unhappy geniuses who lack the power of expression, and carry down to their graves the unknown region of their thoughts, as has said a member of that great family of illustrious mutes or stammerers—Geoffrey Saint-Hilaire.” —
“乔治・桑说,”有些不幸的天才缺乏表达能力,他们将自己的思想带到坟墓里,正如伟大的哑巴或结结巴巴的家族中的一员所说—杰弗里・圣伊莱尔。 —

Old Jean Michel belonged to that family. —
老让-米歇尔就属于这个家族。 —

He was no more successful in expressing himself in music than in words, and he always deceived himself. —
他在音乐中和语言中都无法成功表达自己,他总是欺骗自己。 —

He would so much have loved to talk, to write, to be a great musician, an eloquent orator! —
他很想说话,写作,成为一名伟大的音乐家,雄辩的演说家! —

It was his secret sore. He told no one of it, did not admit it to himself, tried not to think of it; —
这是他心头的隐痛。他没有告诉任何人,也不承认自己,努力不去想它; —

but he did think of it, in spite of himself, and so there was the seed of death in his soul.

Poor old man! In nothing did he succeed in being absolutely himself. —
可怜的老人!他在任何方面都没能真正做到做自己。 —

There were in him so many seeds of beauty and power, but they never put forth fruit; —
他身上有许多美和力量的种子,但它们从未结果实; —

a profound and touching faith in the dignity of Art and the moral value of life, but it was nearly always translated in an emphatic and ridiculous fashion; —
对艺术的尊严和生活的道德价值有着深刻动人的信仰,但几乎总是以夸张可笑的方式表现出来; —

so much noble pride, and in life an almost servile admiration of his superiors; —
很高贵的自尊心,但生活中却几乎殷勤地崇拜着上级; —

so lofty a desire for independence, and, in fact, absolute docility; —
渴望独立,却实际上绝对顺从; —

pretensions to strength of mind, and every conceivable superstition; —
自诩头脑强大,却满脑子的迷信; —

a passion for heroism, real courage, and so much timidity! —
对英雄主义的激情,真正的勇气,和如此多的胆怯! —

—a nature to stop by the wayside.

Jean Michel had transferred all his ambitions to his son, and at first Melchior had promised to realize them. —
让米歇尔把所有的野心都寄托在儿子身上,一开始梅尔希奥似乎有望实现这些野心。 —

From childhood he had shown great musical gifts. —
从小他就展现出出色的音乐天赋。 —

He learned with extraordinary facility, and quickly acquired as a violinist a virtuosity which for a long time made him the favorite, almost the idol, of the Court concerts. —
他学习非常容易,迅速地成为了一名大提琴演奏家,在很长一段时间里他是宫廷音乐会的宠儿,几乎是偶像。 —

He played the piano and other instruments pleasantly. —
他弹得一手好钢琴和其他乐器。 —

He was a fine talker, well, though a little heavily, built, and was of the type which passes in Germany for classic beauty; —
他说话有风度,身材高大结实,虽然有点沉重,就是德国人认为经典美的类型; —

he had a large brow that expressed nothing, large regular features, and a curled beard—a Jupiter of the banks of the Rhine. Old Jean Michel enjoyed his son’s success; —
他有一个不流露感情的宽广额头,端正大气的面部特征,还有卷曲的胡须——莱茵河岸的宙斯。老杰安·米歇尔对儿子的成功感到欣喜; —

he was ecstatic over the virtuoso’s tours de force, he who had never been able properly to play any instrument. —
他为这位大提琴演奏家的高超技艺感到欣喜,而他自己永远不曾成功地演奏任何乐器。 —

In truth, Melchior would have had no difficulty in expressing what he thought. —
事实上,梅尔希奥尔本来没有任何困难表达他所想的。 —

The trouble was that he did not think; and he did not even bother about it. —
问题在于他根本不思考;甚至也不在乎。 —

He had the soul of a mediocre comedian who takes pains with the inflexions of his voice without caring about what they express, and, with anxious vanity, watches their effect on his audience.

The odd thing was that, in spite of his constant anxiety about his stage pose, there was in him, as in Jean Michel, in spite of his timid respect for social conventions, a curious, irregular, unexpected and chaotic quality, which made people say that the Kraffts were a bit crazy. —
奇怪的是,尽管他对舞台表现始终担忧不已,但在他身上,就像让人们说克拉夫特家有点疯狂一样,存在着一种古怪、不规则、意外且混乱的特质。 —

It did not harm him at first; it seemed as though these very eccentricities were the proof of the genius attributed to him; —
一开始这并没有伤害到他;似乎这些古怪的举止恰好是他被归功于天赋的证据; —

for it is understood among people of common sense that an artist has none. —
因为通常情况下,明白人都知道艺术家是没有常识的。 —

But it was not long before his extravagances were traced to their source—usually the bottle. —
但不久他的古怪行为都被追溯到根源——通常是酒瓶。 —

Nietzsche says that Bacchus is the God of Music, and Melchior’s instinct was of the same opinion; —
尼采说巴克斯是音乐之神,而梅尔希奥尔的本能也认同这一点; —

but in his case his god was very ungrateful to him; —
但在他的情况下,他的神对他非常不感激; —

far from giving him the ideas he lacked, he took away from him the few that he had. —
远非给予他他所缺乏的想法,而是让他失去他仅有的一些想法。 —

After his absurd marriage—absurd in the eyes of the world, and therefore also in his own—he gave himself up to it more and more. —
在他荒谬的婚姻之后—在世界眼中看来荒谬,所以在他自己眼中也是如此—他越来越沉溺其中。 —

He neglected his playing—so secure in his own superiority that very soon he lost it. —
他忽略了自己的演奏,对于自己的优越感如此坚信,以至很快就失去了它。 —

Other virtuosi came to succeed him in public favor. —
其他技艺高超的人取代了他在公众中的喜爱。 —

That was bitter to him, but instead of rousing his energy, these rebuffs only discouraged him. —
对他来说是痛苦的,但这些挫折并没有激发他的能量,而是只让他更加沮丧。 —

He avenged himself by crying down his rivals with his pot-fellows. —
他通过与喜欢喝酒的伙伴们抨击竞争对手来为自己复仇。 —

In his absurd conceit he counted on succeeding his father as musical director: —
在他荒谬的自负中,他指望接替父亲成为音乐总监: —

another man was appointed. He thought himself persecuted, and took on the airs of a misunderstood genius. —
另一名男子被任命。他认为自己被迫害,摆出一副被误解的天才模样。 —

Thanks to the esteem in which old Krafft was held, he kept his place as a violin in the orchestra, but gradually he lost all his lessons in the town. —
多亏老克拉夫特受人尊敬,他继续留在乐队中担任小提琴手,但逐渐失去了城里所有的学生。 —

And if this blow struck most at his vanity, it touched his purse even more. —
如果这一打击最伤他的虚荣心,却更严重地触及了他的钱包。 —

For several years the resources of his household had grown less and less, following on various reverses of fortune. —
几年来,他家庭的资源越来越少,随着各种不幸的逆转。 —

After having known plenty, want came, and every day increased. —
在经历了富足之后,贫困来临,且日益加重。 —

Melchior refused to take notice of it; he did not spend one penny the less on his toilet or his pleasures.

He was not a bad man, but a half-good man, which is perhaps worse—weak, without spring, without moral strength, but for the rest, in his own opinion, a good father, a good son, a good husband, a good man—and perhaps he was good, if to be so it is enough to possess an easy kindness, which is quickly touched, and that animal affection by which a man loves his kin as a part of himself. —
他不是个坏人,但也不算是个好人,这也许更糟—软弱,没有活力,没有道德力量,但在其他方面,他自以为是个好父亲,好儿子,好丈夫,好人—也许他是好人,如果拥有易动情感的宽容足以算是好人,而他也是个动物般深爱自己亲人的人。 —

It cannot even be said that he was very egoistic; he had not personality enough for that. —
甚至不能说他很自我中心;他没有足够的个性。 —

He was nothing. They are a terrible thing in life, these people who are nothing. —
他什么都不是。在生活中,这些什么都不是的人是可怕的。 —

Like a dead weight thrown into the air, they fall, and must fall; —
像往空中抛出的死重物,他们跌落,必然会跌落; —

and in their fall they drag with them everything that they have.

It was when the situation of his family had reached its most difficult point, that little Jean-Christophe began to understand what was going on about him.

He was no longer the only child. Melchior gave his wife a child every year, without troubling to think what was to become of it later. —
他不再是唯一的孩子。梅尔希奥尔每年给妻子生个孩子,而不去考虑以后的安排。 —

Two had died young; two others were three and four years old. —
两个孩子夭折了;另外两个分别是三岁和四岁。 —

Melchior never bothered about them. —
梅尔希奥从未关心过他们。 —

Louisa, when she had to go out, left them with Jean-Christophe, now six years old.

The charge cost Jean-Christophe something, for he had to sacrifice to his duty his splendid afternoons in the fields. —
这项任务对让-克里斯托夫来说付出了一些代价,因为他不得不牺牲掉在田野里度过的美好下午时间。 —

But he was proud of being treated as a man, and gravely fulfilled his task. —
但他为被当作一个男人对待感到自豪,并严肃地完成了自己的任务。 —

He amused the children as best he could by showing them his games, and he set himself to talk to them as he had heard his mother talking to the baby. —
他尽力用自己的游戏来逗小孩们开心,并试图像他听到母亲对着婴儿讲话一样对待他们。 —

Or he would carry them in his arms, one after another, as he had seen her do; —
或者他会一个接一个地把他们抱在怀里,就像看到母亲那样做。 —

he bent under their weight, and clenched his teeth, and with all his strength clutched his little brother to his breast, so as to prevent his falling. —
他在他们的重量下磕下腰,紧咬牙关,尽全力把小弟弟抱在胸前,以防他摔下来。 —

The children always wanted to be carried—they were never tired of it; —
小孩们总是想要被抱着,从来不会觉得累; —

and when Jean-Christophe could do no more, they wept without ceasing. —
当让-克里斯托夫无力再做的时候,他们将不停地哭泣。 —

They made him very unhappy, and he was often troubled about them. —
他们让他很不开心,他常为他们感到困扰。 —

They were very dirty, and needed maternal attentions. Jean-Christophe did not know what to do. —
他们很脏,需要母爱的关怀。让-克里斯托夫不知道该怎么办。 —

They took advantage of him. Sometimes he wanted to slap them, but he thought, “They are little; —
他们占他的便宜。有时他想打他们,但他想,“他们还小,不懂”,于是宽宏地让他们掐他、打他、逗他。 —

they do not know,” and, magnanimously, he let them pinch him, and beat him, and tease him. —
欧内斯特常常无缘无故大哭;他常常发火 stamp 脚和翻来滚去; —

Ernest used to howl for nothing; he used to stamp his feet and roll about in a passion; —
他是个神经质的孩子,路易莎吩咐让-克里斯托夫不要反对他的怪念头。 —

he was a nervous child, and Louisa had bidden Jean-Christophe not to oppose his whims. —
让-克里斯托夫不得不接受。 —

As for Rodolphe, he was as malicious as a monkey; —
至于罗道尔夫,他像猴子一样恶毒; —

he always took advantage of Jean-Christophe having Ernest in his arms, to play all sorts of silly pranks behind his back; —
他总是趁着让让·克里斯托夫抱着欧内斯特时,在他背后玩各种傻乎乎的恶作剧; —

he used to break toys, spill water, dirty his frock, and knock the plates over as he rummaged in the cupboard.

And when Louisa returned, instead of praising Jean-Christophe, she used to say to him, without scolding him, but with an injured air, as she saw the havoc; —
当路易莎回来时,她并没有责骂他,而是看到一片狼藉,就带着受伤的表情对他说; —

“My poor child, you are not very clever!”

Jean-Christophe would be mortified, and his heart would grow big within him.

Louisa, who let no opportunity escape of earning a little money, used to go out as cook for exceptional occasions, such, as marriages or baptismal feasts. —
路易莎从不放过挣点小钱的机会,她经常出去做一些特殊场合的炊事,比如婚礼或洗礼宴。 —

Melchior pretended to know nothing about it—it touched his vanity—but he was not annoyed with her for doing it, so long as he did not know. —
梅尔希奥假装什么都不知道-这伤到了他的自尊心,但只要他不知道就不会生气。 —

Jean-Christophe had as yet no idea of the difficulties of life; —
让-克里斯托夫还没有意识到生活的困难; —

he knew no other limit to his will than the will of his parents, and that did not stand much in his way, for they let him do pretty much as he pleased. —
他对自己的意志没有其他限制,只有父母的意愿,而那并不能阻碍他,因为他们让他基本上随心所欲。 —

His one idea was to grow up, so as to be able to do as he liked. —
他唯一的想法是长大后可以随心所欲。 —

He had no conception of obstacles standing in the way at every turn, and he had never the least idea but that his parents were completely their own masters. —
他对生活中处处有障碍这种想法毫无概念,他从来没有想过他的父母并不完全自由支配自己。 —

It was a shock to his whole being when, for the first time, he perceived that among men there are those who command, and those who are commanded, and that his own people were not of the first class; —
当他第一次意识到在人类中有命令者和被命令者,而他自己的人并不是第一类时,他整个人都震惊了; —

it was the first crisis of his life.

It happened one afternoon. His mother had dressed him in his cleanest clothes, old clothes given to her which Louisa’s ingenuity and patience had turned to account. —
这发生在一个下午。他的母亲给他穿上了最干净的衣服,是她收到的旧衣服,路易莎的聪明和耐心将其加以利用。 —

He went to find her, as they had agreed, at the house in which she was working. —
他去找她,因为他们约好了,在她工作的房子里。 —

He was abashed at the idea of entering alone. A footman was swaggering in the porch; —
他觉得进去一个人很尴尬。门廊里一个仆役正大摇大摆地走动着; —

he stopped the boy, and asked him patronizingly what he wanted. —
他拦住了那个男孩,并亲切地问他想干什么。 —

Jean-Christophe blushed, and murmured that he had come to see “Frau Krafft”—as he had been told to say.

“Frau Krafft? What do you want with Frau Krafft?” —
“克拉夫太太?你找克拉夫太太有什么事?” —

asked the footman, ironically emphasizing the word Frau, “Your mother? Go down there. —
仆役讽刺地强调了”克拉夫太太”这个词,”你的母亲?去走下去。 —

You will find Louisa in the kitchen at the end of the passage.”

He went, growing redder and redder. He was ashamed to hear his mother called familiarly Louisa. —
他走去,变得越来越红。被人随意地称呼母亲为路易莎让他感到羞愧。 —

He was humiliated; he would have liked to run away down to his dear river, and the shelter of the brushwood where he used to tell himself stories.

In the kitchen he came upon a number of other servants, who greeted him with noisy exclamations. —
在厨房里,他遇到了许多其他仆人,他们用嘈杂的欢呼声向他打招呼。 —

At the back, near the stove, his mother smiled at him with tender embarrassment. —
在灶台附近,他母亲面带喜悦和尴尬地笑着看着他。 —

He ran to her, and clung to her skirts. She was wearing a white apron, and holding a wooden spoon. —
他扑到她身旁,抓住她的裙摆。她穿着白围裙,手里拿着一个木勺。 —

She made him more unhappy by trying to raise his chin so as to look in his face, and to make him hold out his hand to everybody there and say good-day to them. —
她试图抬起他的下巴看看他的脸,让他向在场的每个人伸出手,跟他们打招呼,这让他更加不快。 —

He would not; he turned to the wall and hid his face in his arms. —
他不愿意;他转身靠在墙上,将脸藏在臂弯里。 —

Then gradually he gained courage, and peeped out of his hiding-place with merry bright eyes, which hid again every time any one looked at him. —
渐渐地,他变得勇敢起来,透过藏身之处,眨巴着明亮快乐的眼睛,但每次有人看他时他又重新躲了起来。 —

He stole looks at the people there. His mother looked busy and important, and he did not know her like that; —
他偷偷地瞄了那里的人。他的母亲看起来忙碌而重要,他对她并不了解; —

she went from one saucepan to another, tasting, giving advice, in a sure voice explaining recipes, and the cook of the house listened respectfully. —
她从一个锅子到另一个锅子,尝试着,给予建议,用坚定的声音解释食谱,房子里的厨师恭敬地倾听; —

The boy’s heart swelled with pride as he saw how much his mother was appreciated, and the great part that she played in this splendid room, adorned with magnificent objects of gold and silver.

