THE LURE OF THE MATERIAL–BEAUTY SPEAKS FOR ITSELF 物质的诱惑–美丽本身就在说话。 The true meaning of money yet remains to be popularly explained and comprehended. — 金钱的真正含义尚未被广泛解释和理解。 — W...
1、合理安排时间,就等于节约时间。 ——培根 1. To manage one’s time well is to save time. —— Bacon 2、盛年不重来,一日难再晨。及时宜自勉,岁月不待人。——陶渊明 2. The prime of life will not come again, and a day will not have a...
Returning from a hunting trip, I waited at the little town of Los Pinos, in New Mexico, for the south-bound train, which was one hour late. — 从狩猎之旅归来,我在新墨西哥州的小镇洛斯皮诺斯等候南行的火车,火车晚点了一个...
URBANE, TO COMFORT THEM, THE QUAKER LIBRARIAN PURRED: 文明,为了安慰他们,这位贵格派图书管理员咕噜咕噜地说: – And we have, have we not, those priceless pages of Wilhelm Meister? — – 而且我们有,难能可贵的威廉·迈斯特的那...
Only on the lower East Side of New York do the houses of Capulet and Montagu survive. — 只有在纽约的下东区,Capulet家和Montagu家的房子得以保存。 — There they do not fight by the book of arithmetic. ...
1、你问我爱你值比值得,其实你应该知道,爱就是不问值不值得。1. You ask if I love you, whether it’s worth it. In fact, you should know that love is about not questioning whether it’s worth it or not. 2、替别人做点事,...
AN artist called Yegor Savvitch, who was spending his summer holidays at the house of an officer’s widow, was sitting on his bed, given up to the depression of morning. — 一个名叫叶戈尔·...
1.无父何怙,无母何恃?——《诗经》 2. A father should be a broad-minded friend. —— Charles Dickens 2.父亲,应该是一个气度宽大的朋友。——狄更斯 3. Father’s love is like water. —— Maxim Gorky 3.父爱是水。——高尔基 4. A fa...
“The offender’s sorrow brings but small relief To him who wears the strong offence’s cross.” — “罪犯的懊悔只能给戴上重罪十字架的人带来微薄的安慰。” — –SHAKESPEARE: Sonnets. –莎士比亚:十四行诗。 I am sorry to ...
For some remarkable reason, ghostly legends were uncommonly rife, about this time, among the servants on Legree’s place. 不可思议的是,在那个时候,莱格利庄园的仆人中流传着大量幽灵传说。 It was whisperingly as...