For the next month, occupied with my own affairs, I saw no one connected with this lamentable business, and my mind ceased to be occupied with it. —
在接下来的一个月里,我忙于自己的事务,没有见到任何与这场悲惨事件有关的人,我的思绪也不再被它占据。 —

But one day, when I was walking along, bent on some errand, I passed Charles Strickland. —
但有一天,当我走在路上,正准备办点事时,我经过了查尔斯·斯特里克兰。 —

The sight of him brought back to me all the horror which I was not unwilling to forget, and I felt in me a sudden repulsion for the cause of it. —
看到他,我所有的恐惧又被勾起,我突然对这一切感到厌恶。 —

Nodding, for it would have been childish to cut him, I walked on quickly; —
对他打个招呼,因为对他冷淡无疑会显得孩子气,我加速前行; —

but in a minute I felt a hand on my shoulder.

“You’re in a great hurry, ” he said cordially.

It was characteristic of him to display geniality with anyone who showed a disinclination to meet him, and the coolness of my greeting can have left him in little doubt of that.

“I am, ” I answered briefly.

“I’ll walk along with you, ” he said.

“Why?” I asked.

“For the pleasure of your society. “

I did not answer, and he walked by my side silently. —
我没有回答,他就沉默地和我并肩走着。 —

We continued thus for perhaps a quarter of a mile. I began to feel a little ridiculous. —
我们这样走了大概四分之一英里。我开始感到有些荒谬。 —

At last we passed a stationer’s, and it occurred to me that I might as well buy some paper. —
最后,我们经过一个文具店,我突然想买点纸。 —

It would be an excuse to be rid of him.

“I’m going in here, ” I said. “Good-bye. “

“I’ll wait for you. “

I shrugged my shoulders, and went into the shop. —
我耸了耸肩,走进了店里。 —

I reflected that French paper was bad, and that, foiled of my purpose, I need not burden myself with a purchase that I did not need. —
我思考着法国纸的质量不好,而且失败了我的目的,我没必要买一样我不需要的东西。 —

I asked for something I knew could not be provided, and in a minute came out into the street.

“Did you get what you wanted?” he asked.

“No. “

We walked on in silence, and then came to a place where several streets met. I stopped at the curb.

“Which way do you go?” I enquired.

“Your way, ” he smiled.

“I’m going home. “

“I’ll come along with you and smoke a pipe. “

“You might wait for an invitation, ” I retorted frigidly.

“I would if I thought there was any chance of getting one. “

“Do you see that wall in front of you?” I said, pointing.

“Yes. “

“In that case I should have thought you could see also that I don’t want your company. “

“I vaguely suspected it, I confess. “

I could not help a chuckle. It is one of the defects of my character that I cannot altogether dislike anyone who makes me laugh. —
我忍不住笑了起来。这是我性格的一个缺点,我无法完全讨厌那些让我笑的人。 —

But I pulled myself together.

“I think you’re detestable. You’re the most loathsome beast that it’s ever been my misfortune to meet. —
“我觉得你讨厌透了。你是我不幸曾经遇到的最可恶的家伙。” —

Why do you seek the society of someone who hates and despises you?”

“My dear fellow, what the hell do you suppose I care what you think of me?”

“Damn it all, ” I said, more violently because I had an inkling my motive was none too creditable, “I don’t want to know you. “

“Are you afraid I shall corrupt you?”

His tone made me feel not a little ridiculous. —
他的语气让我感到有些荒谬。 —

I knew that he was looking at me sideways, with a sardonic smile.

“I suppose you are hard up, ” I remarked insolently.

“I should be a damned fool if I thought I had any chance of borrowing money from you. “

“You’ve come down in the world if you can bring yourself to flatter. “

He grinned.

“You’ll never really dislike me so long as I give you the opportunity to get off a good thing now and then. “

I had to bite my lip to prevent myself from laughing. —
我不得不咬住嘴唇,防止自己笑出声来。 —

What he said had a hateful truth in it, and another defect of my character is that I enjoy the company of those, however depraved, who can give me a Roland for my Oliver. —
他说的话里带着一些可恨的真相,而我的另一个缺点是,我喜欢那些,无论堕落与否,能让我受益的人为伴。 —

I began to feel that my abhorrence for Strickland could only be sustained by an effort on my part. —
我开始感觉到,我对斯特里克兰的憎恶只能靠我自己的努力来维持。 —

I recognised my moral weakness, but saw that my disapprobation had in it already something of a pose; —
我意识到了我的道德上的软弱,但也意识到,我的反感里已经带有一些虚伪; —

and I knew that if I felt it, his own keen instinct had discovered it, too. —
我知道,如果我有这种感觉,他自己敏锐的直觉也会发现的。 —

He was certainly laughing at me up his sleeve. —
他肯定是在暗地里嘲笑我。 —

I left him the last word, and sought refuge in a shrug of the shoulders and taciturnity.