Suddenly conversation ceased. The door opened. —
突然间,对话停止了。门打开了; —

A lady entered with a rustling of the stuffs she was wearing. —
一个穿着皮料的女士进来了; —

She cast a suspicious look about her. —
她怀疑地四处看了看; —

She was no longer young, and yet she was wearing a light dress with wide sleeves. —
她已经不再年轻,但她穿着一条宽袖的轻便连衣裙; —

She caught up her dress in her hand, so as not to brush against anything. —
她提起裙子以免刮到什么东西; —

It did not prevent her going to the stove and looking at the dishes, and even tasting them. —
这并没有阻止她走到炉灶旁,看看菜肴,甚至尝一尝; —

When she raised her hand a little, her sleeve fell back, and her arm was bare to the elbow. —
当她稍微抬起手时,袖子滑落,她的手臂露出至肘部; —

Jean-Christophe thought this ugly and improper. How dryly and abruptly she spoke to Louisa! —
让-克里斯托弗认为这很丑陋而不得体。她对路易莎说话是多么干燥和突然!; —

And how humbly Louisa replied! Jean-Christophe hated it. —
以及路易莎是多么谦卑地回答!让-克里斯托弗很讨厌; —

He hid away in his corner, so as not to be observed, but it was no use. —
他躲在角落里,以免被观察到,但是没有用; —

The lady asked who the little boy might be. Louisa fetched him and presented him; —
女士询问小男孩是谁。路易莎把他带过去并介绍给她; —

she held his hands to prevent his hiding his face. —
她握着他的手防止他藏起脸。 —

And, though he wanted to break away and flee, Jean-Christophe felt instinctively that this time he must not resist. —
尽管他想逃离并逃走,但让-克里斯托夫本能地感到这一次他不能反抗。 —

The lady looked at the boy’s scared face, and at first she gave him a kindly, motherly smile. —
这位女士看着男孩惊恐的脸,一开始对他友善地微笑着。 —

But then she resumed her patronizing air, and asked him about his behavior, and his piety, and put questions to him, to which he did not reply. —
但接着她又恢复了她傲慢的态度,询问他的行为和虔诚,并向他提出了问题,他没有回答。 —

She looked to see how his clothes fitted him, and Louisa eagerly declared that they were magnificent. —
她看了看他的衣服是否合身,路易莎急切地表示他们很华丽。 —

She pulled down his waistcoat to remove the creases. —
她拉下他的背心以去掉皱折。 —

Jean-Christophe wanted to cry, it fitted so tightly. —
让-克里斯托夫想要哭,因为它太紧了。 —

He did not understand why his mother was giving thanks.

The lady took him by the hand and said that she would take him to her own children. —
这位女士拉着他的手说会带他去见她的孩子们。 —

Jean-Christophe cast a look of despair at his mother; —
让-克里斯托夫绝望地看了一眼他的母亲; —

but she smiled at the mistress so eagerly that he saw that there was nothing to hope for from her, and he followed his guide like a sheep that is led to the slaughter.

They came to a garden, where two cross-looking children, a boy and a girl, about the same age as Jean-Christophe, were apparently sulky with each other. —
他们来到一个花园,那里有两个看起来不友好的孩子,一个男孩,一个女孩,与让-克里斯托夫年纪相仿,显然互相不高兴。 —

Jean-Christophe’s advent created a diversion. They came up to examine the new arrival. —
让-克里斯托夫的到来引起了注意。他们走过来检查这个新来的人。 —

Jean-Christophe, left with the children by the lady, stood stock-still in a pathway, not daring to raise his eyes. —
在女士留下与孩子们在一起时,让-克里斯托夫站在小径上一动不动,不敢抬头。 —

The two others stood motionless a short distance away, and looked him up and down, nudged each other, and tittered. —
另外两人站在离他稍远的地方一动不动,打量他,猥琐地互相推搡,然后咯咯笑了起来。 —

Finally, they made up their minds. They asked him who he was, whence he came, and what his father did. —
最后,他们下定决心。他们问他是谁,来自何处,他父亲做什么。 —

Jean-Christophe, turned to stone, made no reply; —
让-克里斯托夫满脸通红,没有回应; —

he was terrified almost to the point of tears, especially of the little girl, who had fair hair in plaits, a short skirt, and bare legs.

They began to play. Just as Jean-Christophe was beginning to be a little happier, the little boy stopped dead in front of him, and touching his coat, said:

“Hullo! That’s mine!”

Jean-Christophe did not understand. Furious at this assertion that his coat belonged to some one else, he shook his head violently in denial.

“I know it all right,” said the boy. “It’s my old blue waistcoat. There’s a spot on it.”

And he put his finger on the spot. Then, going on with his inspection, he examined Jean-Christophe’s feet, and asked what his mended-up shoes were made of. —
说着他就指着那个斑点。然后继续检查让-克里斯托夫的鞋子,问他的破鞋是什么做的。 —

Jean-Christophe grew crimson. The little girl pouted and whispered to her brother—Jean-Christophe heard it—that it was a little poor boy. —
让-克里斯托夫羞红了脸。小女孩撅起嘴,对哥哥小声说道——让-克里斯托夫听到了——说这是一个穷小子。 —

Jean-Christophe resented the word. He thought he would succeed In combating the insulting opinions, as he stammered in a choking voice that he was the son of Melchior Krafft. —
让-克里斯托夫不满这番话。他认为自己会成功地驳斥这种侮辱性的看法,结结巴巴地说他是梅尔希奥·克拉夫特的儿子。 —

and that his mother was Louisa the cook. —
他的母亲是厨师露易莎。 —

It seemed to him that this title was as good as any other, and he was right. —
在他看来,这个头衔和其他任何头衔一样好。 —

But the two children, interested in the news, did not seem to esteem him any the more for it. —
但这两个孩子对这个消息很感兴趣,似乎并不因此而更尊敬他。 —

On the contrary, they took on a patronizing tone. —
相反,他们态度越发以高人一等为主。 —

They asked him what he was going to be—a cook or a coachman. —
他们问他将来想成为什么——厨师还是马车夫。 —

Jean-Christophe revolted. He felt an iciness steal into his heart.

Encouraged by his silence, the two rich children, who had conceived for the little poor boy one of those cruel and unreasoning antipathies which children have, tried various amusing ways of tormenting him, The little girl especially was implacable. —
鼓舞着他的沉默,这两个富有的孩子对那个可怜的小男孩产生了一种残酷而不理智的厌恶,这是孩子们常有的。 —

She observed that Jean-Christophe could hardly run, because his clothes were so tight, and she conceived the subtle idea of making him jump. —
她注意到让让 · 克里斯托夫几乎跑不动,因为衣服太紧,于是她产生了一个狡猾的主意,让他跳跃。 —

They made an obstacle of little seats, and insisted on Jean-Christophe clearing it. —
他们用小凳子做了一个障碍,坚持让让 · 克里斯托夫跃过它。 —

The wretched child dared not say what it was that prevented his jumping. —
这可怜的孩子不敢说是什么阻止他跳跃的。 —

He gathered himself together, hurled himself through, the air, and measured his length on the ground. —
他聚精会神,飞奔而去,最后摔倒在地。 —

They roared with laughter at him. He had to try again. —
他们对他哈哈大笑。他再次尝试。 —

Tears in his eyes, he made a desperate attempt, and this time succeeded in jumping. —
泪水夺眶而出,他拼命一跳,这次成功了。 —

That did not satisfy his tormentors, who decided that the obstacle was not high enough, and they built it up until it became a regular break-neck affair. —
这并没有满足他的折磨者,他们决定把障碍增高,直到变成一个伤脑筋的事情。 —

Jean-Christophe tried to rebel, and declared that he would not jump. —
让 · 克里斯托夫试图反抗,并宣称他不会跳。 —

Then the little girl called him a coward, and said that he was afraid. —
然后小女孩称他为懦夫,并说他害怕。 —

Jean-Christophe could not stand that, and, knowing that he must fall, he jumped, and fell. —
让 · 克里斯托夫受不了这一切,明知自己会跌倒,但他跳了,又跌倒了。 —

His feet caught in the obstacle; the whole thing toppled over with him. —
他的脚被障碍物绊住;整个东西倒在他身上。 —

He grazed his hands and almost broke his head, and, as a crowning misfortune, his trousers tore at the knees and elsewhere. —
他擦伤了手,几乎摔断了头,而且,多凑巧,他的裤子在膝盖和别处被撕开。 —

He was sick with shame; he heard the two children dancing with delight round him; —
他被羞辱折磨得要吐了;他听到那两个孩子在他身边跳舞欢快; —

he suffered horribly. He felt that they, despised and hated him. Why? Why? —
他痛苦不堪。他感觉他们鄙视和憎恨他。为什么?为什么? —

He would gladly have died! There is no more cruel suffering than that of a child who discovers for the first time the wickedness of others; —
他宁愿死了!没有比一个孩子第一次发现他人的邪恶更残酷的痛苦; —

he believes then that he is persecuted by the—whole world, and there is nothing to support him; —
他相信自己被整个世界——都迫害着,没有任何支持他的; —

there is nothing then—nothing!… Jean-Christophe tried to get up; —
那时什么也没有——什么也没有!… 让·克里斯托夫试图站起来; —

the little boy pushed him down again; the little girl kicked him. —
小男孩又把他推倒;小女孩踢了他。 —

He tried again, and they both jumped on him, and sat on his back and pressed his face down into the ground. —
他再次尝试,他们两个跳到他身上,坐在他的背上,用手压着他的脸到地上。 —

Then rage seized him—it was too much. His hands were bruised, his fine coat was torn—a catastrophe for him! —
然后愤怒袭来——太过分了。他的手被擦伤了,他那件漂亮的外套被撕破了——对他来说是一场灾难! —

—shame, pain, revolt against the injustice of it, so many misfortunes all at once, plunged him in blind fury. —
——羞耻,痛苦,对不公正的反抗,身上遭受那么多不幸,让他陷入盲目的愤怒。 —

He rose to his hands and knees, shook himself like a dog, and rolled his tormentors over; —
他爬到四肢着地,像一只狗一样摇身一晃,把折磨他的人推倒; —

and when they returned to the assault he butted at them, head down, bowled over the little girl, and, with one blow of his fist, knocked the boy into the middle of a flower-bed.

They howled. The children ran into the house with piercing cries. —
他们大声叫喊。孩子们尖锐的哭声奔进房子。 —

Doors slammed, and cries of anger were heard. —
门砰地关上,愤怒的叫喊声响起。 —

The lady ran out as quickly as her long dress would let her. —
那位女士穿着长裙迅速跑出来。 —

Jean-Christophe saw her coming, and made no attempt to escape. —
让·克里斯托夫看见她走来,没有试图逃走。 —

He was terrified at what he had done; it was a thing unheard of, a crime; —
他对自己的所作所为感到恐惧;这是前所未有的事情,一个罪行; —

but he regretted nothing. He waited. He was lost. —
但他不后悔任何事。他等待。他完了。 —

So much the better! He was reduced to despair.

The lady pounced on him. He felt her beat him. —
那位女士扑向他。他感到她的拍打。 —

He heard her talking in a furious voice, a flood of words; but he could distinguish nothing. —
他听到她愤怒地说话,一连串的话语;但他什么都听不清楚。 —

His little enemies had come back to see his shame, and screamed shrilly. —
他的小敌人们回来看他丢脸,并尖叫起来。 —

There were servants—a babel of voices. —
有仆人——一片喧嚷声。 —

To complete his downfall, Louisa, who had been summoned, appeared, and, instead of defending him, she began to scold him—she, too, without knowing anything—and bade him beg pardon. —
要完全让他垮掉,她叫来了卢易莎,卢易莎出现了,并且开始责骂他——她也无所知——并命令他道歉。 —

He refused angrily. She shook him, and dragged him by the hand to the lady and the children, and bade him go on his knees. —
他愤怒地拒绝了。她摇晃着他,拉着他的手走向那位女士和孩子们,并命令他跪下。 —

But he stamped and roared, and bit his mother’s hand. —
但他踩踏着地面,大声咆哮,咬着母亲的手。 —

Finally, he escaped among the servants, who laughed.

He went away, his heart beating furiously, his face burning with anger and the slaps which he had received. —
他走开了,心急如焚,脸颊因愤怒和受到的耳光而发烫。 —

He tried not to think, and he hurried along because he did not want to cry in the street. —
他试图不去想,匆忙走着,因为他不想在街上哭泣。 —

He wanted to be at home, so as to be able to find the comfort of tears. —
他想要回家,这样就可以找到安慰来抚平泪水。 —

He choked; the blood beat in his head; he was at bursting-point.

Finally, he arrived; he ran up the old black staircase to his usual nook in the bay of a window above the river; —
最后,他到达了;他喘着气跑上旧黑色楼梯,来到河边窗户凸起的地方; —

he hurled himself into it breathlessly, and then there came a flood of tears. —
他气喘吁吁地扑进去,然后泪如泉涌。 —

He did not know exactly why he was crying, but he had to cry; —
他并不确切知道自己为什么在哭,但他必须要哭; —

and when the first flood of them was done, he wept again because he wanted, with a sort of rage, to make himself suffer, as if he could in this way punish the others as well as himself. —
当最初的泪水止住时,他再次哭泣,因为他想,带着某种愤怒,使自己遭受痛苦,好像这样可以惩罚别人和自己; —

Then he thought that his father must be coming home, and that his mother would tell him everything, and that his own miseries were by no means at an end. —
然后他想到他父亲必定要回家了,他母亲会将一切告诉他,他自己的苦难还远未结束; —

He resolved on flight, no matter whither, never to return.

Just as he was going downstairs, he bumped into his father, who was coming up.

“What are you doing, boy? Where are you going?” asked Melchior.

He did not reply.

“You are up to some folly. What have you done?”

Jean-Christophe held his peace.

“What have you done?” repeated Melchior. “Will you answer?”

The boy began to cry and Melchior to shout, vying with each other until they heard Louisa hurriedly coming up the stairs. —
男孩开始哭泣,梅尔基奥开始喊叫,争相高声,直到他们听到快步上楼的露易莎; —

She arrived, still upset. She began with violent reproach and further chastisement, in which Melchior joined as soon as he understood—and probably before—with blows that would have felled an ox. —
她来了,仍然心烦意乱。她以剧烈的责备和进一步的惩罚开始,梅尔基奥一旦明白——也可能是在明白之前——就加入其中,用一拳打倒了一头牛的力量打击着; —

Both shouted; the boy roared. They ended by angry argument. —
他们俩都在喊叫,男孩大声哭泣。他们最终因愤怒争执而终结; —

All the time that he was beating his son, Melchior maintained that he was right, and that this was the sort of thing that one came by, by going out to service with people who thought they could do everything because they had money; —
在打他儿子的整个过程中,梅尔基奥坚持认为自己是对的,而通过与那些认为自己可以做一切事情的人一起出去做工,这就是一切困境的来源; —

and as she beat the child, Louisa shouted that her husband was a brute, that she would never let him touch the boy, and that he had really hurt him. —
打孩子的同时,露易莎尖声说着她的丈夫是个畜生,她永远不会让他碰孩子,他真的伤到了他。 —

Jean-Christophe was, in fact, bleeding a little from the nose, but he hardly gave a thought to it, and he was not in the least thankful to his mother for stopping it with a wet cloth, since she went on scolding him. —
让-克里斯托夫事实上从鼻子流了点血,但他几乎没有想过,对他母亲用湿布止血也毫不感激,因为她一边责骂他一边做这些事情。 —

In the end they pushed him away in a dark closet, and shut him up without any supper.

He heard them shouting at each other, and he did not know which of them he detested most. —
他听到他们互相争吵,不知道他更讨厌哪一个。 —

He thought it must be his mother, for he had never expected any such wickedness from her. —
他觉得可能是他母亲,因为他从未料到她会做出这样的恶行。 —

All the misfortunes of the day overwhelmed him: —
这一天的所有不幸都让他感到不堪重负: —

all that he had suffered—the injustice of the children, the injustice of the lady, the injustice of his parents, and—this he felt like an open wound, without quite knowing why—the degradation of his parents, of whom he was so proud, before these evil and contemptible people. —
所有他所遭受的不公正—孩子们的不公正,那位女士的不公正,父母的不公正,以及—他感觉到的像刀割般疼痛,但又不知道为什么—他骄傲的父母在这些邪恶和可鄙的人面前的堕落。 —

Such cowardice, of which for the first time he had become vaguely conscious, seemed ignoble to him. —
他对这种他第一次暗中觉察到的怯懦感到鄙视。 —

Everything was upset for him—his admiration for his own people, the religious respect with which they inspired him, his confidence in life, the simple need that he had of loving others and of being loved, his moral faith, blind but absolute. —
对他来说,一切都变了:对自己人的崇拜,他们激发他的宗教尊重,他对生活的信心,他对爱他人和被爱的简单需要,他的道德信念,盲目而绝对。 —

It was a complete cataclysm. He was crushed by brute force, without any means of defending himself or of ever again escaping. —
这是一场完全的灾难。他被野兽一般的力量压垮,无法为自己辩护,也再也无法逃脱。 —

He choked. He thought himself on the point of death. All his body stiffened in desperate revolt. —
他呼吸困难。他觉得自己快要死了。他的全身都僵硬起来,绝望地反抗。 —

He beat with fists, feet, head, against the wall, howled, was seized with convulsions, and fell to the floor, hurting himself against the furniture.

His parents, running up, took him in their arms. —
父母跑过来,抱着他。 —

They vied with each other now as to who should be the more tender with him. —
他们现在争相展现出对他更加温柔的一面。 —

His mother undressed him, carried him to his bed, and sat by him and remained with him until he was calmer. —
他母亲帮他脱衣服,把他抱到床上,坐在他身边,一直陪着他,直到他变得更加平静。 —

But he did not yield one inch. He forgave her nothing, and pretended to be asleep to get rid of her. —
但他一点也不退让。他对她什么都不原谅,假装睡着摆脱她。 —

His mother seemed to him bad and cowardly. —
他认为他的母亲既坏又懦弱。 —

He had no suspicion of all the suffering that she had to go through in order to live and give a living to her family, and of what she had borne in taking sides against him.

