志不可一日坠,心不可一日放。——王豫 1. One’s ambition should not be abandoned for a single day, and one’s heart should not be let loose for a single day. — Wang Yu 2.一年之计,莫如树谷;十年之计,莫如树木;终身之计...
But what had happened? 但是发生了什么事? Some one had blundered. 有人犯了错。 Starting from her musing she gave meaning to words which she hadheld meaningless in her mind for a long str...
As spring came on, a new set of amusements became the fashion, and the lengthening days gave long afternoons for work and play of all sorts. — 随着春天的到来,一系列新的娱乐方式流行起来,白天变长,给了很长的下午来做各...
I 我 THE Superintendent said to me: “I only keep you out of regard for your worthy father; — 我的上司对我说:“我只是考虑到你尊敬的父亲才留着你; — but for that you would have been sent flying long ago...
YOU, COCHRANE, WHAT CITY SENT FOR HIM? 你,科克兰,是哪个城市派他前来的? – Tarentum, sir. – 塔兰图姆,先生。 – Very good. Well? – 很好。继续。 – There was a battle, sir. – 发生了一场战斗,先生。 – Very goo...
The long and narrow peninsula of Malacca, extending south-eastward from the territories of Birmah, forms the most southerly point of all Asia. In a continuous line from that penins...
1.采得百花成蜜后,为谁辛苦为谁甜。——罗隐 1. After gathering the nectar from a hundred flowers, for whom is the hard work and for whom is the sweetness? —— Luo Yin 2.有一分热,发一分光。——鲁迅 2. Give off a l...
关于爱情的精彩格言 1. 爱情不是寻找共同点,而是学会尊重差异。 Love is not about finding similarities, but learning to respect differences. 2. 真正的爱情不仅仅是心动,更是心定。 True love is not just about being infatuated, bu...
If I could have a thousand years–just one little thousand years–more of life, I might, in that time, draw near enough to true Romance to touch the hem of her robe. 如果我能多活一千年,只有一小段时...
1.光景不待人,须叟发成丝。——李白 1. The scene does not wait for people, and in the blink of an eye, hair turns to silk. ——Li Bai 2.三更灯火五更鸡,正是男儿读书时。黑发不如勤学早,白发方悔读书迟。——颜真卿 2. At three o’clock th...