I WAS JUST PASSING THE TIME OF DAY WITH OLD TROY O THE D.M.P. at the corner of Arbour hill there and be damned but a bloody sweep came along and he near drove his gear into my eye....
[Stage] Enter Tranio as Lucentiomerchant booted and dressed like Vincentio 特兰尼奥(伪装成鲁森修)与商人一起进入,商人穿着像文森特奇奥一样。 Tranio(特兰尼奥) [as Lucentio] Sir, this is the house. Please it yo...
Mrs. Elsing cocked her ear toward the hall. — 埃尔辛女士将耳朵朝着走廊侧过去。 — Hearing Melanie’s steps die away into the kitchen where rattling dishes and clinking silverware gave promise of ...
A SALE of flowers was taking place in Count N.‘s greenhouses. — 在N伯爵的温室里举行了一次花卉的拍卖会。 — The purchasers were few in number—a landowner who was a neighbor of mine, a young timber-...
New York, November 纽约,十一月 Dear Marmee and Beth, 亲爱的妈妈和贝丝, I’m going to write you a regular volume, for I’ve got heaps to tell, though I’m not a fine young lady traveling on t...
1.你在希望中享受到的乐趣,比将来实际享受的乐趣要大得多。 1. The pleasure you enjoy in hope is much greater than the actual enjoyment in the future. 2.有理想在的地方,地狱就是天堂。 2. Where there is an ideal, hell becom...
When the last good-by had been said and the last sound of wheels and hooves died away, Scarlett went into Ellen’s office and removed a gleaming object from where she had hidden it ...
It is Mrs. Higgins’s at-home day. Nobody has yet arrived. — 这是希金斯夫人在家的日子,还没有人到达。 — Her drawing-room, in a flat on Chelsea embankment, has three windows looking on the river; — 她...
THE little town of B——, consisting of two or three crooked streets, was sound asleep. — B市是一个只有两三条弯曲街道的小镇,此刻安静得像是进入了沉睡。 — There was a complete stillness in the motionless air. —...
1.谦虚是学习的朋友,自满是学习的敌人。 1. Modesty is the friend of learning, and complacency is its enemy. 2.真正的谦虚只能是对虚荣心进行了深思以后的产物。——柏格森 2. True modesty can only be the product of deep reflectio...