After he had exhausted to the last drop the incredible store of tears that is in the eyes of a child, he felt somewhat comforted. —
在他用尽孩子眼中的难以置信的眼泪后,他感到有些安慰。 —

He was tired and worn out, but his nerves were too much on stretch for him to sleep. —
他又累又疲惫,但紧绷的神经让他无法入睡。 —

The visions that had been with him floated before him again in his semi-torpor. —
在他半昏迷状态下,他眼前的幻像再次浮现。 —

Especially he saw again the little girl with her bright eyes and her turned-up, disdainful little nose, her hair hanging down to her shoulders, her bare legs and her childish, affected way of talking. —
尤其是他再次看到那个小女孩,她明亮的眼睛,翘起的鼻子,头发披在肩上,赤裸的双腿和装模作样的说话方式。 —

He trembled, as it seemed to him that he could hear her voice. —
他颤抖起来,仿佛能听到她的声音。 —

He remembered how stupid he had been with her, and he conceived a savage hatred for her. —
他记得自己和她在一起时是多么愚蠢,对她充满了野蛮的仇恨。 —

He did not pardon her for having brought him low, and was consumed with the desire to humiliate her and to make her weep. —
他不原谅她让他跌入低谷,渴望羞辱她,让她哭泣。 —

He sought means of doing this, but found none. There was no sign of her ever caring about him. —
他寻找方法做到这一点,但找不到。她从未表现出在乎他的迹象。 —

But by way of consoling himself he supposed that everything was as he wished it to be. —
但为了安慰自己,他认为一切都是他所希望的那样。 —

He supposed that he had become very powerful and famous, and decided that she was in love with him. —
他假设自己变得非常强大和有名望,决定她爱上了他。 —

Then he began to tell himself one of those absurd stories which in the end he would regard as more real than reality.

She was dying of love, but he spurned her. —
她因爱而垂死,但他却拒绝了她。 —

When he passed before her house she watched him pass, hiding behind the curtains, and he knew that she watched him, but he pretended to take no notice, and talked gaily. —
当他经过她的房子的时候,她会躲在窗帘后观察他路过,而他知道她在观察他,但假装没注意到,开心地聊天。 —

Even he left the country, and journeyed far to add to her anguish. He did great things. —
即使他离开了这个国家,远行增加她的痛苦。他做了很伟大的事情。 —

Here he introduced into his narrative fragments chosen from his grandfather’s heroic tales, and all this time she was falling ill of grief. —
在叙述中,他加入了选自祖父英雄故事的片段,而与此同时,她因悲伤而病倒了。 —

Her mother, that proud dame, came to beg of him: “My poor child is dying. I beg you to come!” —
她那位自豪的母亲前来请求他:”我的可怜孩子快要死了。求你去看看!” —

He went. She was in her bed. Her face was pale and sunken. She held out her arms to him. —
他去了。她躺在床上。她的脸苍白而消瘦。她向他伸出双臂。 —

She could not speak, but she took his hands and kissed them as she wept. —
她无法说话,但她握住他的手,抚摸着哭泣。 —

Then he looked at her with marvelous kindness and tenderness. —
然后他以令人惊讶的善意和温柔看着她。 —

He bade her recover, and consented to let her love him. —
他告诉她康复,并同意让她爱他。 —

At this point of the story, when he amused himself by drawing out the coming together by repeating their gestures and words several times, sleep overcame him, and he slept and was consoled.

But when he opened his eyes it was day, and it no longer shone so lightly or so carelessly as its predecessor. —
但是当他睁开眼睛时,天已经亮了,不再像前一天那样轻松或漫不经心。 —

There was a great change in the world. Jean-Christophe now knew the meaning of injustice.

There were now times of extremely straitened circumstances at home. —
在家里,开始出现极端困难的时刻。 —

They became more and more frequent. They lived meagerly then. —
这种情况变得越来越频繁。他们那时生活拮据。 —

No one was more sensible of it than Jean-Christophe. His father saw nothing. —
没有人比让-克里斯托夫更能感受到这一点。他的父亲没有注意到。 —

He was served first, and there was always enough for him. —
他总是第一个吃饱,永远不会缺餐。 —

He talked noisily, and roared with laughter at his own jokes, and he never noticed his wife’s glances as she gave a forced laugh, while she watched him helping himself. —
他大声讲话,笑声震天,而他从不注意他妻子略带勉强的笑容,同时看着他自己帮自己盛饭时她的眼神。 —

When he passed the dish it was more than half empty. —
当他递出盘子时,里面已经不到一半了。 —

Louisa helped the children—two potatoes each. —
Louisa帮孩子们分配——每人两个土豆。 —

When it came to Jean-Christophe’s turn there were sometimes only three left, and his mother was not helped. —
当轮到让-克里斯托夫时,有时候只剩下三个了,他的母亲没有得到帮助。 —

He knew that beforehand; he had counted them before they came to him. —
他事先知道;在轮到他之前他已经数过了。 —

Then he summoned up courage, and said carelessly:

“Only one, mother.”

She was a little put out.

“Two, like the others.”

“No, please; only one.”

“Aren’t you hungry?”

“No, I’m not very hungry.”

But she, too, only took one, and they peeled them carefully, cut them up in little pieces, and tried to eat them as slowly as possible. —
但是她也只拿了一个,他们把它们削皮,切小块,尽量慢慢地吃。 —

His mother watched him. When he had finished:

“Come, take it!”

“No, mother.”

“But you are ill?”

“I am not ill, but I have eaten enough.”

Then his father would reproach him with being obstinate, and take the last potato for himself. —
然后他的父亲会责备他固执,然后自己拿走最后一个土豆。 —

But Jean-Christophe learned that trick, and he used to keep it on his plate for Ernest, his little brother, who was always hungry, and watched him out of the corner of his eyes from the beginning of dinner, and ended by asking:

“Aren’t you going to eat it? Give it me, then, Jean-Christophe.”

Oh, how Jean-Christophe detested his father, how he hated him for not thinking of them, or for not even dreaming that he was eating their share! —
让·克里斯托夫是多么憎恶他的父亲,他憎恶他不为他们着想,甚至不曾想到他在吃他们的份量! —

He was so hungry that he hated him, and would gladly have told him so; —
他是如此的饥饿以至于憎恶他,愿意告诉他; —

but he thought in his pride that he had no right, since he could not earn his own living. —
但他因为骄傲而认为他没有权利,因为他不能自食其力。 —

His father had earned the bread that he took. He himself was good for nothing; —
他的父亲赚来了他拿走的面包。他自己是无用的; —

he was a burden on everybody; he had no right to talk. —
他是每个人的拖累;他没有权利说话。 —

Later on he would talk—if there were any later on. —
稍后他会说话的——如果还有以后。 —

Oh, he would die of hunger first!…

He suffered more than another child would have done from these cruel fasts. —
他比其他孩子更加痛苦地忍受这些残酷的禁食。 —

His robust stomach was in agony. Sometimes he trembled because of it; his head ached. —
他坚硬的胃被折磨着。有时候他因为这样而颤抖;他的头痛。 —

There was a hole in his chest—a hole which turned and widened, as if a gimlet were being twisted in it. —
他的胸口有一个洞—一个不断扩大和转动的洞,仿佛里面在拧着一个螺旋钻。 —

But he did not complain. He felt his mother’s eyes upon him, and assumed an expression of indifference. —
但他没有抱怨。他感受到母亲的目光,便装出漠不关心的表情。 —

Louisa, with a clutching at her heart, understood vaguely that her little boy was denying himself so that the others might have more. —
路易莎感到心口一阵抽痛,隐约明白他的小男孩在自我克制,好让其他人得到更多。 —

She rejected the idea, but always returned to it. —
她拒绝这个想法,但又总是会回头想起。 —

She dared not investigate it or ask Jean-Christophe if it were true, for, if it were true, what could she do? —
她不敢探究这个想法,或者询问让·克里斯托夫这是否属实,因为如果是真的,她能做什么呢? —

She had been used to privation since her childhood. —
她自小就习惯了贫困。 —

What is the use of complaining when there is nothing to be done? —
当无法改变何时,抱怨又有何用呢? —

She never suspected, indeed—she, with her frail health and small needs—that the boy might suffer more than herself. —
她从没有怀疑过——她怀着虚弱的身体和小小的需求——男孩比她更加痛苦。 —

She did not say anything, but once or twice, when the others were gone, the children to the street, Melchior about his business, she asked her eldest son to stay to do her some small service. —
她没有说什么,但有一两次,当其他人都走了,孩子们都到院子里去了,梅尔希翁也出门办事了,她会请她的长子留下来为她做些小事。 —

Jean-Christophe would hold her skein while she unwound it. —
让·克里斯托夫会帮她捋线团。 —

Suddenly she would throw everything away, and draw him passionately to her. —
突然间,她会把一切抛开,热情地把他搂在怀里。 —

She would take him on her knees, although he was quite heavy, and would hug and hug him. —
她会让他坐在膝上,尽管他已经很沉了,会紧紧搂着他。 —

He would fling his arms round her neck, and the two of them would weep desperately, embracing each other.

“My poor little boy!…”

“Mother, mother!…”

They said no more, but they understood each other.

It was some time before Jean-Christophe realized that his father drank. —
直到许久之后,让-克里斯托夫才意识到父亲喝酒了。 —

Melchior’s intemperance did not—at least, in the beginning—exceed tolerable limits. —
梅尔希奥的放纵,至少在开始时,没有超过可容忍的限度。 —

It was not brutish. It showed itself rather by wild outbursts of happiness. —
这不是野蛮的。相反,它表现为一种狂喜的爆发。 —

He used to make foolish remarks, and sing loudly for hours together as he drummed on the table, and sometimes he insisted on dancing with Louisa and the children. —
他常常说些愚蠢的话,边敲着桌子边大声唱歌,有时他还坚持要和路易莎和孩子们跳舞。 —

Jean-Christophe saw that his mother looked sad. —
让-克里斯托夫看到他的母亲神情忧郁。 —

She would shrink back and bend her face over her work; —
她会往后退缩,将脸低下去埋头工作; —

she avoided the drunkard’s eyes, and used to try gently to quiet him when he said coarse things that made her blush. —
她避开醉汉的眼睛,当他说让她脸红的粗话时,她总是试图 gently 地安抚他。 —

But Jean-Christophe did not understand, and he was in such need of gaiety that these noisy home-comings of his father were almost a festival to him. —
但让-克里斯托夫不理解,而且他如此需要欢乐,以至于父亲这些喧哗的归来几乎成了节日。 —

The house was melancholy, and these follies were a relaxation for him. —
这幢房子很忧郁,而这些愚蠢的行为对他而言是一种休憩。 —

He used to laugh heartily at Melchior’s crazy antics and stupid jokes; —
他常常大笑着看梅尔希奥疯狂的举动和愚蠢的玩笑; —

he sang and danced with him; —
他和父亲一起唱歌跳舞; —

and he was put out when his mother in an angry voice ordered him to cease. —
当他母亲愤怒地吩咐他停止时,他很不高兴。 —

How could it be wrong, since his father did it? —
既然父亲这样做,那怎么可能是错的呢? —

Although his ever keen observation, which never forgot anything it had seen, told him that there were in his father’s behavior several things which did not accord with his childish and imperious sense of justice, yet he continued to admire him. —
尽管他那敏锐的观察力,从不忘掉所见过的任何事情,告诉他父亲的行为中有几件事与他童稚而专横的正义感不符,但他仍然继续崇拜他。 —

A child has so much need of an object of admiration! —
一个孩子是如此需要一个值得崇拜的对象! —

Doubtless it is one of the eternal forms of self-love. —
毫无疑问,这是自我爱的永恒形式之一。 —

When a man is, or knows himself to be, too weak to accomplish his desires and satisfy his pride, as a child he transfers them to his parents, or, as a man who has failed, he transfers them to his children. —
当一个人太弱无法实现他的欲望并满足自尊时,像个孩子一样,他把这些转移到父母身上,或者像一个失败者,他把这些转移到孩子身上。 —

They are, or shall be, all that he dreamed of being—his champions, his avengers—and in this proud abdication in their favor, love and egoism are mingled so forcefully and yet so gently as to bring him keen delight. —
他们是,或将成为,他梦想成为的一切—他们的拥护者,他们的复仇者—在这种自豪的放弃中,爱和自我中心被如此有力而又温和地交织在一起,给他带来了极大的快乐。 —

Jean-Christophe forgot all his grudges against his father, and cast about to find reasons for admiring him. —
让·克里斯托夫忘掉了自己对父亲的怨恨,并设法找理由来钦佩他。 —

He admired his figure, his strong arms, his voice, his laugh, his gaiety, and he shone with pride when he heard praise of his father’s talents as a virtuoso, or when Melchior himself recited with some amplification the eulogies he had received. —
他钦佩他的体形,他强壮的臂膀,他的声音,他的笑声,他的快乐,当他听到父亲作为一位演奏家所受到的赞誉时,或者当梅尔基奥本人为自己的过分夸大的颂赞时,他备感自豪。 —

He believed in his father’s boasts, and looked upon him as a genius, as one of his grandfather’s heroes.

One evening about seven o’clock he was alone in the house. —
一个晚上大约七点,他独自一人在家。 —

His little brothers had gone out with Jean Michel. Louisa was washing the linen in the river. —
他的小弟弟和让·米歇尔已经跟着出去了。路易莎在河边洗衣服。 —

The door opened, and Melchior plunged in. He was hatless and disheveled. —
门打开了,梅尔基奥砰地闯了进来。他头上没戴帽子,头发凌乱。 —

He cut a sort of caper to cross the threshold, and then plumped down in a chair by the table. —
他像蹦跳一样进门,然后砰地坐在桌子旁的一把椅子上。 —

Jean-Christophe began to laugh, thinking it was a part of one of the usual buffooneries, and he approached him. —
让·克里斯托夫开始笑,以为这是一场他父亲惯常的滑稽表演,于是他走近他。 —

But as soon as he looked more closely at him the desire to laugh left him. —
但当他仔细看他时,欲笑的冲动消失了。 —

Melchior sat there with his arms hanging, and looking straight in front of him, seeing nothing, with his eyes blinking. —
梅尔基奥坐在那里,双手垂下,直勾勾地盯着前方,眼睛眯着看不见任何东西。 —

His face was crimson, his mouth was open, and from it there gurgled every now and then a silly laugh. —
他的脸涨得通红,嘴巴张开,不时地从中发出一声愚蠢的笑声。 —

Jean-Christophe stood stock-still. He thought at first that his father was joking, but when he saw that he did not budge he was panic-stricken.

“Papa, papa!” he cried.

Melchior went on gobbling like a fowl. Jean-Christophe took him by the arm in despair, and shook him with all his strength.

“Papa, dear papa, answer me, please, please!”

Melchior’s body shook like a boneless thing, and all but fell. —
梅尔希奥尔的身体摇撼得像一块无骨的东西,几乎摔倒。 —

His head flopped towards Jean-Christophe; —
他的头朝向让-克里斯托夫; —

he looked at him and babbled incoherently and irritably. —
他看着他,胡言乱语地发脾气地说话。 —

When Jean-Christophe’s eyes met those clouded eyes he was seized with panic terror. —
当让-克里斯托夫的目光与那双迷蒙的眼睛相遇时,他被恐慌恐惧所抓住。 —

He ran away to the other end of the room, and threw himself on his knees by the bed, and buried his face in the clothes. —
他跑到房间的另一头,跪在床边,把脸埋在被子里。 —

He remained so for some time. Melchior swung heavily on the chair, sniggering. —
他这样保持了一段时间。梅尔希奥在椅子上晃动着,咯咯地笑着。 —

Jean-Christophe stopped his ears, so as not to hear him, and trembled. —
让·克里斯托夫捂住耳朵,不想听到他,颤抖着。 —

What was happening within him was inexpressible. —
他内心的变化无法言之。 —

It was a terrible upheaval—terror, sorrow, as though for some one dead, some one dear and honored.

No one came; they were left alone. Night fell, and Jean-Christophe’s fear grew as the minutes passed. He could not help listening, and his blood froze as he heard the voice that he did not recognize. —
没有人来;他们被单独留下。夜幕降临,让·克里斯托夫的恐惧随着时间的流逝而增长。他不禁倾听,他的血液冻结了,当他听到他不认识的声音时。 —

The silence made it all the more terrifying; —
宁静使一切更加可怕; —

the limping clock beat time for the senseless babbling. He could bear it no longer; —
咯咯作响的钟声和毫无意义的胡言乱语交织在一起。他再也无法忍受; —

he wished to fly. But he had, to pass his father to get out, and Jean-Christophe shuddered, at the idea of seeing those eyes again; —
他想逃走。但他必须经过他的父亲才能出去,让·克里斯托夫一想到再次看到那双眼睛就感到战栗; —

it seemed to him that he must die if he did. —
他觉得如果看到他,他可能会死去。 —

He tried to creep on hands and knees to the door of the room. He could not breathe; —
他试图手膝悄悄爬到房间的门口。他无法呼吸; —

he would not look; he stopped at the least movement from Melchior, whose feet he could see under the table. —
他不想看;当梅尔希奥有丝毫动静时,他停住了,只见椅子下面现出他的脚。 —

One of the drunken man’s legs trembled. Jean-Christophe reached the door. —
一个醉鬼的腿发抖。让·克里斯托夫到达门口。 —

With one trembling hand he pushed the handle, but in his terror he let go. It shut to again. —
他战战兢兢地用一只颤抖的手推开把手,但出于恐惧,他松开了。门又关上了。 —

Melchior turned to look. The chair on which he was balanced toppled over; —
梅尔希奥转过头去看。他踩在椅子上,椅子开始不稳; —

he fell down with a crash. Jean-Christophe in his terror had no strength left for flight. —
他摔倒并发出了一声巨响。让-克里斯托夫在恐惧中已经没有力气逃跑了。 —

He remained glued to the wall, looking at his father stretched there at his feet, and he cried for help.

His fall sobered Melchior a little. He cursed and swore, and thumped on the chair that had played him such a trick. —
他的摔倒稍微让梅尔希奥尔冷静了一点。他咒骂着,砰砰地敲打着让他受了这么大委屈的椅子。 —

He tried vainly to get up, and then did manage to sit up with his back resting against the table, and he recognized his surroundings. —
他徒劳地试图站起来,然后终于坐起身来,背靠在桌边,认出了周围的环境。 —

He saw Jean-Christophe crying; he called him. Jean-Christophe wanted to run away; —
他看到让-克里斯托夫在哭泣;他呼唤他。让-克里斯托夫想逃跑; —

he could not stir. Melchior called him again, and as the child did not come, he swore angrily. —
他动不了。梅尔希奥尔再次呼喊他,当孩子没有前去时,他生气地咒骂。 —

Jean-Christophe went near him, trembling in every limb. —
让-克里斯托夫靠近他,全身颤抖。 —

Melchior drew the boy near him, and made him sit on his knees. —
梅尔希奥尔把男孩拉到身边,并让他坐在自己的膝盖上。 —

He began by pulling his ears, and in a thick, stuttering voice delivered a homily on the respect due from a son to his father. —
他开始扯男孩的耳朵,用结结巴巴的声音说了一番关于儿子对父亲应有的尊敬。 —

Then he went off suddenly on a new train of thought, and made him jump in his arms while he rattled off silly jokes. —
然后他突然转变了思路,让男孩在他的怀里跳跃,边说些糊涂的笑话。 —

He wriggled with laughter. From that he passed immediately to melancholy ideas. —
他兴奋地笑了起来。接着他立刻又转向了忧愁的主题。 —

He commiserated the boy and himself; he hugged him so that he was like to choke, covered him with kisses and tears, and finally rocked him in his arms, intoning the De Profundis. —
他同情孩子也同情自己;他抱紧他,几乎让他窒息,用亲吻和眼泪覆盖着他,最后抱着他摇摆,高声唱起了亡者之歌。 —

Jean-Christophe made no effort to break loose; he was frozen with horror. —
让-克里斯托夫毫无反抗之力;他被恐惧冻结了。 —

Stifled against his father’s bosom, feeling his breath hiccoughing and smelling of wine upon his face, wet with his kisses and repulsive tears, he was in an agony of fear and disgust. —
他梗在父亲的胸怀里,感受到他的呼吸打饱嗝,酒气扑面,他打湿了他的脸,黏糊糊的亲吻和令人作呕的眼泪,他被恐惧和反感折磨。 —

He would have screamed, but no sound would come from his lips. —
他想尖叫,但却发不出声音。 —

He remained in this horrible condition for an age, as it seemed to him, until the door opened, and Louisa came in with a basket of linen on her arm. —
他以他看来像是一个世纪的时间一直处在这种可怕的状态中,直到门打开,Louisa拿着一筐床单进来了。 —

She gave a cry, let the basket fall, rushed at Jean-Christophe, and with a violence which seemed incredible in her she wrenched Melchior’s arm, crying:

“Drunken, drunken wretch!”

Her eyes flashed with anger.

Jean-Christophe thought his father was going to kill her. —
Jean-Christophe以为他父亲要杀了她。 —

But Melchior was so startled by the threatening appearance of his wife that he made no reply, and began to weep. —
但Melchior被妻子威胁的样子吓坏了,没有回答,开始哭泣。 —

He rolled on the floor; he beat his head against the furniture, and said that she was right, that he was a drunkard, that he brought misery upon his family, and was ruining his poor children, and wished he were dead. —
他在地板上打滚;他头撞家具,说她说的是对的,他是个酒鬼,他给家人带来了痛苦,正在毁掉他可怜的孩子们,而且他希望自己死了。 —

Louisa had contemptuously turned her back on him. —
Louisa轻蔑地转过身去。 —

She carried Jean-Christophe into the next room, and caressed him and tried to comfort him. —
她抱起Jean-Christophe到隔壁房间,并抚摸他,试图安慰他。 —

The boy went on trembling, and did not answer his mother’s questions; then he burst out sobbing. —
男孩继续颤抖,没有回答母亲的问题;然后他突然哭泣起来。 —

Louisa bathed his face with water. She kissed him, and used tender words, and wept with him. —
Louisa用水洗了他的脸。她亲吻他,用温柔的话语,与他一起哭泣。 —

In the end they were both comforted. She knelt, and made him kneel by her side. —
最终他们都得到了安慰。她跪下,让他跪在她身边。 —

They prayed to God to cure father of his disgusting habit, and make him the kind, good man that he used to be. —
他们向上帝祈祷,愿祂医治父亲这个让人反感的习惯,并让他变回过去那位善良、好人的样子。 —

Louisa put the child to bed. He wanted her to stay by his bedside and hold his hand. —
Louisa给孩子铺床。他希望她留在床边握着他的手。 —

Louisa spent part of the night sitting on Jean-Christophe’s bed. —
Louisa在Jean-Christophe的床边坐了一晚上。 —

He was feverish. The drunken man snored on the floor.

Some time after that, one day at school, when Jean-Christophe was spending his time watching the flies on the ceiling, and thumping his neighbors, to make them fall off the form, the schoolmaster, who had taken a dislike to him, because he was always fidgeting and laughing, and would never learn anything, made an unhappy allusion. —
之后的某一天,在学校里,让·克里斯托夫正花时间盯着天花板上的苍蝇,拍打着他的邻居,想让他们从长凳上摔下来,因为他总是坐立不安、笑个不停,丝毫不肯学习,校长对他有些不快,随口说了一句不妥的暗示。 —

Jean-Christophe had fallen down himself, and the schoolmaster said he seemed to be like to follow brilliantly in the footsteps of a certain well-known person. —
让·克里斯托夫自己也摔倒了,校长说他似乎很有可能走上某位众所周知的人的不归路。 —

All the boys burst out laughing, and some of them took upon themselves to point the allusion with comment both lucid and vigorous. —
所有男孩都哈哈大笑,有些人更是振振有辞地指出了这个暗示,并加以生动有力的评论。 —

Jean-Christophe got up, livid with shame, seized his ink-pot, and hurled it with all his strength at the nearest boy whom he saw laughing. —
让·克里斯托夫羞愧难当地站起来,抓起墨水壶,全力朝离他最近、笑得合不拢嘴的男孩扔了过去。 —

The schoolmaster fell on him and beat him. —
校长冲了过去殴打了他。 —

He was thrashed, made to kneel, and set to do an enormous imposition.

He went home, pale and storming, though he said never a word. —
他回到家,脸色苍白、愤怒,虽然一言不发。 —

He declared frigidly that he would not go to school again. —
他冷冰冰地宣布他再也不上学了。 —

They paid no attention to what he said. —
他们却不管什么他说的。 —

Next morning, when his mother reminded him that it was time to go, he replied quietly that he had said that he was not going any more. —
第二天早上,他母亲提醒他该去上学了,他平静地回答说他已经说过他不去了。 —

In rain Louisa begged and screamed and threatened; it was no use. —
无论路易莎如何乞求、尖叫和威胁,都没有用。 —

He stayed sitting in his corner, obstinate. Melchior thrashed him. —
他顽固地坐在那里不肯动。梅尔希奥殴打了他。 —

He howled, but every time they bade him go after the thrashing was over he replied angrily, “No!” —
他哭叫着,但每次打完之后让他去上学,他都愤怒地回答说:“不去!” —

They asked him at least to say why. He clenched his teeth, and would not. —
他们最后要求他至少说出原因。他咬牙切齿,一言不发。 —

Melchior took hold of him, carried him to school, and gave him into the master’s charge. —
梅尔希奥抓住他,把他送到学校,交给校长照管。 —

They set him on his form, and he began methodically to break everything within reach—his inkstand, his pen. —
他被放在座位上,开始有条不紊地砸碎范围内的一切东西——墨水瓶,钢笔。 —

He tore up his copy-book and lesson-book, all quite openly, with his eye on the schoolmaster, provocative. —
他毫不隐瞒地撕毁自己的写字本和课本,眼睛盯着校长,挑衅地行动。 —

They shut him up in a dark room. A few moments later the schoolmaster found him with his handkerchief tied round his neck, tugging with all his strength at the two ends of it. —
他被关在黑屋子里。几分钟后,校长发现他用手绢系在脖子上,拼命拉扯着两端。 —

He was trying to strangle himself.

They had to send him back.

Jean-Christophe was impervious to sickness. —
让·克里斯托夫对疾病无动于衷。 —

He had inherited from his father and grandfather their robust constitutions. —
他从父亲和祖父那里继承了他们健壮的体质。 —

They were not mollycoddles in that family; —
在这个家庭中,他们并不委曲求全。 —

well or ill, they never worried, and nothing could bring about any change in the habits of the two Kraffts, father and son. —
无论健康状况如何,他们从不担忧,也没有什么能改变克拉夫特父子俩的习惯。 —

They went out winter and summer, in all weathers, and stayed for hours together out in rain or sun, sometimes bareheaded and with their coats open, from carelessness or bravado, and walked for miles without being tired, and they looked with pity and disdain upon poor Louisa, who never said anything, but had to stop. —
他们无论冬夏出门,风雨无阻,常常在雨中或阳光下呆上几个小时,有时敞开大衣、徒手无帽,不是粗心大意就是傲慢;走上数英里路也不觉疲倦。他们看着可怜的露易丝,心里有些怜悯和不屑。 —

She would go pale, and her legs would swell, and her heart would thump. —
露易丝会脸色发白,腿会肿大,心脏怦怦直跳。 —

Jean-Christophe was not far from sharing the scorn of his mother; —
让·克里斯托夫不离母亲的轻视也为时不远。 —

he did not understand people being ill. When he fell, or knocked himself, or cut himself, or burned himself, he did not cry; —
他不理解生病的人。当他摔倒、撞伤、割破或烫伤时他从不哭泣; —

but he was angry with the thing that had injured him. —
但是对伤害他的东西却生气。 —

His father’s brutalities and the roughness of his little playmates, the urchins of the street, with whom he used to fight, hardened him. —
父亲的暴力和街头顽童们的粗鲁使他变得坚强。 —

He was not afraid of blows, and more than once he returned home with bleeding nose and bruised forehead. —
他不怕挨打,不止一次满脸鼻血、额头青紫地回家。 —

One day he had to be wrenched away, almost suffocated, from one of these fierce tussles in which he had bowled over his adversary, who was savagely banging his head on the ground. —
有一天,他几乎被窒息地从其中一场激烈的拳击中被拖走,他把对手撞倒后,对手狠狠地往地上撞头。 —

That seemed natural enough to him, for he was prepared to do unto others as they did unto himself.

And yet he was afraid of all sorts of things, and although no one knew it—for he was very proud—nothing brought him go much suffering during a part of his childhood as these same terrors. —
不过,他对各种事物的恐惧,虽然隐藏在自己心底——因为他非常骄傲——但在童年的某段时间里,没有什么比这些恐惧带给他更多的痛苦。 —

For two or three years especially they gnawed at him like a disease.

He was afraid of the mysterious something that lurks in darkness—evil powers that seemed to lie in wait for his life, the roaring of monsters which fearfully haunt the mind of every child and appear in everything that he sees, the relic perhaps of a form long dead, hallucinations of the first days after emerging from chaos, from the fearful slumber in his mother’s womb, from the awakening of the larva from the depths of matter.

He was afraid of the garret door. It opened on to the stairs, and was almost always ajar. —
他害怕阁楼的门。它通向楼梯,几乎总是半开着。 —

When he had to pass it he felt his heart heating; —
当他不得不经过时,他感到心跳加快; —

he would spring forward and jump by it without looking. —
他会蹿过去,不敢看。 —

It seemed to him that there was some one or something behind it. —
他觉得门后有人或有什么东西。 —

When it was closed he heard distinctly something moving behind it. —
当它关上时,他清楚地听到门后有什么动静。 —

That was not surprising, for there were large rats; —
这并不奇怪,因为那里有大老鼠; —

but he imagined a monster, with rattling bones, and flesh hanging in rags, a horse’s head, horrible and terrifying eyes, shapeless. —
但他想象着一个怪物,身上有响骨头,破碎的血肉,马头,可怕的眼睛,没有固定的形状。 —

He did not want to think of it, but did so in spite of himself. —
他不想去思考它,但不由自主地会去想。 —

With trembling hand he would make sure that the door was locked; —
颤抖的手要确保门锁好了; —

but that did not keep him from turning round ten times as he went downstairs.

He was afraid of the night outside. Sometimes he used to stay late with his grandfather, or was sent out in the evening on some errand. —
他害怕外面的夜晚。有时他会和他的祖父呆到很晚,或者被派出去办点事。 —

Old Krafft lived a little outside the town in the last house on the Cologne road. —
老克拉夫特住在城外科隆路的最后一栋房子里。 —

Between the house and the first lighted windows of the town there was a distance of two or three hundred yards, which seemed three times as long to Jean-Christophe. —
在房子和镇上第一扇亮着的窗户之间有两三百码的距离,对让·克里斯托弗来说仿佛是三倍长。 —

There were places where the road twisted and it was impossible to see anything. —
有些地方道路弯曲,根本看不到什么。 —

The country was deserted in the evening, the earth grew black, and the sky was awfully pale. —
傍晚乡村荒凉,大地变黑,天空苍白得令人恐惧。 —

When he came out from the hedges that lined the road, and climbed up the slope, he could still see a yellowish gleam on the horizon, but it gave no light, and was more oppressive than the night; —
当他走出衬着道路的树篱,爬上斜坡时,他还能看到地平线上一道微黄的闪光,但它没有任何光亮,比夜晚更让人感到压抑; —

it made the darkness only darker; it was a deathly light. The clouds came down almost to earth. —
它只使黑暗更黑;它是一种死亡般的光。云朵几乎降到了地面。 —

The hedges grew enormous and moved. The gaunt trees were like grotesque old men. —
树篱变得巨大且移动。瘦削的树像怪诞的老人。 —

The sides of the wood were stark white. The darkness moved. —
木林的两侧边是雪白的。黑暗在移动。 —

There were dwarfs sitting in the ditches, lights in the grass, fearful flying things in the air, shrill cries of insects coming from nowhere. —
在沟渠中坐着一些侏儒,草地上有灯光,空中有可怕的飞行物体,尖叫声从无处传来。 —

Jean-Christophe was always in anguish, expecting some fearsome or strange putting forth of Nature. —
让·克里斯托夫总是处在一种痛苦之中,期待大自然发生一些可怕或奇怪的变化。 —

He would run, with his heart leaping in his bosom.

When he saw the light in his grandfather’s room he would gain confidence. —
当他看到外祖父房间里的灯光时,他就能恢复信心。 —

But worst of all was when old Krafft was not at home. That was most terrifying. —
但最可怕的是老克拉夫特不在家。那种情形最令人恐惧。 —

The old house, lost in the country, frightened the boy even in daylight. —
这所远在农村中的老房子,即使在白天也让男孩感到恐惧。 —

He forgot his fears when his grandfather was there, but sometimes the old man would leave him alone, and go out without warning him. —
当外祖父在场时,他会忘记他的恐惧,但有时老人会把他留下单独出门而不提醒他。 —

Jean-Christophe did not mind that. The room was quiet. Everything in it was familiar and kindly. —
让·克里斯托夫并不介意。房间里宁静。里面的一切都是熟悉和友好的。 —

There was a great white wooden bedstead, by the bedside was a great Bible on a shelf, artificial flowers were on the mantelpiece, with photographs of the old man’s two wives and eleven children—and at the bottom of each photograph he had written the date of birth and death—on the walls were framed texts and vile chromolithographs of Mozart and Beethoven. —
一个白色的木制大床,在床边有一个壮观的圣经架子上,壁炉台上有人造花和外祖父两个妻子和十一个孩子的照片,每张照片底部都写着出生和死亡日期,墙上挂着一些经文和拙劣的莫扎特和贝多芬的彩色印刷品。 —

A little piano stood in one corner, a great violoncello in another; —
一个小钢琴站在一个角落,另一个角落则是一把大大的大提琴; —

rows of books higgledy-piggledy, pipes, and in the window pots of geraniums. —
书籍堆在一起,烟斗,窗户边摆放着一些天竺葵花盆。 —

It was like being surrounded with friends. —
就像被朋友们包围着。 —

The old man could be heard moving about in the next room, and planing or hammering, and talking to himself, calling himself an idiot, or singing in a loud voice, improvising a potpourri of scraps of chants and sentimental Lieder, warlike marches, and drinking songs. —
老人在隔壁房间里传来动静,锯木或钉东西,自言自语地骂自己是白痴,或高声唱歌,即兴演唱一系列碎片式的圣歌和情歌、武士进行曲和饮歌。 —

Here was shelter and refuge. Jean-Christophe would sit in the great armchair by the window, with a book on his knees, bending over the pictures and losing himself in them. —
这里是庇护所和避难所。让·克里斯托夫坐在窗边的大扶手椅上,膝盖上放着一本书,垂下身子看着插图,沉浸其中。 —

The day would die down, his eyes would grow weary, and then he would look no more, and fall into vague dreaming. —
白昼渐渐消逝,他的眼睛变得疲倦,然后他再也不看,沉入模糊的梦境中。 —

The wheels of a cart would rumble by along the road, a cow would moo in the fields; —
一辆马车的车轮在路上隆隆作响,田间有头牛哞哞叫; —

the bells of the town, weary and sleepy, would ring the evening Angelus. —
小镇的钟声,疲倦而昏昏欲睡,敲响着傍晚的晚诗。 —

Vague desires, happy presentiments, would awake in the heart of the dreaming child.

Suddenly Jean-Christophe would awake, filled with dull uneasiness. —
突然让·克里斯托夫惊醒,充满了迟钝的不安。 —

He would raise his eyes—night! —
他抬起眼睛——夜晚! —

He would listen—silence! His grandfather had just gone out. He shuddered. —
他倾听——寂静!他的祖父刚刚走出去了。他颤抖着。 —

He leaned out of the window to try to see him. The road was deserted; —
他探身窗外想看看他。道路上空无一人; —

things began to take on a threatening aspect. Oh God! If that should be coming! What? —
事情开始呈现出威胁的面貌。天啊!如果那东西真的来了!什么? —

He could not tell. The fearful thing. The doors were not properly shut. —
他说不清。可怕的事情。门没关好。 —

The wooden stairs creaked as under a footstep. —
木楼梯在脚步声下吱吱嘎嘎作响。 —

The boy leaped up, dragged the armchair, the two chairs and the table, to the most remote corner of the room; —
男孩一跃而起,把扶手椅、两把椅子和桌子拖到房间最遥远的角落里; —

he made a barrier of them; the armchair against the wall, a chair to the right, a chair to the left, and the table in front of him. —
他用它们建立了一个屏障;扶手椅靠在墙上,右边放一把椅子,左边放一把椅子,桌子摆在他面前。 —

In the middle he planted a pair of steps, and, perched on top with his book and other books, like provisions against a siege, he breathed again, having decided in his childish imagination that the enemy could not pass the barrier—that was not to be allowed.

But the enemy would creep forth, even from his book. —
但敌人还是从书中爬了出来。 —

Among the old books which the old man had picked up were some with pictures which made a profound impression on the child: —
在老人捡来的许多老书中,有一些插图深深地影响到了这个孩子: —

they attracted and yet terrified him. There were fantastic visions—temptations of St. Anthony—in which skeletons of birds hung in bottles, and thousands of eggs writhe like worms in disemboweled frogs, and heads walk on feet, and asses play trumpets, and household utensils and corpses of animals walk gravely, wrapped in great cloths, bowing like old ladies. —
它们吸引着他,但也吓到了他。有一些荒诞的幻想——安东尼诱惑——其中有装在瓶子里的鸟的骷髅,数不清的卵象虫子一样扭动在被解剖的青蛙体内,头部长着脚,驴在吹号角,家用器皿和动物的尸体严肃地走着,包裹在大布料中,像老太太一样鞠躬。 —

Jean-Christophe was horrified by them, but always returned to them, drawn on by disgust. —
让让-克里斯托夫对它们感到恐惧,但总是再次回到它们,被恶心所吸引。 —

He would look at them for a long time, and every now and then look furtively about him to see what was stirring in the folds of the curtains. —
他会长时间地看着它们,不时地偷偷环顾四周,看看窗帘的褶皱里有什么在动。 —

A picture of a flayed man in an anatomy book was still more horrible to him. —
在一本解剖书中,有一张描绘了一个被剥皮男人的照片,让他更加恐惧。 —

He trembled as he turned the page when he came to the place where it was in the book. —
当他翻到书里那个地方时,他会颤抖。 —

This shapeless medley was grimly etched for him. —
这种无形的混乱对他产生了不好的影响。 —

The creative power inherent in every child’s mind filled out the meagerness of the setting of them. —
每个孩子心中都具有的创造力填补了这些插图的空旷。 —

He saw no difference between the daubs and the reality. —
他看不出画作和现实之间的区别。 —

At night they had an even more powerful influence over his dreams than the living things that he saw during the day.

He was afraid to sleep. For several years nightmares poisoned his rest. —
他害怕入睡。几年里,噩梦毒害着他的休息。 —

He wandered in cellars, and through the manhole saw the grinning flayed man entering. —
他在地窖里徘徊,并透过舱口看到咧嘴笑的被剥皮男人进来。 —

He was alone in a room, and he heard a stealthy footstep in the corridor; —
他独自一人在房间里,听到走廊里传来一阵悄无声息的脚步声; —

he hurled himself against the door to close it, and was just in time to hold the handle; —
他向门扑去,将门关上及时,仅来得及拉住门把; —

but it was turned from the outside; he could not turn the key, his strength left him, and he cried for help. —
但门被外面的人反锁了;他无法转动钥匙,力气耗尽,大声呼救。 —

He was with his family, and suddenly their faces changed; they did crazy things. —
他和家人在一起,突然他们的面容发生了改变;他们做出了疯狂的举动。 —

He was reading quietly, and he felt that an invisible being was all round him. —
他静静阅读时,感觉到一股无形的存在围绕着他。 —

He tried to fly, but felt himself bound. He tried to cry out, but he was gagged. —
他想飞走,却觉得自己被束缚。他想大声呼喊,却被堵住嘴。 —

A loathsome grip was about his neck. He awoke, suffocating, and with his teeth chattering; —
一只令人厌恶的手紧紧抓住他的脖子。他惊醒,窒息着,牙齿还在打颤; —

and he went on trembling long after he was awake; —
甚至在清醒后他仍然不断颤抖; —

he could not be rid of his agony.

The roam in which he slept was a hole without door or windows; —
他睡觉的房间没有门窗; —

an old curtain hung up by a curtain-rod over the entrance was all that separated it from the room of his father and mother. —
一根旧窗帘竿上挂着的一块厚窗帘即使隔绝着他们和父母的房间。 —

The thick air stifled him. His brother, who slept in the same bed, used to kick him. —
空气浓重,让他窒息。他和他睡在同一张床上的兄弟常常踢他。 —

His head burned, and he was a prey to a sort of hallucination in which all the little troubles of the day reappeared infinitely magnified. —
他头发发烫,陷入某种幻觉状态,白天遇到的小困扰浮现成无限夸大的场景。 —

In this state of nervous tension, bordering on delirium, the least shock was an agony to him. —
处于紧张边缘临近谵妄的状态,任何小震动对他来说都是一种煎熬。 —

The creaking of a plank terrified him. His father’s breathing took on fantastic proportions. —
地板的咯吱声让他恐惧不已。父亲的呼吸变得异样巨大。 —

It seemed to be no longer a human breathing, and the monstrous sound was horrible to him; —
似乎不再是人类的呼吸声,那种怪异的声音对他来说是可怕的; —

it seemed to him that there must be a beast sleeping there. The night crushed him; —
他觉得一定有一只野兽在那里睡觉。夜晚让他窒息; —

it would never end; it must always be so; he was lying there for months and months. —
永远不会结束;必须一直这样;他躺在那里好几个月了。 —

He gasped for breath; he half raised himself on his bed, sat up, dried his sweating face with his shirt-sleeve. —
他喘着气;他半坐起来,坐起来,用衬衫袖子擦干他汗湿的脸。 —

Sometimes he nudged his brother Rodolphe to wake him up; —
有时他会推动他的兄弟罗道尔夫,想叫醒他; —

but Rodolphe moaned, drew away from him the rest of the bedclothes, and went on sleeping.

So he stayed in feverish agony until a pale beam of light appeared on the floor below the curtain. —
于是他在发热的痛苦中度过,直到窗帘下面的地板上出现了一道淡淡的光线。 —

This timorous paleness of the distant dawn suddenly brought him peace. —
远处黎明的这种胆怯苍白突然给他带来了平静。 —

He felt the light gliding into the room, when it was still impossible to distinguish it from darkness. —
他感受到光线在房间里流动,当它还无法与黑暗区分开时。 —

Then his fever would die down, his blood would grow calm, like a flooded river returning to its bed; —
然后他的发热会消退,他的血液会平静下来,就像一条回归床铺的泛滥河流; —

an even warmth would flow through all his body, and his eyes, burning from sleeplessness, would close in spite of himself.

In the evening it was terrible to him to see the approach of the hour of sleep. —
晚上对他来说是可怕的,看着睡眠的时刻渐渐接近。 —

He vowed that he would not give way to it, to watch the whole night through, fearing his nightmares, But in the end weariness always overcame him, and it was always when he was least on his guard that the monsters returned.

Fearful night! So sweet to most children, so terrible to some!… He was afraid to sleep. —
可怕的夜晚!对大多数儿童来说是甜蜜的,对一些人来说是可怕的!… 他害怕入睡。 —

He was afraid of not sleeping. Waking or sleeping, he was surrounded by monstrous shapes, the phantoms of his own brain, the larvæ —
他害怕不入睡。醒着或睡着,他都被怪物的形状所包围,那是他自己大脑里的幻影,拉伐。 —

floating in the half-day and twilight of childhood, as in the dark chiaroscuro of sickness.

But these fancied terrors were soon to be blotted out in the great Fear—that which is in the hearts of all men; —
但这些幻想的恐惧很快就会被众人心中的巨大恐惧所抹去; —

that Fear which Wisdom does in vain preen itself on forgetting or denying—Death.
那是智慧虚夸自己能够忘记或否认的恐惧 —— 死亡。

One day when he was rummaging in a cupboard, he came upon several things that he did not know—a child’s frock and a striped bonnet. —
一天,当他在橱柜里翻找时,发现了几样他不认识的东西 —— 一个儿童连衣裙和一顶条纹帽。 —

He took them in triumph to his mother, who, instead of smiling at him, looked vexed, and bade him, take them back to the place where he had found them. —
他得意洋洋地把它们带给母亲,但她并没有对他微笑,而是看起来生气了,命令他把它们送回原处。 —

When he hesitated to obey, and asked her why, she snatched them from him without reply, and put them on a shelf where he could not reach them. —
当他犹豫不决,问她为什么时,她没有回答,只是生气地从他手中夺过去,将它们放在他够不到的架子上。 —

Roused to curiosity, he plied her with questions. —
引起了他的好奇心,他不断地问她问题。 —

At last she told him that there had been a little brother who had died before Jean-Christophe came into the world. —
最后她告诉他,以前有一个小弟弟在他来到这个世界之前就去世了。 —

He was taken aback—he had never heard tell of him. —
他感到吃惊 —— 他从来没有听说过他。 —

He was silent for a moment, and then tried to find out more. —
他沉默了一会儿,然后试图了解更多情况。 —

His mother seemed to be lost in thought; —
他的母亲似乎陷入了沉思; —

but she told him that the little brother was called Jean-Christophe like himself, but was more sensible. —
但她告诉他他的弟弟也叫让·克里斯托夫,但比他更有分寸。 —

He put more questions to her, but she would not reply readily. —
他问她更多的问题,但她不愿意很快回答。 —

She told him only that his brother was in Heaven, and was praying for them all. —
她只告诉他他的弟弟在天堂,为他们所有人祈祷。 —

Jean-Christophe could get no more out of her; —
让·克里斯托夫从她那里得不到更多信息; —

she bade him be quiet, and to let her go on with her work. —
她要求他保持安静,让她继续工作。 —

She seemed to be absorbed in her sewing; —
她似乎专心致志地做着针线活; —

she looked anxious, and did not raise her eyes. —
她看起来很焦虑,没有抬起眼睛。 —

But after some time she looked at him where he was in the corner, whither he had retired to sulk, began to smile, and told him to go and play outside.

These scraps of conversation profoundly agitated Jean-Christophe. —
这些交谈片段深深地震动了让-克里斯托夫。 —

There had been a child, a little boy, belonging to his mother, like himself, bearing the same name, almost exactly the same, and he was dead! —
他的母亲曾经有过一个属于她自己的儿子,一个小男孩,像他一样,几乎有着完全相同的名字,而他已经去世了! —

Dead! He did not exactly know what that was, but it was something terrible. —
去世!让-克里斯托夫不太清楚那是什么,但肯定是件可怕的事情。 —

And they never talked of this other Jean-Christophe; he was quite forgotten. —
而他们从未提及那个另一个让-克里斯托夫;他完全被遗忘了。 —

It would be the same with him if he were to die? —
如果他去世了,他也会被忘记吗? —

This thought was with him still in the evening at table with his family, when he saw them all laughing and talking of trifles. —
这个想法仍然萦绕在他脑海里,当他和家人一起坐在晚餐桌前时,看着他们都在笑谈些无聊的事情。 —

So, then, it was possible that they would be gay after he was dead! Oh! —
那么,他去世后他们会欢快吗!哦! —

he never would have believed that his mother could be selfish enough to laugh after the death of her little boy! —
他从未想过他的母亲会那么自私,在她的小男孩去世后还笑得出来! —

He hated them all. He wanted to weep for himself, for his own death, in advance. —
他恨他们所有人。他想为自己,为自己的死,提前哭泣。 —

At the same time he wanted to ask a whole heap of questions, but he dared not; —
同时,他想问一大堆问题,但他不敢; —

he remembered the voice in which his mother had bid him be quiet. —
他记得他母亲吩咐他保持安静的声音。 —

At last he could contain himself no longer, and one night when he had gone to bed, and Louisa came to kiss him, he asked:

“Mother, did he sleep in my bed?”

The poor woman trembled, and, trying to take on an indifferent tone of voice, she asked:


“The little boy who is dead,” said Jean-Christophe in a whisper.

His mother clutched him with her hands.

“Be quiet—quiet,” she said.

Her voice trembled. Jean-Christophe, whose head was leaning against her bosom, heard her heart beating. —
她的声音颤抖了。让·克里斯托夫的头靠在她的胸膛上,听到她的心跳。 —

There was a moment of silence, then she said:

“You must never talk of that, my dear…. Go to sleep…. No, it was not his bed.”

She kissed him. He thought he felt her cheek wet against his. —
她吻了他。他觉得她的脸颊触碰到了他的脸。 —

He wished he could have been sure of it. He was a little comforted. There was grief in her then! —
他希望自己可以确定。他有点安慰。那时她是悲痛的! —

Then he doubted it again the next moment, when he heard her in the next room talking in a quiet, ordinary voice. —
然后下一刻,当他听到她在隔壁房间以平静、普通的声音谈话时,再次起疑了。 —

Which was true—that or what had just been? —
哪个才是真实的—刚刚的还是隔壁房间里的? —

He turned about for long in his bed without finding any answer. He wanted his mother to suffer; —
他在床上反复思考很久也找不到答案。他希望母亲能够受苦; —

not that he also did not suffer in the knowledge that she was sad, but it would have done him so much good, in spite of everything! —
并非他也不知道她伤心,但尽管一切,这会对他有莫大好处! —

He would have felt himself less alone. He slept, and next day thought no more of it.

Some weeks afterwards one of the urchins with whom he played in the street did not come at the usual time. —
几个星期后,他在街上玩耍的一个顽童没有像往常那样出现。 —

One of them said that he was ill, and they got used to not seeing him in their games. —
有人说他生病了,他们习惯了在游戏中不见到他。 —

It was explained, it was quite simple. One evening Jean-Christophe had gone to bed; —
原因被解释了,原来很简单。一个晚上,让·克里斯托夫上床了; —

it was early, and from the recess in which his bed was, he saw the light in the room. —
时间还早,从他床位的角落,他看到了房间里的灯光。 —

There was a knock at the door. A neighbor had come to have a chat. —
有人敲门。一个邻居过来聊天。 —

He listened absently, telling himself stories as usual. —
他心不在焉地听着,像往常一样给自己讲故事。 —

The words of their talk did not reach him. —
他们的谈话声没传到他耳朵里。 —

Suddenly he heard the neighbor say: “He is dead.” —
突然,他听见邻居说:“他死了。” —

His blood stopped, for he had understood who was dead. —
他的血似乎停了下来,因为他明白谁死了。 —

He listened and held his breath. His parents cried out. Melchior’s booming voice said:

“Jean-Christophe, do you hear? Poor Fritz is dead.”

Jean-Christophe made an effort, and replied quietly:

“Yes, papa.”

His bosom was drawn tight as in a vise.

Melchior went on:

”‘Yes, papa.’ Is that all you say? You are not grieved by it.”
“‘是的,爸爸。’ 你就只是这样回答吗?你并没有因此感到悲伤。”

Louisa, who understood the child, said:

”‘Ssh! Let him sleep!”

And they talked in whispers. But Jean-Christophe, pricking his ears, gathered all the details of illness—typhoid fever, cold baths, delirium, the parents’ grief. —
他们小声交谈。但尚·克里斯托夫听得很清楚,获知了疾病的详情——伤寒,冷水浴,谵妄,父母的悲痛。 —

He could not breathe, a lump in his throat choked him. He shuddered. —
他无法呼吸,喉咙中的一团东西使他窒息。他不禁战栗。 —

All these horrible things took shape in his mind. —
所有这些可怕的事情在他的脑海中逐渐清晰起来。 —

Above all, he gleaned that the disease was contagious—that is, that he also might die in the same way—and terror froze him, for he remembered that he had shaken hands with Fritz the last time he had seen him, and that very day had gone past the house. —
最重要的是,他得知这种疾病是传染性的——也就是说,他也有可能以同样的方式去世——恐惧让他全身僵硬,因为他记得上次见弗里茨时还与他握过手,并且那一天正好经过了他们家。 —

But he made no sound, so as to avoid having to talk, and when his father, after the neighbor had gone, asked him: —
但为了避免被逼不得已开口,他没发出声音。当邻居走后,他父亲问他: —

“Jean-Christophe, are you asleep?” he did not reply. —
“尚·克里斯托夫,你在睡觉吗?” 他没有回答。 —

He heard Melchior saying to Louisa:

“The boy has no heart.”

Louisa did not reply, but a moment later she came and gently raised the curtain and looked at the little bed. —
路易莎没有回答,但片刻之后她走过来轻轻拉开帘子,看着小床。 —

Jean-Christophe only just had time to close his eyes and imitate the regular breathing which his brothers made when they were asleep. —
尚·克里斯托夫只来得及闭上眼睛,模仿着他的兄弟们在睡觉时发出的规律呼吸声。 —

Louisa went away on tip-toe. And yet how he wanted to keep her! —
路易莎踮着脚悄悄离开了。但他多么希望留住她! —

How he wanted to tell her that he was afraid, and to ask her to save him, or at least to comfort him! —
他多么希望告诉她他害怕,请求她拯救他,或至少安慰他! —

But he was afraid of their laughing at him, and treating him as a coward; —
但他害怕他们会嘲笑他,把他当作懦夫对待; —

and besides, he knew only too well that nothing that they might say would be any good. —
而且,他太清楚他们可能说的任何话也没有用。 —

And for hours he lay there in agony, thinking that he felt the disease creeping over him, and pains in his head, a stricture of the heart, and thinking in terror: —
他在床上度过几个小时的煎熬,想着疾病正在蔓延,头痛、心脏紧缩,恐惧地思考: —

“It is the end. I am ill. I am going to die. I am going to die!” —
“这是结束。我病了。我要死了。我要死了!” —

… Once he sat up in his bed and called to his mother in a low voice; —
…有一次他坐在床上低声呼唤母亲; —

but they were asleep, and he dared not wake them.

From that time on his childhood was poisoned by the idea of death. —
从那时起,他的童年被死亡的想法所毒害。 —

His nerves delivered him up to all sorts of little baseless sicknesses, to depression, to sudden transports, and fits of choking. —
他的神经让他遭受各种毫无根据的小病痛,抑郁、突然发作和窒息。 —

His imagination ran riot with these troubles, and thought it saw in all of them the murderous beast which was to rob him of his life. —
他的想象力为这些麻烦疯狂,认为在所有这些痛苦中都看到了那只谋杀他生命的野兽。 —

How many times he suffered agonies, with his mother sitting only a few yards away from him, and she guessing nothing! —
他多少次遭受痛苦折磨的时候,母亲就坐在离他几码远的地方,她却什么也不知道! —

For in his cowardice he was brave enough to conceal all his terror in a strange jumble of feeling—pride in not turning to others, shame of being afraid, and the scrupulousness of a tenderness which forbade him to trouble his mother. —
因为在他的懦弱中,他足够勇敢地将所有恐惧隐藏在一种奇怪的混合感情中——骄傲地不求助于他人,害怕感到害怕,以及一种娇嫩的严谨性,禁止他打扰母亲。 —

But he never ceased to think: “This time I am ill. I am seriously ill. It is diphtheria….” —
但他却始终在想:“这次我病了。我病得很严重。这是白喉……” —

He had chanced on the word “diphtheria.” —
他无意中碰到了“白喉”这个词。 —

… “Dear God! not this time!…”

He had religious ideas: he loved to believe what his mother had told, him, that after death the soul ascended to the Lord, and if it were pious entered into the garden of paradise. —
他有宗教信仰:他喜欢相信母亲告诉他的话,即灵魂在死后升入主的怀抱,如果是虔诚的话还能进入天堂的花园。 —

But the idea of this journey rather frightened than attracted him. —
但这种旅程的想法更让他害怕,而不是吸引他。 —

He was not at all envious of the children whom God, as a recompense, according to his mother, took in their sleep and called to Him without having made them suffer. —
他一点也不会嫉妒那些神按照他母亲所说的,睡梦中带走的孩子,让他们不经受痛苦就得以投入主的怀抱。 —

He trembled, as he went to sleep, for fear that God should indulge this whimsy at his expense. —
他在入睡时发抖,害怕神为了满足自己的奇想而做出这种事情。 —

It must be terrible to be taken suddenly from the warmth of one’s bed and dragged through the void into the presence of God. He imagined God as an enormous sun, with a voice of thunder. —
被突然从温暖的床上夺走,拖到虚空中来到神的面前,肯定是可怕的。他将神想象为一个庞大的太阳,声音如雷。 —

How it must hurt! It must barn the eyes, ears—all one’s soul! —
这肯定会很疼痛!必定会灼伤眼睛、耳朵——甚至整个灵魂! —

Then, God could punish—you never know…. —
再说,神还会惩罚——你永远无法知道…… —

And besides, that did not prevent all the other horrors which he did not know very well, though he could guess them from what he had heard—your body in a box, all alone at the bottom of a hole, lost in the crowd of those revolting cemeteries to which he was taken to pray…. —
而且,这并不能阻止其他他不太清楚但能猜测到的种种恐怖 —— 你的尸体被放在盒子里,孤独地躺在一个深坑的底部,在那些令人作呕的墓地中迷失,他曾被带去祈祷…… —

God! God! How sad! how sad!…

And yet it was not exactly joyous to live, and be hungry, and see your father drunk, and to be beaten, to suffer in so many ways from the wickedness of other children, from the insulting pity of grown-up persons, and to be understood by no one, not even by your mother. —
然而生活并不完全是愉快的,饥饿、看到父亲喝醉、被打、受到其他孩子的恶意,受到成年人轻蔑的怜悯,无人理解,甚至连母亲也不理解。 —

Everybody humiliates you, no one loves you. You are alone—alone, and matter so little! Yes; —
所有人都羞辱你,没有人爱你。你是孤独的 —— 孤独,又微不足道!是的; —

but it was just this that made him want to live. He felt in himself a surging power of wrath. —
但正是这让他想要生存。他感觉到自己内心涌动着的愤怒力量。 —

A strange thing, that power! It could do nothing yet; —
那种力量真奇怪!它现在什么也不能做; —

it was as though it were afar off and gagged, swaddled, paralyzed; —
仿佛它还很远、被封住、束缚、瘫痪; —

he had no idea what it wanted, what, later on, it would be. —
他不知道它想要什么,以及之后会变成什么。 —

But it was in him; he was sure of it; —
但他确定它在他心中; —

he felt it stirring and crying out. To-morrow—to-morrow, what a voyage he would take! —
他感受到它在激动和呼唤。明天—明天,他将踏上怎样的航程! —

He had a savage desire to live, to punish the wicked, to do great things. “Oh! —
他有一种野蛮的渴望,渴望生存,惩罚邪恶,做出伟大的事业。“哦! —

but how I will live when I am …” he pondered a little—”when I am eighteen!” —
但是当我…活着的时候我会怎样…”他思考了一会儿—“当我十八岁的时候!” —

Sometimes he put it at twenty-one; that was the extreme limit. —
有时他把它设定为二十一岁;那是极限。 —

He thought that was enough for the domination of the world. —
他认为这足以掌控世界。 —

He thought of the heroes dearest to him—of Napoleon, and of that other more remote hero, whom he preferred, Alexander the Great. Surely he would be like them if only he lived for another twelve—ten years. —
他想到了对他最亲爱的英雄—拿破仑,还有他更远的偏爱,亚历山大大帝。如果再活上十二—十年,他一定会像他们一样。 —

He never thought of pitying those who died at thirty. They were old; they had lived their lives; —
他从未想过怜悯那些在三十岁死去的人。他们已经老了;他们已经度过了他们的生命; —

it was their fault if they hat failed. But to die now … despair! —
如果他们失败了那是他们的错。但是现在死去…绝望! —

Too terrible to pass while yet a little child, and forever to be in the minds of men a little boy whom everybody thinks he has the right to scold! —
在还是个小孩的时候就离世实在太可怕了,永远地在人们心中成为一个每个人都认为有权责骂的小男孩! —

He wept with rage at the thought, as though he were already dead.

This agony of death tortured his childish years—corrected only by disgust with all life and the sadness of his own.

It was in the midst of these gloomy shadows, in the stifling night that every moment seemed to intensify about him, that there began to shine, like a star lost in the dark abysm of space, the light which was to illuminate his life: divine music….

His grandfather gave the children an old piano, which one of his clients, anxious to be rid of it, had asked him to take. —
他的祖父给孩子们送了一架旧钢琴,这是一个客户不再需要,要求他收下的。 —

His patient ingenuity had almost put it in order. The present had not been very well received. —
他耐心的机灵几乎已经把它整理好了。但是现在的情况并不被看好。 —

Louisa thought her room already too small, without filling it up any more; —
露易莎觉得自己的房间已经够小了,不想再塞更多东西进去。 —

and Melchior said that Jean Michel had not ruined himself over it: just firewood. —
梅尔希奥说让让·米歇尔并没有因此而破产:这只不过是柴火而已。 —

Only Jean-Christophe was glad of it without exactly knowing why. —
只有让-克里斯托夫对此感到高兴,尽管他并不确定为什么。 —

It seemed to him a magic box, full of marvelous stories, just like the ones in the fairy-book—a volume of the “Thousand and One Nights”—which his grandfather read to him sometimes to their mutual delight. —
对他来说,那就像一个魔幻盒子,里面装满了奇妙的故事,就像童话书中的那些一样——《一千零一夜》中的篇章——有时候他的祖父会读给他听,他们都会因此开心。 —

He had heard his father try the piano on the day of its arrival, and draw from it a little rain of arpeggios like the drops that a puff of wind shakes from the wet branches of a tree after a shower. —
他听到父亲试弹钢琴的声音,从钢琴里拉出一串琶音,就像一阵微风吹过雨后湿润的树枝上的水滴一样。 —

He clapped his hands, and cried “Encore!” —
他鼓掌,大声喊着“再来一遍!” —

but Melchior scornfully closed the piano, saying that it was worthless. —
但是梅尔希奥不屑一顾地关上了钢琴,说它一文不值。 —

Jean-Christophe did not insist, but after that he was always hovering about the instrument. —
让-克里斯托夫没有坚持,但之后他总是在附近游荡。 —

As soon as no one was near he would raise the lid, and softly press down a key, just as if he were moving with his finger the living shell of some great insect; —
只要没人在附近,他就会打开盖子,轻轻按下一个琴键,就像他在用手指移动某种被锁在里面的巨大昆虫的外壳一样; —

he wanted to push out the creature that was locked up in it. —
他想推出那个被关在里面的生物。 —

Sometimes in his haste he would strike too hard, and then his mother would cry out, “Will you not be quiet? —
有时候他动作太快,会敲得太重,然后他母亲会喊道“你能不能安静点? —

Don’t go touching everything!” or else he would pinch himself cruelly in closing the piano, and make piteous faces as he sucked his bruised fingers….

Now his greatest joy is when his mother is gone out for a day’s service, or to pay some visit in the town. —
现在他最大的快乐就是当他母亲外出一整天做家务,或者去市镇上拜访朋友。 —

He listens as she goes down the stairs, and into the street, and away. He is alone. —
他听着她走下楼梯,走进街道,然后消失。他独自一人。 —

He opens the piano, and brings up a chair, and perches on it. —
他打开钢琴,把一把椅子搬过来,坐在上面。 —

His shoulders just about reach the keyboard; it is enough for what he wants. —
他的肩膀勉强够到键盘;这已经足够他需要的了。 —

Why does he wait until he is alone? No one would prevent his playing so long as he did not make too much noise. —
为什么他要等到独自一人才开始弹奏?只要不弄得太吵,没人会阻止他弹奏。 —

But he is ashamed before the others, and dare not. And then they talk and move about: —
但是他在别人面前感到羞耻,不敢。而且他们还在聊天动来动去: —

that spoils his pleasure. It is so much more beautiful when he is alone! —
这破坏了他的快乐。独自一人的时候,音乐会更美丽! —

Jean-Christophe holds his breath so that the silence may be even greater, and also because he is a little excited, as though he were going to let off a gun. —
让克里斯托夫屏住呼吸,为了让寂静更加深沉,也因为他有点激动,仿佛要开一枪。 —

His heart beats as he lays his finger on the key; —
当他的手指按在键上时,他的心跳加快; —

sometimes he lifts his finger after he has the key half pressed down, and lays it on another. —
有时他将手指抬起,按下一半键后,又按在另一个键上。 —

Does he know what will come out of it, more than what will come out of the other? —
他知道会从中发出什么,比起从其他键中发出的又有何区别? —

Suddenly a sound issues from it; there are deep sounds and high sounds, some tinkling, some roaring. —
突然一个声音传出来;有低音和高音,有叮当声,有咆哮声。 —

The child listens to them one by one as they die away and finally cease to be; —
孩子们一个接一个地聆听这些声音渐渐消失,并最后停止; —

they hover in the air like bells heard far off, coming near in the wind, and then going away again; —
它们在空中悬浮着,像远处传来的钟声,在风中越来越近,然后又远去; —

then when you listen you hear in the distance other voices, different, joining in and droning like flying insects; —
当你聆听时,你能听到远处其他声音,不同的声音,一起加入并嗡嗡作响,像飞行的昆虫; —

they seem to call to you, to draw you away farther—farther and farther into the mysterious regions, where they dive down and are lost…. —
它们似乎在召唤着你,把你引向更远的地方——越来越远进入神秘的领域,它们俯冲下去,然后消失了…… —

They are gone!… No; still they murmur…. A little beating of wings…. How strange it all is! —
它们消失了!……不,它们依然低语……轻轻的翅膀拍打声……这一切是多么奇妙! —

They are like spirits. How is it that they are so obedient? —
它们就像灵魂一样。它们是如此顺从,是怎么回事呢? —

how is it that they are held captive in this old box? —
它们为什么被囚禁在这个旧箱子里呢? —

But best of all is when you lay two fingers on two keys at once. —
但最棒的是当你同时用两根手指按下两个键。 —

Then you never know exactly what will happen. Sometimes the two spirits are hostile; —
然后你永远不知道会发生什么。有时这两个灵魂是敌对的; —

they are angry with each other, and fight; and hate each other, and buzz testily. —
它们彼此愤怒,争斗;恨对方,嘟囔不满。 —

Then voices are raised; they cry out, angrily, now sorrowfully. Jean-Christophe adores that; —
然后声音嘈杂起来;他们愤怒地大声喊叫,现在又悲伤。让安-克里斯托弗为此着迷; —

it is as though there were monsters chained up, biting at their fetters, beating against the bars of their prison; —
就好像有怪物被镣铐束缚,咬着牢门,冲击监牢的铁栏; —

they are like to break them, and burst out like the monsters in the fairy-book—the genii imprisoned in the Arab bottles under the seal of Solomon. —
它们仿佛要打破它们,像童话书中的怪物一样—在所罗门的印章下被囚禁的阿拉伯瓶中的精灵。 —

Others flatter you; they try to cajole you, but you feel that they only want to bite, that they are hot and fevered. —
其他的会谄媚你;他们试图哄骗你,但你感觉到他们只想咬你,他们是炽热和狂热的。 —

Jean-Christophe does not know what they want, but they lure him and disturb him; —
安-克里斯托弗不知道它们想要什么,但它们引诱他并打扰他; —

they make him almost blush. And sometimes there are notes that love each other; —
它们让他几乎脸红。有时有一些音符彼此相爱; —

sounds embrace, as people do with their arms when they kiss: they are gracious and sweet. —
声音拥抱,就像人们亲吻时用手臂拥抱一样:它们亲切而甜蜜。 —

These are the good spirits; their faces are smiling, and there are no lines in them; —
这些是好灵魂;它们的脸上带着微笑,没有皱纹; —

they love little Jean-Christophe, and little Jean-Christophe loves them. —
它们喜欢小安-克里斯托弗,小安-克里斯托弗也喜欢它们。 —

Tears come to his eyes as he hears them, and he is never weary of calling them up. —
听到它们的声音,小安-克里斯托弗的眼泪不禁涌出,他永远不会厌倦召唤它们。 —

They are his friends, his dear, tender friends….

So the child journeys through the forest of sounds, and round him he is conscious of thousands of forces lying in wait for him, and calling to him to caress or devour him….

One day Melchior came upon him thus. He made him jump with fear at the sound of his great voice. —
有一天,梅尔基奥发现他就是这样。他用雄厚的声音吓得孩子跳了起来。 —

Jean-Christophe, thinking he was doing wrong, quickly put his hands up to his ears to ward off the blows he feared. —
让-克里斯托夫以为自己做错了事,赶紧举起双手护住耳朵,以避免他害怕的打击。 —

But Melchior did not scold him, strange to say; —
但奇怪的是,梅尔基奥并没有责备他; —

he was in a good temper, and laughed.

“You like that, boy?” he asked, patting his head kindly. —
“你喜欢这个,孩子?”他友好地拍拍他的头问道。 —

“Would you like me to teach you to play it?”

Would he like!… Delighted, he murmured: —
他想!……他喜出望外地低声说: —

“Yes.” The two of them sat down at the piano, Jean-Christophe perched this time on a pile of big books, and very attentively he took his first lesson. —
“想。” 他们两个人坐在钢琴旁,这次让-克里斯托夫棒在一堆大书上,非常专心地接受自己的第一堂课。 —

He learned first of all that the buzzing spirits have strange names, like Chinese names, of one syllable, or even of one letter. —
他首先了解到,那些嗡嗡作响的精灵有奇怪的名字,像中国名字,一个音节的,甚至一个字母的。 —

He was astonished; he imagined them to be different from that: —
他很惊讶;他想象他们会与此不同: —

beautiful, caressing names, like the princesses in the fairy stories. —
漂亮的,温柔的名字,像童话故事中的公主们。 —

He did not like the familiarity with which his father talked of them. —
他不喜欢他父亲谈论它们的亲密。 —

Again, when Melchior evoked them they were not the same; —
同样,当梅尔基奥召唤它们时,它们并不相同; —

they seemed to become indifferent as they rolled out from under his fingers. —
当他们从他手指下滚出时,似乎变得漠不关心。 —

But Jean-Christophe was glad to learn about the relationships between them, their hierarchy, the scales, which were like a King commanding an army, or like a band of negroes marching in single file. —
但让安-克里斯托夫很高兴了解它们之间的关系,它们的等级制度,像是一个国王指挥着一支军队,或者像一队黑人单纯地走着。 —

He was surprised to see that each soldier, or each negro, could become a monarch in his turn, or the head of a similar band, and that it was possible to summon whole battalions from one end to the other of the keyboard. —
他惊讶地看到每个士兵,或者每个黑人,都可以轮流成为一位君主,或者类似队伍的头领,并且可以在键盘的一端召集整个营队。 —

It amused him to hold the thread which made them march. —
控制他们行进的细节让他感到开心。 —

But it was a small thing compared with what he had seen at first; his enchanted forest was lost. —
但与他最初看到的相比,这都是微不足道的;他失去了他梦幻般的森林。 —

However, he set himself to learn, for it was not tiresome, and he was surprised at his father’s patience. —
然而,他开始学习,因为这并不令人厌烦,他也惊讶于父亲的耐心。 —

Melchior did not weary of it either; he made him begin the same thing over again ten times. —
梅尔希奥也没有厌倦;他让他一遍又一遍地从头开始。 —

Jean-Christophe did not understand why he should take so much trouble; —
让-克里斯托夫不明白为什么他要那么费心; —

his father loved him, then? That was good! —
他的父亲是爱他的吗?那太好了! —

The boy worked away; his heart was filled with gratitude.

He would have been less docile had he known what thoughts were springing into being in his father’s head.

From that day on Melchior took him to the house of a neighbor, where three times a week there was chamber music. —
从那一天起,梅尔希奥带他去一位邻居家里,那里每周有三次室内乐表演。 —

Melchior played first violin, Jean Michel the violoncello. —
梅尔希奥拉小提琴,让米歇尔拉大提琴。 —

The other two were a bank-clerk and the old watchmaker of the Schillerstrasse. —
另外两人是一名银行职员和希勒街的老钟表匠。 —

Every now and then the chemist joined them with his flute. —
时不时,化学家也会用长笛加入他们。 —

They began at five, and went on till nine. Between each piece they drank beer. —
他们从五点开始,一直演奏到九点。在每个乐曲之间他们喝啤酒。 —

Neighbors used to come in and out, and listen without a word, leaning against the wall, and nodding their heads, and beating time with their feet, and filling the room with clouds of tobacco-smoke. —
邻居们进进出出,默默聆听,靠在墙上,点头,用脚打节拍,烟雾弥漫在房间里。 —

Page followed page, piece followed piece, but the patience of the musicians was never exhausted. —
翻页累叠,乐章接连不断,但音乐家们的耐心从未耗尽。 —

They did not speak; they were all attention; —
他们不说话;全神贯注。 —

their brows were knit, and from time to time they grunted with pleasure, but for the rest they were perfectly incapable not only of expressing, but even of feeling, the beauty of what they played. —
他们皱着眉头,不时发出满足的哼声,但除此之外他们无法表达甚至感受到他们演奏的美。 —

They played neither very accurately nor in good time, but they never went off the rails, and followed faithfully the marked changes of tone. —
他们的演奏不是很精准,也不是按照节奏演奏,但他们从未偏离轨道,忠实地跟随着标记的音色变化。 —

They had that musical facility which is easily satisfied, that mediocre perfection which, is so plentiful in the race which is said to be the most musical in the world. —
他们具有一种容易满足的音乐才能,一种平庸的完美,这种完美在人们所称最具音乐感的种族中较为普遍。 —

They had also that great appetite which does not stickle for the quality of its food, so only there be quantity—that healthy appetite to which all music is good, and the more substantial the better—it sees no difference between Brahms and Beethoven, or between the works of the same master, between an empty concerto and a moving sonata, because they are fashioned of the same stuff.

Jean-Christophe sat apart in a corner, which was his own, behind the piano. —
让-克里斯托夫坐在一角,那是他自己的地方,在钢琴后面。 —

No one could disturb him there, for to reach it he had to go on all fours. —
没有人能打扰到他,因为要到那里必须爬行。 —

It was half dark there, and the boy had just room to lie on the floor if he huddled up. —
那里半昏暗,这个小男孩刚好可以蜷缩在那里躺下。 —

The smoke of the tobacco filled his eyes and throat: dust, too; —
烟草的烟尘充斥他的眼睛和喉咙;灰尘也是如此; —

there were large flakes of it like sheepskin, but he did not mind that, and listened gravely, squatting there Turkish fashion, and widening the holes in the cloth of the piano with his dirty little fingers. —
有着像羊皮一样的大片,但他并不在意,认真倾听着,像土耳其人一样蹲着,用他那又脏又小的手指在钢琴外套的布上扩大了孔。 —

He did not like everything that they played; —
他并不喜欢他们演奏的一切; —

but nothing that they played bored him, and he never tried to formulate his opinions, for he thought himself too small to know anything. —
但他们演奏的一切没有使他感到厌倦,并且他从未试图阐述自己的观点,因为他觉得自己太小不懂得任何事。 —

Only some music sent him to sleep, some woke him up; it was never disagreeable to him. —
只有一些音乐让他入睡,有些让他兴奋;但他对音乐从不感到不快。 —

Without his knowing it, it was nearly always good music that excited him. —
他几乎总是在不知不觉中被好音乐所吸引。 —

Sure of not being seen, he made faces, he wrinkled his nose, ground his teeth, or stuck out his tongue; —
确保没有人看到,他会做鬼脸,皱起鼻子,磨牙或吐舌头; —

his eyes flashed with anger or drooped languidly; —
他的眼睛闪着愤怒或倦怠的神态; —

he moved his arms and legs with a defiant and valiant air; —
他挥舞着手臂和腿,带着挑衅和勇猛的姿态; —

he wanted to march, to lunge out, to pulverize the world. —
他想前行,想冲出去,想击垮世界。 —

He fidgeted so much that in the end a head would peer over the piano, and say: —
他坐立不安,以至于最终会有一个头探出钢琴,说: —

“Hullo, boy, are you mad? Leave the piano…. Take your hand away, or I’ll pull your ears!” —
“喂,孩子,你发疯了吗?离开钢琴….把手拿开,否则我就揪你耳朵!” —

And that made him crestfallen and angry. Why did they want to spoil his pleasure? —
这让他感到沮丧和愤怒。为什么他们要破坏他的快乐? —

He was not doing any harm. Must he always be tormented! His father chimed in. —
他并没有做错什么。难道他总是要被折磨吗!他的父亲也加入抱怨。 —

They chid him for making a noise, and said that he did not like music. —
他们责备他发出噪音,并说他不喜欢音乐。 —

And in the end he believed it. These honest citizens grinding out concertos would have been astonished if they had been told that the only person in the company who really felt the music was the little boy.

If they wanted him to keep quiet, why did they play airs which make you march? —
如果他们想让他安静,为什么他们要演奏使人踏动的曲调呢? —

In those pages were rearing horses, swords, war-cries, the pride of triumph; —
那些音乐中充满了奔马、剑、战吼、凯旋的自豪; —

and they wanted him, like them, to do no more than wag his head and beat time with his feet! —
他们希望他像他们一样只是点头并用脚打节奏! —

They had only to play placid dreams or some of those chattering pages which talk so much and say nothing. —
他们只需弹奏宁静的梦境,或者那些滔滔不绝却毫无意义的琴谱。 —

There are plenty of them, for example, like that piece of Goldmark’s, of which the old watchmaker had just said with a delighted smile: —
有很多这样的作品,比如那首Goldmark的作品,就像那位老表匠刚刚带着开心的笑容说的: —

“It is pretty. There is no harshness in it. All the corners are rounded off….” —
“它很漂亮。没有丝毫刺耳之处。所有的角都被打磨得圆润……” —

The boy was very quiet then. He became drowsy. —
男孩当时非常安静。他开始昏昏欲睡。 —

He did not know what they were playing hardly heard it; —
他几乎听不懂他们在演奏什么; —

but he was happy; his limbs were numbed, and he was dreaming.

His dreams were not a consecutive story; they had neither head nor tail. —
他的梦并不是一个串联的故事;它们既没有开头也没有结尾。 —

It was rarely that he saw a definite picture; —
他很少看到一个明确的画面; —

his mother making a cake, and with a knife removing the paste that clung to her fingers; —
他的母亲正在做蛋糕,用刀挑下粘在手指上的面团; —

a water-rat that he had seen the night before swimming in the river; —
他前一晚看到的一只在河里游泳的水鼠; —

a whip that he wanted to make with a willow wand…. —
他想用一根柳树枝做鞭子…… —

Heaven knows why these things should have cropped up in his memory at such a time! —
天知道为什么这些事情会在这样的时候涌现在他的记忆中! —

But most often he saw nothing at all, and yet he felt things innumerable and infinite. —
但大多数时候他什么也没看到,但感觉到无数而无限的事物。 —

It was as though there were a number of very important things not to be spoken of, or not worth speaking of, because they were so well known, and because they had always been so. —
好像有一些非常重要的事情不值得谈论,或者不值得谈论,因为它们是如此熟知的,因为它们一直如此。 —

Some of them were sad, terribly sad; but there was nothing painful in them, as there is in the things that belong to real life; —
其中一些是悲伤的,非常悲伤;但其中并没有痛苦,就像属于现实生活的事情那样; —

they were not ugly and debasing, like the blows that Jean-Christophe had from his father, or like the things that were in his head when, sick at heart with shame, he thought of some humiliation; —
它们不丑陋和贬低,像让让-克里斯托夫从父亲那里受到的打击,或者像他的内心真切地感到羞耻时想到的一些屈辱那样。 —

they filled the mind with a melancholy calm. —
它们使思想充满了一种忧郁的宁静。 —

And some were bright and shining, shedding torrents of joy. And Jean-Christophe thought: —
而一些是明亮和闪耀的,洒下喜悦的洪流。 让-克里斯托夫想: —

“Yes, it is thus—thus that I will do by-and-by.” —
“是的,就是这样—这样我以后会做。” —

He did not know exactly what thus was, nor why he said it, but he felt that he had to say it, and that it was clear as day. —
他不确切知道这“这样”是什么,也不知道为什么他说了这句话,但他感到必须这样说,并且明白透彻。 —

He heard the sound of a sea, and he was quite near to it, kept from it only by a wall of dunes. —
他听到了海的声音,他离它很近,只被沙丘墙挡住了。 —

Jean-Christophe had no idea what sea it was, or what it wanted with him, but he was conscious that it would rise above the barrier of dunes. —
让-克里斯托夫不知道是哪个海,或者它对他有什么要求,但他意识到它将超越沙丘的屏障。 —

And then!… Then all would be well, and he would be quite happy. —
然后!…然后一切都会好起来,他会很快乐。 —

Nothing to do but to hear it, then, quite near, to sink to sleep to the sound of its great voice, soothing away all his little griefs and humiliations. —
无事可做,只需听着那声音,就靠近,沉入沉睡,听着它宏大的声音,抚慰着他所有的小痛苦和屈辱。 —

They were sad still, but no longer shameful nor injurious; —
他们依然悲伤,但不再羞愧,也不再伤害; —

everything seemed natural and almost sweet.

Very often it was mediocre music that produced this intoxication in him. —
很多时候,这种陶醉感是被平庸的音乐所引起的。 —

The writers of it were poor devils, with no thought in their heads but the gaining of money, or the hiding away of the emptiness of their lives by tagging notes together according to accepted formulæ —
创作这些音乐的人都是可怜的家伙,脑子里只有赚钱的念头,或者通过按照公认的形式把音符排列在一起来掩盖他们生活的空虚。 —

—or to be original, in defiance of formulæ. —
—或者是为了原创,蔑视形式。 —

But in the notes of music, even when handled by an idiot, there is such a power of life that they can let loose storms in a simple soul. —
但即使是由白痴来操控,音乐的音符中却有着生命力的力量,能够在一个简单的灵魂中引发暴风雨。 —

Perhaps even the dreams suggested by the idiots are more mysterious and more free than those breathed by an imperious thought which drags you along by force; —
也许甚至是白痴所建议的梦境比那些被专制思想所呼吸出的梦更加神秘和自由; —

for aimless movement and empty chatter do not disturb the mind in its own pondering….

So, forgotten and forgetting, the child stayed in his corner behind the piano, until suddenly he felt ants climbing up his legs. —
就这样,被忘却而忘记,这个孩子留在钢琴后面的角落里,直到突然间他感到蚂蚁爬上了他的腿。 —

And he remembered then that he was a little boy wife dirty nails, and that he was rubbing his nose against a white-washed wall, and holding his feet in his hands.

On the day when Melchior, stealing on tiptoe, had surprised the boy at the keyboard that was too high for him, he had stayed to watch him for a moment, and suddenly there had flashed upon him: —
当墨尔基奥悄悄走过去时,惊讶地发现男孩坐在对他太高的钢琴前时,他停下来看了他片刻,然后突然闪现: —

“A little prodigy!… Why had he not thought of it?… What luck for the family! —
“一个小神童!… 为什么他没想到呢?… 这对家庭来说多么幸运! —

…” No doubt he had thought that the boy would be a little peasant like his mother. —
…” 他毫无疑问认为男孩会像他母亲一样成为一个小农民。 —

“It would cost nothing to try. What a great thing it would be! —
“试一试又不费什么。多好啊! —

He would take him all over Germany, perhaps abroad. —
他会带他到德国的各个角落,甚至可能出国。 —

It would be a jolly life, and noble to boot.” —
这将是一种愉快而高尚的生活。 —

Melchior never failed to look for the nobility hidden in all he did, for it was not often that he failed to find it, after some reflection.

Strong in this assurance, immediately after supper, as soon as he had taken his last mouthful, he dumped the child once more in front of the piano, and made him go through the day’s lesson until his eyes closed in weariness. —
在这个保证的力量下,在晚餐后,他吃下最后一口饭后立即把孩子再次扔到钢琴前,让他重复一遍当天的练习,直到他因疲惫而闭上眼睛。 —

Then three times the next day. Then the day after that. Then every day. —
然后第二天再来三次。再然后的一天。然后每天。 —

Jean-Christophe soon tired of it; then he was sick to death of it; —
让·克里斯托夫很快厌倦了;后来他对此死疲倦了; —

finally he could stand it no more, and tried to revolt against it. —
最后他再也无法忍受,试图反抗。 —

There was no point in what he was made to do: —
他被逼做的事毫无意义: —

nothing but learning to run as fast as possible over the keys, by loosening the thumb, or exercising the fourth finger, which would cling awkwardly to the two next to it. —
只是学习尽可能快地在键盘上奔跑,通过松开拇指,或锻炼第四根手指,它会笨拙地紧贴在它旁边的两根手指上。 —

It got on his nerves; there was nothing beautiful in it. —
这让他心烦意乱;毫无美感。 —

There was an end of the magic sounds, and fascinating monsters, and the universe of dreams felt in one moment…. —
这是魔幻音响、迷人怪物和一切梦幻世界在一瞬间消失的终点…. —

Nothing but scales and exercises—dry, monotonous, dull—duller than the conversation at meal-time, which was always the same—always about the dishes, and always the same dishes. —
只有音阶和练习—枯燥、单调、乏味—比饭桌上总是相同的对话还要乏味—总是关于菜肴,而菜肴总是一样的。 —

At first the child listened absently to what his father said. —
起初孩子还会心不在焉地听父亲说的话。 —

When he was severely reprimanded he went on with a bad grace. He paid no attention to abuse; —
当他受到严厉训斥时,他勉为其难地继续。他无视辱骂; —

he met it with bad temper. The last straw was when one evening he heard Melchior unfold his plans in the next room. —
他以坏脾气应对了这一切。最后一根稻草是一个晚上,他听到梅尔基翁在隔壁房间里展开他的计划。 —

So it was in order to put him on show like a trick animal that he was so badgered and forced every day to move bits of ivory! —
所以,为了像一个杂耍动物一样展示他,他每天都被逼迫着搬动象牙碎片! —

He was not even given time to go and see his beloved river. —
他甚至没有时间去看他心爱的小河。 —

What was it made them so set against him? —
是什么让他们如此敌视他呢? —

He was angry, hurt in his pride, robbed of his liberty. —
他生气了,骄傲受伤了,被剥夺了自由。 —

He decided that he would play no more, or as badly as possible, and would discourage his father. —
他决定不再玩琴,或故意弹得糟糕,打击他父亲的积极性。 —

It would be hard, but at all costs he must keep his independence.

The very next lesson he began to put his plan into execution. —
在接下来的课程里,他开始实施他的计划。 —

He set himself conscientiously to hit the notes awry, or to bungle every touch. —
他认真地使自己故意弹错音符,或搞乱每一个触键。 —

Melchior cried out, then roared, and blows began to rain. He had a heavy ruler. —
梅尔基翁大叫起来,然后怒吼起来,狠狠地打了起来。他手里拿着一根沉重的尺子。 —

At every false note he struck the boy’s fingers, and at the same time shouted in his ears, so that he was like to deafen him. —
在每个错误的音符上,他都打击孩子的手指,同时在他耳边吼叫,几乎要把他弄聋。 —

Jean-Christophe’s face twitched tinder the pain of it; —
让·克里斯托夫的脸在疼痛中扭曲; —

he bit his lips to keep himself from crying, and stoically went on hitting the notes all wrong, bobbing his head down whenever he felt a blow coming. —
他咬紧嘴唇,不让自己哭出声来,坚忍地继续弹错音符,感觉到一击心头的时候,头下沉。 —

But his system was not good, and it was not long before he began to see that it was so. —
但他的方法并不好,他很快就开始意识到这一点。 —

Melchior was as obstinate as his son, and he swore that even if they were to stay there two days and two nights he would not let him off a single note until it had been properly played. —
梅尔基翁和他的儿子一样固执,他发誓即使他们在那里待上两天两夜,他也绝不会放过一个音符,直到它被正确地弹出来。 —

Then Jean-Christophe tried too deliberately to play wrongly, and Melchior began to suspect the trick, as he saw that the boy’s hand fell heavily to one side at every note with obvious intent. —
接着让·克里斯托夫故意弹奏错误,梅尔希奥开始怀疑有诈,因为他看到男孩每个音符都故意往一边重重地按下。 —

The blows became more frequent; Jean-Christophe was no longer conscious of his fingers. —
砰砰声越来越频繁;让·克里斯托夫已经没有意识到自己的手指。 —

He wept pitifully and silently, sniffing, and swallowing down his sobs and tears. —
他悲伤地默默流泪,抽泣着,吞下嚎啕大哭和眼泪。 —

He understood that he had nothing to gain by going on like that, and that he would have to resort to desperate measures. —
他明白这样下去毫无好处,他必须采取绝望的措施。 —

He stopped, and, trembling at the thought of the storm which was about to let loose, he said valiantly:

“Papa, I won’t play any more.”

Melchior choked.

“What! What!…” he cried.

He took and almost broke the boy’s arm with shaking it. —
他抓住男孩的手臂,几乎摔断。 —

Jean-Christophe, trembling more and more, and raising his elbow to ward off the blows, said again:

“I won’t play any more. First, because I don’t like being beaten. And then….”

He could not finish. A terrific blow knocked the wind out of him, and

Melchior roared:

“Ah! you don’t like being beaten? You don’t like it?…”

Blows rained. Jean-Christophe bawled through his sobs:

“And then … I don’t like music!… I don’t like music!…”

He slipped down from his chair. Melchior roughly put him back, and knocked his knuckles against the keyboard. He cried:

“You shall play!”

And Jean-Christophe shouted:

“No! No! I won’t play!”

Melchior had to surrender. He thrashed the boy, thrust him from the room, and said that he should have nothing to eat all day, or the whole month, until he had played all his exercises without a mistake. —
梅尔希奥尔只好屈服了。他狠狠地鞭打那男孩,将他推出房间,并说他不准一整天,甚至一整个月都不能吃饭,直到能毫无错误地演奏所有的练习。 —

He kicked him out and slammed the door after him,

Jean-Christophe found himself on the stairs, the dark and dirty stairs, worm-eaten. —
让-克里斯托夫发现自己站在楼梯上,那漆黑又肮脏、蛀虫作祟的楼梯。 —

A draught came through a broken pane in the skylight, and the walls were dripping. —
一阵凉风从天窗的破损处吹来,墙壁上还在滴水。 —

Jean-Christophe sat on one of the greasy steps; —
让-克里斯托夫坐在一个油腻的台阶上; —

his heart was beating wildly with anger and emotion. —
他的心急剧跳动,充满愤怒和情感。 —

In a low voice he cursed his father:

“Beast! That’s what you are! A beast … a gross creature … a brute! Yes, a brute! —
“兽!你就是个兽!一个粗鄙的家伙…一个野兽!是的,一个野兽! —

… and I hate you, I hate you!… Oh, I wish you were dead! —
…我恨你,我恨你!…哦,我希望你死了! —

I wish you were dead!”

His bosom swelled. He looked desperately at the sticky staircase and the spider’s web swinging in the wind above the broken pane. —
他的胸膛涨满了悲愤。他绝望地看着黏黏的楼梯和风中摆动的蛛网,上面是破碎的玻璃窗。 —

He felt alone, lost in his misery. He looked at the gap in the banisters…. —
他感到孤独,迷失在痛苦中。他看着扶手上的缺口…… —

What if he were to throw himself down?… or out of the window? —
如果他扑下去呢?……或者跳出窗外? —

… Yes, what if he were to kill himself to punish them? How remorseful they would be! —
…是的,如果他自杀来惩罚他们呢?他们会多么懊悔啊! —

He heard the noise of his fall from the stairs. The door upstairs opened suddenly. —
他听到自己从楼梯上摔下的声音。楼上的门突然打开了。 —

Agonized voices cried: “He has fallen!—He has fallen!” Footsteps clattered downstairs. —
凄厉的声音喊道:“他摔倒了!—他摔倒了!”脚步声响彻楼下。 —

His father and mother threw themselves weeping upon his body. —
他的父母痛哭起来扑到他的尸体上。 —

His mother sobbed: “It is your fault! —
母亲哽咽着说:“这都是你的错! —

You have killed him!” His father waved his arms, threw himself on his knees, beat his head against the banisters, and cried: —
你害死了他!”父亲挥舞双臂,跪倒在扶手上,头撞击着,大声痛哭: —

“What a wretch am I! What a wretch am I!” The sight of all this softened his misery. —
“我是多么可恨!我是多么可恨!”这一切软化了他的痛苦。 —

He was on the point of taking pity on their grief; —
他几乎要怜惜他们的悲伤; —

but then he thought that it was well for them, Had he enjoyed his revenge….

When his story was ended, he found himself once more at the top of the stairs in the dark; —
当他的故事结束时,他发现自己又站在黑暗的楼梯顶端; —

he looked down once more, and his desire to throw himself down was gone. —
他再次往下看,想要扑下去的欲望已经消失了。 —

He even, shuddered a little, and moved away from the edge, thinking that he might fall. —
他甚至有些发抖,离开了边缘,心想自己可能会摔下去。 —

Then he felt that he was a prisoner, like a poor bird in a cage—a prisoner forever, with nothing to do but to break his head and hurt himself. —
然后他感到自己像是一个囚徒,像是笼中的一只可怜鸟—永远被困,除了撞破头和伤害自己外别无他事。 —

He wept, wept, and he robbed his eyes with his dirty little hands, so that in a moment he was filthy. —
他呜咽着,用他那双肮脏的小手揉搓着自己的眼睛,瞬间变得肮脏不堪。 —

As he wept he never left off looking at the things about him, and he found some distraction in that. —
当他哭泣时,他始终不停地看着周围的事物,这给他带来了一些分散注意力的机会。 —

He stopped moaning for a moment to look at the spider which, had just begun to move. —
他停止嚎啕大哭片刻,转而看着刚刚开始移动的蜘蛛。 —

Then he began with less conviction. He listened to the sound of his own weeping, and went on, mechanically with his sobbing, without much knowing why he did so. —
然后,他开始表现出较少的坚定。他听着自己哭泣的声音,机械地继续抽泣,自己并不太清楚为什么这样做。 —

Soon he got up; he was attracted by the window. —
不久他站起来,被窗户吸引了。 —

He sat on the window-sill, retiring into the background, and watched the spider furtively. —
他坐在窗台上,退到背景中,偷偷地观察着那只蜘蛛。 —

It interested while it revolted him.

Below the Rhine flowed, washing the walls of the house. —
下面的莱茵河流淌着,冲刷着房子的墙壁。 —

In the staircase window it was like being suspended over the river in a moving sky. —
在楼梯窗口处就像是悬在河面上、身在流动的天空中。 —

Jean-Christophe never limped down the stairs without taking a long look at it, but he had never yet seen it as it was to-day. —
让-克里斯托夫每次下楼梯时都会迟迟凝视那一幕,但他从未像今天这样看得入迷。 —

Grief sharpens the senses; it is as though everything were more sharply graven on the vision after tears have washed away the dim traces of memory. —
悲伤让感官变得更为敏锐;泪水冲刷掉了记忆中的模糊痕迹后,一切仿佛更加清晰地印刻在视觉中。 —

The river was like a living thing to the child—a creature inexplicable, but how much more powerful than all the creatures that he knew! —
对于这个孩子来说,河流就像一个活物—一种无法解释的生物,但比他所认识的所有生物都要强大! —

Jean-Christophe leaned forward to see it better; —
让-克里斯托夫向前倾身,想更清楚地看到它; —

he pressed his mouth and flattened his nose against the pane. —
他把嘴和鼻子贴在窗格上,使劲地凝视着。 —

Where was it going? What did it want? —
它要去哪里?它想要什么? —

It looked free, and sure of its road…. Nothing could stop it. —
它看起来自由,对自己的道路充满信心…… 没有什么能阻止它。 —

At all hours of the day or night, rain or sun, whether there were joy or sorrow in the house, it went on going by, and it was as though nothing mattered to it, as though it never knew sorrow, and rejoiced in its strength. —
无论白天黑夜,无论雨天晴天,无论家里是快乐还是悲伤,它都继续前行,仿佛什么都不重要,仿佛它从未尝过悲伤,并为自己的力量感到高兴。 —

What joy to be like it, to run through the fields, and by willow-branches, and over little shining pebbles and crisping sand, and to care for nothing, to be cramped by nothing, to be free!…

The boy looked and listened greedily; it was as though he were borne along by the river, moving by with it…. —
男孩贪婪地看着、听着;仿佛他被这条河冲走,随着它一起前行…… —

When he closed his eyes he saw color—blue, green, yellow, red, and great chasing shadows and sunbeams…. —
当他闭上眼睛,他看到颜色—蓝色、绿色、黄色、红色,还有追逐的大影子和阳光斑。 —

What he sees takes shape. Now it is a large plain, reeds, corn waving under a breeze scented with new grass and mint. —
他所看到的显现出形态。现在是一片辽阔的平原,芦苇,被微风吹动的庄稼,空气里弥漫着新草和薄荷的香味。 —

Flowers on every side—cornflowers, poppies, violets. How lovely it is! How sweet the air! —
四周都是花—矢车菊、罂粟、紫罗兰。多美啊!空气多甜! —

How good it is to lie down in the thick, soft grass! —
躺在浓密柔软的草地上是多么美好! —

… Jean-Christophe feels glad and a little bewildered, as he does when on feast-days his father pours into his glass a little Rhine wine…. —
…… 让·克里斯托夫觉得高兴,但也有些困惑,就像在节日时,他父亲往他杯里倒一点莱茵葡萄酒时的感觉…… —

The river goes by…. The country is changed…. Now there are trees leaning over the water; —
河水静静流过…… 乡间景色变了…… 现在有树枝悬挂在水面上; —

their delicate leaves, like little hands, dip, move, and turn about in the water. —
它们嫩嫩的叶子,像小手一样,在水中点、摆动、翻转。 —

A village among the trees is mirrored in the river. —
一座村庄在树木间倒影在河水中。 —

There are cypress-trees, and the crosses of the cemetery showing above the white wall washed by the stream. —
有丝柏树,水墓地的十字架在被河水冲刷的白墙上映入眼帘。 —

Then there are rocks, a mountain gorge, vines on the slopes, a little pine-wood, and ruined castles…. —
然后是岩石,一座山峡,山坡上的葡萄藤,一片小松树林,还有废弃的城堡…… —

And once more the plain, corn, birds, and the sun….

The great green mass of the river goes by smoothly, like a single thought; —
这条宽阔的绿色河流平静地流过,就像一个单一的念头; —

there are no waves, almost no ripples—smooth, oily patches. Jean-Christophe does not see it; —
没有波浪,几乎没有涟漪—光滑、油亮的斑块。 让·克里斯托夫看不见它; —

he has closed his eyes to hear it better. The ceaseless roaring fills him, makes him giddy; —
他闭上眼睛,以便更好地倾听。 这持续不断的咆哮充满他,让他感到眩晕; —

he is exalted by this eternal, masterful dream which goes no man knows whither. —
他被这种永恒的、精湛的梦想所激励,这一切向着无人知晓的地方前进。 —

Over the turmoil of its depths rush waters, in swift rhythm, eagerly, ardently. —
在它的深处的混乱之上,水流急促地、热切地冲刷着。 —

And from the rhythm ascends music, like a vine climbing a trellis—arpeggios from silver keys, sorrowful violins, velvety and smooth-sounding flutes…. —
从这种节奏中升腾出音乐,就像藤蔓攀爬着一个格子—从银色的琴键上的琶音,悲伤的小提琴声,柔软光滑的长笛声…. —

The country has disappeared. The river has disappeared. —
乡村已经消失。 河流已经消失。 —

There floats by only a strange, soft, and twilight atmosphere. —
流动着只有一种陌生的、柔和的、薄暮般的氛围。 —

Jean-Christophe’s heart flutters with emotion. What does he see now? Oh! Charming faces! —
让·克里斯托夫的心因激动而颤动。 他现在看到了什么?哦!迷人的脸庞! —

… A little girl with brown tresses calls to him, slowly, softly, and mockingly…. —
……一个头发棕色的小女孩慢慢地、轻声地、戏弄地呼唤着他…. —

A pale boy’s face looks at him with melancholy blue eyes…. Others smile; —
一个苍白的男孩脸上带着忧郁的蓝眼睛凝视着他…. 别人微笑; —

other eyes look at him—curious and provoking eyes, and their glances make him blush—eyes affectionate and mournful, like the eyes of a dog—eyes imperious, eyes suffering…. —
其他的眼睛看着他—既好奇又挑衅的眼神,让他脸红—充满情感、哀伤的眼睛,就像狗的眼睛一样—威严的眼睛,痛苦的眼睛…. —

And the pale face of a woman, with black hair, and lips close pressed, and eyes so large that they obscure her other features, and they gaze upon Jean-Christophe with an ardor that hurts him…. —
一个拥有黑发、闭紧双唇、大得遮住其他特征的眼睛的女人苍白的脸,眼睛凝视着让·克里斯托夫,那目光炽烈得伤害着他…. —

And, dearest of all, that face which smiles upon him with clear gray eyes and lips a little open, showing gleaming white teeth…. —
以及,最亲爱的那张脸,用清澈的灰色眼睛微笑着看着他,略微张开着露出洁白的牙齿的嘴唇…. —

Ah! how kind and tender is that smile! All his heart is tenderness from it! —
啊!那微笑是多么亲切和温柔啊!从中流露出他全部的温情! —

How good it is to love! —
爱是多么美好啊! —

Again! Smile upon me again! Do not go!… Alas! it is gone! —
再来一次!再次微笑朝我!不要走!…唉!它消失了! —

… But it leaves in his heart sweetness ineffable. —
但是却在他的心中留下了无法言喻的甜蜜。 —

Evil, sorrow, are no more; nothing is left…. —
邪恶、悲伤,都不再存在;一切消失了…… —

Nothing, only an airy dream, like serene music, floating down a sunbeam, like the gossamers on fine summer days…. —
一无所有,只余一场空幻梦,如轻柔的音乐在阳光中飘荡,如细夏日里飘散的蛛丝…… —

What has happened? What are these visions that fill the child with sadness and sweet sorrow? —
发生了什么?这些充满忧伤和甜蜜哀愁的幻象如何填满了孩子的心灵? —

Never had he seen them before, and yet he knew them and recognized them. Whence come they? —
他以前从未见过它们,但却认识它们,熟悉它们。它们来自何处? —

From what obscure abysm of creation? Are they what has been … or what will be?…

Now all is done, every haunting form is gone. —
现在一切都结束了,所有萦绕的形态都已消失。 —

Once more through a misty veil, as though he were soaring high above it, the river in flood appears, covering the fields, and rolling by, majestic, slow, almost still. —
再一次透过朦胧的面纱,仿佛他在高处翱翔,洪水泛滥的河流浮现,覆盖田野,缓缓流过,雄伟缓慢,几乎静止。 —

And far, far away, like a steely light upon the horizon, a watery plain, a line of trembling waves—the sea. —
遥远无边,如地平线上的一道钢铁般的光芒,一片波光粼粼的海洋。 —

The river runs down to it. The sea seems to run up to the river. She fires him. He desires her. —
河水奔流而下。海水似乎向河水奔涌而上。她点燃了他。他渴望着她。 —

He must lose himself in her…. The music hovers; lovely dance rhythms swing out madly; —
他必须迷失在她里面……音乐悬浮;美丽的舞曲疯狂摇摆出来; —

all the world is rocked in their triumphant whirligig…. —
整个世界在它们胜利的旋转木马中摇曳不定…… —

The soul, set free, cleaves space, like swallows’ flight, like swallows drunk with the air, skimming across the sky with shrill cries…. —
灵魂被释放,犹如燕子翱翔的飞行,犹如燕子沉醉于空气中,尖声地掠过天空…… —

Joy! Joy! There is nothing, nothing!… Oh, infinite happiness!…

Hours passed; it was evening; the staircase was in darkness. —
几个小时过去了;天色渐晚;楼梯处一片黑暗。 —

Drops of rain made rings upon the river’s gown, and the current bore them dancing away. —
雨滴在河面上形成圆环,被水流载着跳跃舞动。 —

Sometimes the branch of a tree or pieces of black bark passed noiselessly and disappeared. —
有时树枝或黑色的树皮片静静地飘过,然后消失了。 —

The murderous spider had withdrawn to her darkest corner. —
那只凶残的蜘蛛已经躲到最阴暗的角落。 —

And little Jean-Christophe was still leaning forward on the window-sill. —
小让-克里斯托夫依然倚在窗台上。 —

His face was pale and dirty; happiness shone in him. He was asleep.